Comparing Canadian pride to that of the Nazis


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
This is old news. There's already a huge thread about it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Actually, once you get past the Berlin comparison—which was a taste-error meant to provoke, and it did—it seemed his experience was pretty much in line with what I could see on TV. Only we liked it; it was our show. All he's really saying is, "You invited all the rest of us to your party then spent the whole time ignoring us, and shilling for each other. Some fun!"

Grown-ups understand that not everyone sees the world the same way, and no one who puts on any sort of prideful demonstration should be at all surprised if those who aren't part of the boasting group don't share in 'the fun'. Don't like how it looked to him? Be more inclusive next time. Shooting messengers—no matter how nasty—is the fool's response.

I hope you spell better when leaving your comments on his site; he already thinks we're self-promoting loudmouths, we could pretend to be literate at least.
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