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Corporate Crap


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Ok need your advice,

We have a company Xmas party coming up.

Now a bunch of girls in the office have asked me and a few other guys if we would be willing to go stag, go with them and leave our spouses at home.

No prob.


Some guys are bringing their spouses, and their spouses know we hang around together and may think the worst when they see the stag bunch.

Already had one or two of my male friends express worry.

I'm beyond male-female bullshit - just want to go and have fun, but would going stag create any hardships for the guys who do bring their wives?


New member
Dec 30, 2002
Unless the stag group are openingly flirting with each other, then no one should get the wrong impression.

However, wives are they may get jealous of the work girls if they seem very slutty.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
How to End a Marriage/Relationship

MH you are playing with dynamite here if you stop and think about it. Your wife/SO meets up with one of the wives who attended after the party and she says to your wife/SO "I was surprised you weren't at the party like I was. MH certainly seemed to be having a good time with X"

Your wife comes home and takes one of two lines of questioning - neither of which are good:

1) Why didn't you invite me to go to the party like so and so? Aren't you proud of me or am I not good enough for the people at your company?

2) What exactly is your relationship with X? So and so told me you were awfully friendly with her at the party? And who else have you been going out with from the office and for how long?

Either way you are in a world of trouble with no easy way out.

Solution either there are no spouses/SOs or you go with yours. Having been there and had tack 1 taken by my wife (now ex) I can tell you either everyone flys solo or you don't. Incidentally I tried telling my wife that I thought she would be bored as everyone would be talking business but her response was "So and So had a good time so why wouldn't I"


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Skip the stag and have a TERB party. Invite the girls from work.

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
The best company parties I was at were the ones where there were no SO's. And it was the women who were the wildest! I'm talking table dances, and snow angels! Total anarchy, except there were no marital vows broken. We all just had a really great times (at least the parts I remember)!

Unfortunately, once the SO's start to come, the party dies down, as everyone has to behave themselves. There's just no easy way out of it. You must invite your spouse, or suffer the consequences.

Now, you can try to ignore your wife all night, in hopes that she'll pass on the party next year, but she might still want to go, plus you'll be in the doghouse for ignoring her.:(

Your best bet may be to organize a separate, no SO's party, by invitation only. That way you don't have to worry about anyone ratting you out!


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
No problem me

Problem not with my wife... shall we say not going great and I have moved on but still living under same roof.

I have no prob going with the bunch.

My only worry is the guys that I go drinking with... their wives know I'm married and I hang out with their husbands... don't want to get their husbands in shit.

It was pure innocent fun anyway... nothing serious, but drift I am getting is stay away... may make life difficult for someone.

Have a solution.... will just say I had to work late.

Thanks for the advice.

Although I hate to miss an opportunity to live on the edge.


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Glad I did not go

All I heard at work the day was the behaviour of the the folks that went spouse-less - that I would have been with.

I would have been the worst.

This is worse than high school.
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