Vaughan Spa

Crappy Drivers!


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
So I am sedately driving down Speedvale Avenue this afternoon, heading to go see my chiropractor. All is good. Until some farker decides that stopping for a red light before turning is highly unneccesary. The road coming up the this intersection is perfectly flat, so it is not like i came up over a rise and suprised him, he just decided to turn, right into the side of my car. I slam on the brakes when I note he is not going to stop. The guy behind me, swerves around me....narrowly missing rear ending me. But if I had to choose between being rear ended or being t-boned.....rear ended wins. I lay on my horn, the guy stops, and actually bumps into my car (very light impact), throws his car in reverse and drives away! All I could tell you is it is a new model Pontiac Grand Am, Silver. Discussed it with the car's owner and decided since there was so little damage, it was pointless to report it. There was a small chip on the passenger door. get a bit of snow and everyone forgets how to drive.

Then later tonight I went out to Zhers to pick up some groceries. And I see the exact accident I narrowly missed take plac just 3 cars ahead of me. The car who did not make the stop actaully spun around 3 times after impacting the other car. I stopped, as I am trained in First Aid to assist those involved. But what a bad day. I swear I may never drive again!



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002

I can relate. About a month ago I'm approaching an intersection and some guy turns onto my street, cutting off the corner and nearly side swipping me. I slam on the brakes, lay on the horn, and the next thing I know he has turned around and is trying to chase me down the street. Unbelievable. Fortunately he got bored after a few blocks. Guess it's good I didn't give him the finger.

Something else about drivers that drives me nuts. I'm on the freeway the other day, early afternoon, fully expecting traffic to be light. and all of a sudden we grind to a halt. 30 minutes later I finally pass the cause, two cars in a very minor fender bender blocking the right lane, when there was plenty of room to pull over to the side. The only problem I could see with the lead car was a broken tail light. What are these people waiting for? A forensics unit to show up and draw a chaulk line around their cars? Yeesh.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
I drive a rig and see this crap every day and it makes me wonder who the hell thinks our current driving testing program is good enough? With Dalton McF@#K nuts running around passing laws on stuff as arcane as Sushi, why isn't there an intelligent dialogue on driver training, licensing and speed limits in this province????


Horny and Broke
Feb 15, 2004
I once saw an old lady turn right onto Bayview the same way. She almost hit and cut off a firetruck with it's lights flashing and sirens going. She drove for the next 5 blocks at 40km/hr and turned right onto another street. I don't think she knew the firetruck was there the whole time.

Me and my friend were laughing our heads off at first, but then I wondered if the people were o.k. where the fire was.

Emma22, always carry a disposable camera in your car. You could have caught this guy with a leaving the scene of an accident charge.

Barelythere, I agree. We need to educate the drivers. If someone loses a few demerit points they should go to drivers education.

Our system now is only making money for the insurance companies.

Don't even start on the gas prices. I feel for you on this one Barelythere. How are the truck drivers supposed to make money these days!!


Oct 20, 2001
parts unknown
Some people just shouldn't be on the road. Yesterday I'm coming home and there is this guy backing out of his drive way. He's not looking back. I wait until he is on the road to honk the bastard and then he looks around all surprised. The stupid bastard lives on my street as well. Imagine now how this idiot would drive on the road.

Gord's Bro

I swear these bloody drivers take the attitude, "The laws only take effect if there are other cars on the road."

Case in point the other day: Travelling through a residential subdivision I notice that the car ahead han't stopped for any of three stop signs in a row. At fourth sign, hits his brakes but, when the driver from the cross street is too slow to move ahead, he (actually may have been a she), charges through.

Also how many times have you stopped at a stop sign and, lo and behold, the car behind comes right through with you?

Are these idiots finding their licences in Cracker Jack boxes?

G's B.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Driving along a major highway doing 115 and 2 cars ahead in the middle lane the guy comes to a stop and then goes right so he can get to the off ramp, cars all over trying to avoid this IDIOT, luckily no accidents or anything just pissed drivers, Where do these people get their licences anyway.


Oct 14, 2003
Revenge is a meal best served cold.

It is 8:30 and dark.

Dude passes me on the passenger side using the bus loading zone and the merge lane on the other side of the intersection. It is one of those that are so close that your heart is in your throat and you KNOW its going to be bad.

Guess what? The Son of a female dog made it.

