Craiglist - Yay or Nay


New member
Dec 13, 2006
Thanks for all of you that police these ads - but - as a rule - I am assuming the majority if not all are not worth exploring

Can we use this thread as a means to identify any postings on CL that are legit and worth trying - and - or - avoid



New member
Dec 13, 2006
I guess that is one of the problems

First - are the posts / ads even legit

Second - are any of the SP's reputable

It appears that most posts / ads are not legit - in addition - the legitimate ads for the most part are not from reputable SP's.

There are a couple of people here that have done a good job of identifying fake ads - perhaps an easier thing to do might be to just identify the real ads from reputable SP's since that appears to be a much smaller number to manage

Anyways - just a thought and thanks to those for informing the rest of us


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Alexa Taylor said:
What I'm curious about is if Craig's List is just considered another avenue for regular SPs to advertise on now?? And if you happen to stumble upon a well known and reputable SP on there that you hadn't met, would you see her provided she fit the criteria you were looking for? I realize there are women out there who aren't considered pros and that may be a luring feature for some as well as potential diamonds in the rough but what are guys really looking for on CL?
I believe craigslist is a very valuable tool for SP's to advertise in, especially for new girls who may not have an unlimited budget for advertising. The bad parts are the usual scam ads, B@S and people who are not serious and waste our times.

As far as what guys are looking for on CLs, in my dealings with them a cheap lay. I get so many will you do a strip and a hj for $40 emails its sad. And then you get the retards who are pretending to do research but really are trying to befriend the girls as well as the out of towners who are looking for company. It's a mixed bag for sure


Mar 24, 2006
i don't trust any of them, always wait until there is some review or mention of them here or on another SP web site...
Jul 28, 2006
It's always good for a laugh to see the obvious B&S scams, credit card scams etc. I believe it's a useful venue for Indy's or girls just starting out on their own.

I've met a number of gems through CL but that was after careful research and corespondence. Weeding out the scams and agencies posing as indepenants. BTW for the record, there are as many "retard" providers out there as their are clients.

Any provider offended by a client doing research is not worth the time, an informed and slective client= happy client. Consider the time spent coresponding and communicating with prospective clients as the cost of free advertising.

While useful for Indys, it upsets me to see agencies advertising on CL, these agencies get a pretty decent cut from the ladies fee's. That cut is to be put towards marketing and promoting the girls, but if they are advertising on CL where or how are they using that money to market the girls.

For this cowboy it's especialy disturbing when agencies advertise on CL and do not mention the agency aspect, so they look like they are posting as an indy. In my books that deceptive, and just plain wrong.

Like anything in this hobby ya gotta take with a grain of salt, yes it's a craps shoot but occasionaly you do roll snake eyes!

Giddy up

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Alexa Taylor said:

Mediocrity will always attack excellence.
For my part AT. If you could you could use your full face pic that you sent me years ago (no I will not share) you certainly would not have any issues with volume. Been around many a year and your's is still one of the most intriguing.

For my part, if I recognized the woman I might call. However, I found terb in 2005. So many fly-by-nights that if the woman was gorgeous and perhaps real, but unknown I would hesitate.

Hahaha well after my retirement that is.

P.S. Might have sent this in PM, but as they say on Terb... Your box is full. Must be a good sign :rolleyes: Maybe CL is not all that???


Oct 1, 2005
Cowboy Kenny said:
While useful for Indys, it upsets me to see agencies advertising on CL, these agencies get a pretty decent cut from the ladies fee's. That cut is to be put towards marketing and promoting the girls, but if they are advertising on CL where or how are they using that money to market the girls.

For this cowboy it's especialy disturbing when agencies advertise on CL and do not mention the agency aspect, so they look like they are posting as an indy. In my books that deceptive, and just plain wrong.
Couldn't have said it any better...ditto!


New member
Apr 15, 2006
Nay. I won't even bother with CL, and this from a guy who will use the Sun ads when his regulars aren't answering the phone.


