Computer Help ....


Jul 7, 2002
Hard drive is pretty well done ... on the old 233MHz P1. Was wondering if any of the following options would work or be the best option?

a. Change the controller and purchase new IDE HD at higher capacity;

b. Saw an adapter that may allow me to physically be able to connect a new IDE HD at higher capacities than the P1 would be capable of using, well atleast that is what I was told. Does this work?

c. Just buy a used 8-10 Gig drive.

I know option d, as in buy a new system is the best but I just want it around on the network.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
The P! should see the larger drive. BUT is unable to let you use it.

say you purchase a 40 gig
you will end up with 40, ONE GIGABYTE partitions.
Yes everyone is true on what they are saying. It is basically the bios on the motherboard that see the hard drive and it sizes. You may want to look up the Motherbard (Mainboard) manafacture and go to their website and see if they have an update for the bios revision (IE. Rev 1.00 - 1.06 etc etc) on their site listed. It might me diffucult becuase it is pretty old but most manafuctures have most of thier stuff still avaliable if not email them and they will send you the file that you need. But again even with the new bios update that also may be restricted to see only a certain size of the hard drive. All I have to say try it and if if works you are ok.

Doing a bios update you MUST get the right update for your mainboard. Usually on the board it tell you what make and the model/serial number.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts