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Comedy Gold: Feminists Ban Clapping Because it Triggers 'Anxiety'!


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Organisers at a National Union of Students Women’s Conference have asked that those attending the event use ‘jazz hands’ instead of clapping, because it is ‘triggering anxiety’.

Nona Buckley-Irvine, a general secretary at the London School of Economics Students’ Union (LSE SU), was reported as saying that ‘jazz hands are used throughout NUS in place of clapping as a way to show appreciation of someone’s point without interrupting or causing disturbance, as it can create anxiety.’

So clapping is to be replaced with a mute form of applause. What I want to know is whether this fear of clapping among British students (which presumably reflects a broader fear of loud noises and big groups of people) extends to other events, such as club nights, music festivals and protests. If so, it really is a dreadful affliction. Having said that, I’d be willing to bet quite a bit of money that the ‘jazz handers’ will have recovered by the time Glastonbury swings round.



WOMEN attending a feminist conference were told to use jazz hands rather than applause to express approval – because it "triggers anxiety".

Organisers at the National Union of Students Women's Conference made the request after some delegates reported feeling anxious during audience applause.

The NUS Women's Campaign tweeted from its official account: "Some delegates are requesting that we move to jazz hands rather than clapping, as it's triggering anxiety. Please be mindful!"

The original request was made by students from Oxford University.

Another delegate wrote online: "Can we not clap? Pretty anxious and its putting me on edge also distracting."

But clapping was not the only behaviour that caused problems for attendees at the Solihull event.

One claimed that MURMURING was "making things inaccessible", leading the NUS to issue an edict banning "chat" and "whooping".

Twitter users reacted with hilarity, with one posting: "You should just ban any outward expression of approval."

SE Students' Union women's officer Gee Linford-Grayson said: "Loud clapping and whooping can be intimidating and distracting when you're speaking on stage."

An NUS spokesperson said: "The request was made by some delegates attending the conference.

"We strive to make NUS events accessible and enjoyable for all, so each request is considered."

telling men how to take a piss

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

not only clapping trigger anxiety "choice" feminism. women living thier own lives is threatening feminism

However, there are more insidious and less obvious threats. These dangers hide in plain sight, and come partly in the form of a version of feminism known as “choice feminism”.
This term is used to refer to a common phenomenon, whereby the language of liberation, taken from feminist political theory, is turned on its head and used against women. Choice feminism can be found particularly in media representations of what feminism is and what women’s empowerment might look like. There is an attempt, unfortunately fairly successful, to reduce feminism to simply being the right for women to make choices. Not choices about whether to stand for parliament, or instigate pay transparency in the office or lead an unemployed worker’s union, or form a women-only consciousness-raising group in their town; far from it.
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