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Contact Etiquette For Repeat Clients


Aug 29, 2013
So I've been seeing a couple of SP's for quite some time now, and have mostly been formal in my contact. But recently tried to be more interpersonal in an attempt to spice things up. Basically adding a few insinuating details and trying to be more flirty/sensual. Now I'm not writing essays of detail, but its definitely longer than your standard "Date/Time" type of email. The response is only given when followed up on, and cuts right to the chase, understandably. I totally understand that things may be happening in their personal lives so they may not 'play along' but I then later bring it up in person to which it gets laughed off but never addressed "nah nah its fine"... So I'm stuck not knowing if its something bad or good. I remain confused because when I made first contact details were welcomed.

Is it inappropriate to insinuate details of the date via email?

Should I stick to just the formal "Date/Time See you soon" type of contact?

If any SPs could share their thoughts that would be greatly appreciated.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Is it possible there's actually another person handling her texts and communications?


Aug 29, 2013
I think you need a bit more detail for us to understand. Personally I'd rather not have clients send me long scenarios or flirty messages instead of booking and catching up in person. It also depends on how busy she is and how many other people are messaging her. Are you sending anything really graphic or really flirty/needy?
I definitely don't send graphic details, I find that creepy tbh lol. If its a scenario, its not really long and its not details of what i'm gonna do, but rather it addresses my requests (wardrobe, pacing etc). I keep it as short, classy, and respectful as possible. I'm not really great at flirting tbh so I dont imagine its that flirty. It makes sense that you mention you would just like the formalities, I just thought that because of our comfort that being formal was too uptight and that emailing like this could serve as a sort of foreplay.

I guess I'll stop then. I just wish they'd say something if it was really an issue. I'm a long time client so its not like I'll take it personally lol.

Is it possible there's actually another person handling her texts and communications?
I know 100% they handle their own emails and messages. Its usually obvious when someone else is handling and I've had very brief personal exchanges.


New member
Aug 2, 2018
I definitely don't send graphic details, I find that creepy tbh lol. If its a scenario, its not really long and its not details of what i'm gonna do, but rather it addresses my requests (wardrobe, pacing etc). I keep it as short, classy, and respectful as possible. I'm not really great at flirting tbh so I dont imagine its that flirty. It makes sense that you mention you would just like the formalities, I just thought that because of our comfort that being formal was too uptight and that emailing like this could serve as a sort of foreplay.

I guess I'll stop then. I just wish they'd say something if it was really an issue. I'm a long time client so its not like I'll take it personally lol.

I know 100% they handle their own emails and messages. Its usually obvious when someone else is handling and I've had very brief personal exchanges.
Sounds like the lady is only wanting her standard level interaction during your time with her. The very "business" oriented ladies will only want to discuss role playing during your visit and if she is not allowing you to communicate with her about the "other" things you wish to incorporate, you should just move on. I've had this many times before and trust me when I say, if the lady thinks or suspects you want something more involved (even if paid) and she is not comfortable with it ... you should just move on. I attempted to shelf an adventurous proposition given to a SP (that I had seen numerous times) after discussing it and the next couple of sessions felt like I was spending time with a wife who said she had forgiven me for cheating when in reality she hadn't.


Aug 29, 2013
If the providers you are seeing are not receptive to this... my only guess is that it either seems high maintenance and stresses them out/gives them anxiety or they're just too busy and just don't address it. Some regulars become more fun and easier as time goes on, some regulars become more work and want more special treatment, free talking, more elaborate scenarios, make demands etc. Try seeing it from her perspective maybe.
Yea I guess it could be all of the above. I never wanted to come off as any of those things and I'll never ask for special treatment either. Imo that ruins interactions more than anything else. I gather I should stick to the formalities and apologize if this is how they might have taken it. I just wish I got a direct response just telling me if its too much. But I'll be sure to bring this up next time I see them, in a comfortable and appropriate way of course. lol

Sounds like the lady is only wanting her standard level interaction during your time with her. The very "business" oriented ladies will only want to discuss role playing during your visit and if she is not allowing you to communicate with her about the "other" things you wish to incorporate, you should just move on. I've had this many times before and trust me when I say, if the lady thinks or suspects you want something more involved (even if paid) and she is not comfortable with it ... you should just move on. I attempted to shelf an adventurous proposition given to a SP (that I had seen numerous times) after discussing it and the next couple of sessions felt like I was spending time with a wife who said she had forgiven me for cheating when in reality she hadn't.
I understand what you mean, however it seems you're referring to the in-person interaction(?). That has never been a problem, its just the emailing/contacting I'm referring to. Though I will move on from trying to approach things this way. I too tried giving personalized gifts and offers of adventures, not to get a response btw, but genuinely because they've gone the extra mile for me in our interactions so I wish to reciprocate. But maybe thats the part that seems 'needy' even though I'm not trying to push it on them. Maybe they just feel that way because of the way I'm presenting it.

The answer seems too simple, "just stop if they're not interested." But my issue is I'm not being told if its a problem but yet it seems like it is. So I want to know from other peoples perspective if its something this happens, and if its something SP's might feel anxious about dealing with. I don't want to seem negative. I personally adore the ladies I'm talking about, which is why I try to go the extra mile. I just felt that if I'm doing something wrong that they should just tell me.

Well as soon as I have seen a client I always save their phone number in my phone (if they leave me a number) or i just make sure to share them as a contact via my email, that way they can just me like "hey Vio!! I was wondering if I could see you on **date** at **time**. Talk soon!" and we just plan something (although I still need the same amount of notice, min. 4 hour, 24-48 is ideal.)

After screening I'm very informal with booking with my regs/ returning clients, but not everyone is like that and some providers have booking agents so they may be a bit more formal when they book.
I know they don't have booking agents for sure. But once again it dawns on me that I should just stick to the formal approach. I guess doing too much, even though it may seem good, can be really bad. I enjoy surprising them with the gift customized for them specifically, and I do get a sense of excitement from them. Though it just seems like I have to chase them down to even give it to them lol! But I guess thats just a sign that doing too much is, again, really bad.
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