I could not believe my luck that he was going to within 2 blocks of where I was going. He entered a grocery store lot, I turned the corner and went in the other way, saw him get out of his van and go into the store. Then I left.

Went to my appt. and was back in the store parking lot in 10 mins. His van is still there. There is also a couple loading thier shopping in the car. No one else is there. They load and leave. Got out of my car, walked directly to his van and kicked the driver's side mirror off of the door, continued walking into the store. Remember I saw him, he has not seen me.

I walk around the store, pick-up a few things, but do not see him. Maybe he is gone already? I get in the check-out and as I am paying I see him. His cart is loaded and he is leaving. I take my time packing my stuff and look at the ads on the board and get a coke from the machine. As I walk by his van, His shopping cart is upside down, he is cursing and swearing, his face is as red as a beet.

I walked to my car got in and left. He did not see my anger and rage, but I saw his.

I have shopped there for many years and there are no security cams in the parking lot. I may not have done that if it was Yorkdale.


I know that I really should delete this and not hit the send button....AWWWW WTF!


Sooo Damn KiSSSable
Apr 23, 2004
it is pretty interesting...

seems like everyone of you who've posted here in anger of other very "stupid" drivers are perfect drivers yourself... mmmm...

nothing personal, but hey! do you really think you are that great on the road? and you never create a dangerous situation while driving?... not when you're tired after long working hours? not when you are driving after a fight with your SO or your boss? not after long sleepless night?.. and you always, always watch your blind spots?/..

can I give you a hug as I don't have a medals to give away for MR/MRS PerfectDriver :p


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
don't claim to be a perfect driver. Hell I think I have accidentally run my share of red lights at 4 in the morning when I wasn't 100% focused on my driving. But I would NEVER drive away from the scene of an accident. My anger is more at the face that he had the audacity to hit me then peal away like a bat out of hades. There are a few people that make you wonder how they got their liscence though. I just recently finally did my test for my full G liscence. Didn't make an grevous errors. But at the then end of it when I was told I passed, I asked the tester if there was anything I needed to work on. I WANT to be a good driver. And I try my best to be so. But people who do stupid things piss everyone off I think. I mean after my near miss I was shakig from fear that I almost got t-boned by someone who didn't seem to even care that he hit me. His concern was himself. I also decided that that was no condition to be driving in, did the smart thing and got off the road. Cause chances are, in that mind set I would have not been paying close enough attention to something. There are lots of times where, if I felt I shouldn't be on the road for whatever reason, that, I just get the heck off of it. As for the suggestion about the disposable camera. It is a good one, I will deinately have to think about putting one in my car.



Horny and Broke
Feb 15, 2004
SSS said:
it is pretty interesting...

seems like everyone of you who've posted here in anger of other very "stupid" drivers are perfect drivers yourself... mmmm...

nothing personal, but hey! do you really think you are that great on the road? and you never create a dangerous situation while driving?... not when you're tired after long working hours? not when you are driving after a fight with your SO or your boss? not after long sleepless night?.. and you always, always watch your blind spots?/..

can I give you a hug as I don't have a medals to give away for MR/MRS PerfectDriver :p
Was that YOU that pulled out in front of the Firetruck?


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
You want to see bad driving (hmmm, dumb ?) just stand in a parking lot and watch the insanely stupid, unthinking things drivers do. And to top it off, most parking lots qualify as private property (i.e. no Highway Traffic Act), so in accident terms it's pretty much 50-50 fault regardless of what occurs.

Years ago at the auto show I picked up pamphlet from police booth that describes what to do in case of accident. It's absolute gold, and I've had to use it a few times and it really helps to calm the situation. Briefly, if car is drivable, get it off road immediately, take particulars from other parties and go to accident reporting center. Get police if undrivable, unsafe or suspicion of criminal activity (intoxicated, stolen).

A disposable camera is ok, but if the camera quality and your photo skills aren't very good plus if your expectation of what the photos will do for you isn't met plus the delay in getting pictures to claims examiner, it all may not work in your favour. Also, you may antagonize other driver. Accident claims form has area for you to describe and draw what happened, which is reviewed immediately by on duty police officer at accident reporting center. The process is pretty good, and fair. The best thing you can do is get to an accident reporting center immediately, as confirmed to be by police officer and the on-site claims examiner.
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