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Craziest Thing That's Happened to YOU on the TTC?


Jan 4, 2005
-A black guy tried to pick a fight with me once. The other passengers told me to shut up, but I didn't take his shit. It almost came to being physical, but nothing happened.

-A beggar was asking for food, and one young girl got very emotional. She gave him her McDonald's bag with food, plus some money. Then she moved to the other end.

-A couple of times I stepped in vomit.

-Several drunk/crazy people who shouted, acted strange.

-Train stopped for long periods (quite frequently).

I'm glad I have a car now!


Apr 24, 2005
You guys aren't going to believe this. It was early Winter many moons ago. I was standing in front of the far doors (the ones that don't open) inside this subway car. A tall beautiful woman wearing a beautiful long fur coat slowly approaches me. She asks: "Do you think this is a beautiful coat?" Then she opens the front of the coat to reveal that she was frontally nude.


Apr 24, 2005
a 1 player said:
Lucky bastard!
Not really that lucky because the unveiling was pretty quick so I didn't get much of a look plus the surprise factor meant I didn't focus properly. After she closed up, she said: "Pretty nice, eh." Then she disappeared into the crowd. I wonder if she did that just to tease guys. Like waving a surloin steak in front of a starving man.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
There was a guy bare chested in a santa clause hat going from car to car doing push ups being loud and obnoxious! Also he tried every morning to get on city tv posing in the glass window!


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Aden said:
Funny Story: I witnessed a decent-sized man in his 30's or 40's getting beaten up in the subway by three teenage girls. The man complained about one of the girls holding the door open for her friends. The quarelling turned physical. The cops came. The man charged the teenage girls with assault. heheh It was quite the scene.

Sad Story: My first few months in Toronto I was riding the subway and had left my Field Hockey Team sweater behind. About a year later I was coming out of the subway and saw a homeless guy about my age wearing my sweater. I knew it was mine because it had my last name, number, and nick-name on it. I told him I liked his sweater and asked if he played field hockey. We then had a half hour talk about how he ended up on the street, over a nice meal at McDonalds. I left him with a $50 gift certificate and $20 then went home and cried for about an hour. Here, homeless people are treated like garbage! That is not how they treat less fortunate people where I am from. Anyway, since that night two years ago, I give a $10 McDonalds gift card to a homeless person every week.. Its better than cash because you know they will at least get a meal or two out of it.
Very True about the homeless here. I've been buying a meal-a-weak for a homeless guy for a few years now. What they really want, I find, is just to be talked to a little bit, to be shown a bit of compassion, to be given a bit of the dignity that's every persons due.

I tell you what, anytime I read a blurb in one of those self-congratulatory reports you seem to see only on the CBC about how 'compassionate' Canadians are, blah, blah, blah, I just want to puke. People here are anything but that, the way we treat these poor unfortunates, who perhaps just took one blow too many in their lives from which they weren't able to recover. This ignorant city with its ignorant administration spends north of $200 million A YEAR on the problem, most for well fed bureaucrats who wouldn't be caught dead actually mingling with some of the people I've talked to....that budget would pay the rent and a living allowance for over 20,000 people every year until they got the help that they needed to get out of their situations. Anyway, with the weather we've got in this country, proper shelter during the winter months at least, borders on being a human right. Instead, in Canada we make sure that snivel servants are well fed and properly tended, at the expense of practically everyone else.


New member
May 29, 2005
I'll never forget this. I tried being a responsible commuter and took the subway one for a year instead of driving. [Disclaimer: some of my best friends are east Indian] Anyways, one time an Indian guy (in his twenties I guess) sat next to me and I was one of those ipod-wearing/ book reading guys who tried to mind his own business. He started pushing his elbow into my ribs (to fight for more chair room?! I dunno). I looked at him in disbelief; I couldn't believe it. And then I realised the insanity of the situation. If I said or did something to him in that silent packed subway car, no matter what I say, I come off as the "crazy guy". Needless to say I don't take the subway anymore, due to the many miserable things about it.


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
Witnessed a suicide in the subway one morning. Was standing waiting for the train, reading. Heard someone yelling on the other side. Looked over, lady is yelling and pointing into the tracks. I look down the tracks and there's a man standing there. Just then the train comes in and thump. Game over.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
Rockslinger said:
Not really that lucky because the unveiling was pretty quick so I didn't get much of a look plus the surprise factor meant I didn't focus properly. After she closed up, she said: "Pretty nice, eh." Then she disappeared into the crowd. I wonder if she did that just to tease guys. Like waving a surloin steak in front of a starving man.

When I was 17 years old I got onto a subway car where there was only one woman sitting in the car. I sat accross from her about 15 feet away. As the train started to move, she put her legs up on the single seat in front of her and opened up her legs and parted her pussy, she played with herself and started at me through her dark sunglasses. I suspect that she was out to look for an innocent looking young man and give hime the thrill ( or fright ) of his life. I was shocked and did not know what to do. I looked away and turned beet red. She only put her legs down as we came to the next station and there were people that were on the platform. She exited at the next stop.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
I once saw a homeless guy wearing some chick's field hockey sweater selling McDonalds gift certificates for half price ...

lol ... just kidding Aden ... you truly are a hooker with a heart of gold :)
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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
thick1 said:
Not a crazy incident, about 14 yrs back I was about to walk onto subway car when Liza Fromer(when she was still on weather network) walked out of car. She actually made eye contact with me and checked me out!

A few yrs ago when she was on BT, I was walking to movie theatres on Queen st near Much Music building in afternoon when I noticed a hot looking blonde waiting for a cab. As I was approaching (recognized it was her)and was about to pass her , I could see that she was checking me out again!

Its because you are still wearing that tin foil hat so that the CIA does not read your mind!:eek:


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I don't live in Toronto so I seldom take the subway, but one time many years ago I was on my way from Yorkville station to downtown and the train stopped with a lurch between stations. The car the filled up with smoke and people started getting a wee bit nervous. Then the car started again, crept along to the next station, doors opened and TTC personnel came onboard telling everyone to get off. Well, no shit.

Never saw any flames or anything like that and there wasn't anything in the news about it the next day. Still, it was more than a bit un-nerving to imagine what it would have been like inside a burning subway car jammed to capacity.


Out-Call Escort Agency
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Jan 12, 2003
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Ladyraven said:
I am surprised that non of the women have said anything about being groped .. I have been groped many times on the subway...
was it you ????
Age 17 I was masturbated on by an older man on the TTC when it was very busy. Very distrubing.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
eldoguy said:
There was a guy bare chested in a santa clause hat going from car to car doing push ups being loud and obnoxious! Also he tried every morning to get on city tv posing in the glass window!
I've seen that guy too.

He's well known. I've even seen him doing his thing in February on the corner of Eglinton and Scarlette Road in Etobicoke.
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