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
Alexa Taylor said:
I have to agree. I did a little research on my own with Craig's List. Tons of inquiries but most want to pay $100 for a full hour! I feel I offer a very good service and will not lower my rates. The problem is that CL has become somewhat of a feeding frenzy and men who participate in the hobby seem to gravitate towards that site yet complain that it's no good. So why still support it if finding a gem there is like finding a needle in a haystack? Yes, I admit I've tried posting there but find my ad on E-C is far better with clients actually following through in booking an appointment. I'm all for for trying to expand my advertising but I don't know... It's also a mixed bag for finding people there who are actually serious in meeting.
Grin... I view CL as a window into voyeurism. When it first was pointed out to me, I thought it would be a resource (for legitimate uses, even - like buying a used dishwasher), but it's really bulletin board spam gone wild, compared to what has happened to Usenet Newsgroups.

I read it off-and-on for a laugh, and would never, ever reply to an ad there.



Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Craigslist is a funny place. A year ago it was mostly credit card and identity theft scams. These were pretty easy to spot and the remainder were indies that were fairly new to the business or or just passing through Ottawa. There were some real gems and good deals from a price perspective.

I met a known TO SP advertising on there because she was only in town for a day or two and wanted to generate a little extra traveling money. She offered a discounted rate and we were both happy.

Another I met there has another job and she wanted the fun and excitement of trying something like this but with no where near a full-time commitment. I still see her from time to time but she doesn't advertise anymore and only works once every few months. Still she has a fresh outlook and is excited by the prospect of seeing men every once in a while.

These are the kinds of gems that could be found there in the past, but I'm not sure that's the case anymore. The Ottawa section is full of agency ads, often using fake pictures. Finding a legitimate Indy who is brave enough to post some kind of picture is tough. The end result is that if you do find an ad that looks interesting you have to correspond with them several times, check their IP addresses, search for the posted phone numbers to see if they are affiliated with an agency, and it's best to do this on several different occasions to make sure things stay consistent ( like the photos, phone numbers and IPs supplied in the email)

All in all its a lot of leg work and sometimes SPs get annoyed, or assume that you're not serious if you've sent them an email past and not acted booked an appointment.

Unfortunately this is the price of doing business right now on/with CL. Customers can't tell if the SPs are legitimate and SPs can't tell if the customers are legitimate.

I guess it's hope that keeps customers going there looking the diamond in the rough. As for established professionals I don't think it makes sense for them to advertise there. It's not worth the number of "tire kickers" and frankly makes them look less professional.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
CL experiences

ah, back in the naivete of my youth (like a year ago) CL was the first place I looked: I've had two great experiences, and one bad one; but I still check regularly and consider it a legitimate place to advertise for an SP; the scams are usually easy to pick out anyway.

The bad experience (advertises on the kingston board occaisonally with number ending in 3307 fyi) was an incall, shitty flat but whatever. Alright body, but she was definitely on something. She starts of with a BBJ - fine, I like that.Then I'm lying on my back and she straddles me and starts to sit down, if you know what I mean.

"Oh, a condom" I say
"Uh, I don't have any right now"
my jaw drops
"Why are you worried?" she asks surprised
"Uh, yeah, I am actually"

So she she finishes me off orally, I pay for the half and get the hell out of dodge. The funny thing is, the oral was so damn good (best of my experience) I'd almost go back.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I have another question to ask...Is CL exciting for you maybe because they aren't professionals and they're new and fresh?
For sure, that can a lot of fun. The other side of this from the customer's perspective is that some times the new SPs are so awkward and uncomfortable that it kills the mood.

On more than one occasion I've just spent the time talking with them and having a glass of wine and exchanging some friendly (as opposed to erotic) massages.

For the new SPs I imagine that they run into customers who are not concerned for their state of mind and "want what they want" regardless. I hope those are the exception.

All of these ads with B&S, or promises of services that the SP isn't comfortable providing, or other types of scams, all add to the climate of mistrust between customers and SPs making customers and SPs more likely to be unreasonable when dealing with each other. All in all it makes the business worse for everyone.
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