Cold Sores and DFK


Feb 18, 2004
Question. I seen many many many SP and I have never done BBBJ or DFK but lately I've been wanting to but worried about cold sores. I have never had one. More importantly oral herpes. Just wondering if you guys worry about that sort of thing. I hear that you can still get oral herpes or a cold sore even when there is not one there. I'm I worring to much?

stugotsms said:
Question. I seen many many many SP and I have never done BBBJ or DFK but lately I've been wanting to but worried about cold sores. I have never had one. More importantly oral herpes. Just wondering if you guys worry about that sort of thing. I hear that you can still get oral herpes or a cold sore even when there is not one there. I'm I worring to much?

It's estimated that 80% of the adult population has oral herpes HSV-I, if you have NEVER had a cold sore then you likely don't have it. The Herpes viruses integrate with the DNA and are only transmissable when they go into an active cycle. Very few people are asymptomatic when Herpes is active, but there are a very small amount.
There are many ways to get HSV, that is why it is so common. Cold sore is a sure fire sign that there is a person with active HSV, lack of a cold sore means one of three things. Not active/transmissible, not have HSV-I, asymptomatic.... in that order. Again asymptomatic is a VERY small group, but possible.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
If you see a sore on their lips, especially if it's an open sore, run, do not stop, forget DFK or BBBJ.
I could be wrong, but I play on the safe side.
Mia.Colpa said:
If you see a sore on their lips, especially if it's an open sore, run, do not stop, forget DFK or BBBJ.
I could be wrong, but I play on the safe side.
Cold sore = take the day off.... or at last no dlf/lfk/lk or oral (depending who has the sore)
Unless the person already knows they have HSV already, i.e. you have had cold sores.


New member
Aug 26, 2006
hrndg said:
my advice .....DON'T KISS PROSTITUTES!

Do you know how 80% of the population gets first exposed to oral herpes / cold-sores?

I'm not joking about this. Straight from lots of research:


Genetal Herpes is another matter. But 25% of the population has been exposed to it and has it.

At one time in the past they blamed it for some long term complication, but that turned out to be due to something else. At the moment they don't know of any long term complications for healthy adults. (Newborns are a different matter alltogether). Testing and treatments are solely to control symptoms -- so it's only done for people whose symptoms are annoying enough that it needs to be done. That and perhaps preventing transmission to a loved one. Of course there's a 50% chance that either you or your loved one has genetal herpes already.

Good lord they try hard to scare the hell out of people in high-school, don't they?


East end Hobbiest
If you're worried about herpes of any kind, then the hobby (or life for that matter) is not for you.

I've never had a cold sore (that I am aware of ... maybe as a child, but I don't recall) so I've either been incredibly lucky, immune, or totally asymptomatic (is this one of the STDs that are tested for in a standard STI test set? I don't recall seeing it there now that I think about it) ... but like a few others have pointed out, the odds are that I have it, or will get it, so I worry about it about the same as I worry about getting a cold, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol ... avoid obvious danger situations but if I get it I will deal with it.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Cold sores are contagious when the sore is present on the mouth in either its blister form or a scab when the blister has dried up. Don't touch the sore! That's how the virus transfers.

If there is no sore/ blister/ scab on the face then the carrier will not transmit the virus. So you can kiss.


May 27, 2005
oagre said:
Cold sores are contagious when the sore is present on the mouth in either its blister form or a scab when the blister has dried up. Don't touch the sore! That's how the virus transfers.

If there is no sore/ blister/ scab on the face then the carrier will not transmit the virus. So you can kiss.
not quite... its transmitted when the carrier is shedding the virus....if theres a cold sore there you know for certain they are shedding. BUT some can shed the virus without any visible signs... some are Asymptomatic


New member
Aug 26, 2006
This might be a good time to mention the following.

Bloodwork and Testing

TONS of people (everyone I've ever met actually) just assume that when they get "a physical" that the blood tests test for everything possible that can be tested. Thus they assume that "they're clean".

NO STD TESTS AT ALL are included in standard physical bloodwork.

Here's another important tidbit. Even if you specifically ask for STD tests with your doctor, they may NOT test for everything. You see, the tests for some STDs are more expensive than the cures. And they won't bother giving you the treatment/cure unless you show symptoms. Years back (before I took up the hobby, thus at the time I would be classified as very low risk (was just starting to date a new GF, wanted to be safe) ) when I asked about this stuff with my family doctor -- he only had me tested for Hepatitis and HIV.


Oh yeah -- one other really important thing. Does *everyone* here have their twinrix?? ( This is a must have if you're hobbying. My GP strongly suggested it BEFORE I was hobbying, just because I had company medical insurance that would pay for it. Apparently they're administering it to all teenagers nowdays.

PS: Although the wikipedia page mentions only A and B, remember that C is rarely passed sexually - it's mostly via injection drug use - and D never travells by itself, it almost always follows A or B (I forget which).


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Mongrel4u said:
not quite... its transmitted when the carrier is shedding the virus....if theres a cold sore there you know for certain they are shedding. BUT some can shed the virus without any visible signs... some are Asymptomatic
Just a sec. The virus replicates itself by spreading and that's why it forms a nice, juicy, oozing, itchy, sloppy sore that rubs off on anything/ everything it touches. If there's no sore - or afterscab - then how does it transmit??

A lot of people have the virus and are asymptomatic or ony occasionally symptomatic. If asymptomatic people transmit wouldn't the infection rate be close to 100%??

A couple of very popular Russian sp's a few years ago had cold sores and worked through the open sore period. If even non-touching the infected area would spread the sore, wouldn't we ALL be virus-infected now? Most of the guys on the outcall board probbaly ended up seeing those girls or seeing girls who had been with guys who had been with those girls, etc.


New member
Aug 26, 2006
oagre said:
If there's no sore - or afterscab - then how does it transmit??

It's a virus. It's *really* damn small. So small it just passes straight through thin layers of skin and mucous membranes. HIV is a virus. No sores involved at all in that one.

Of course sores and open wounds etc etc make both of them a ton easier to pass along. But they aren't necessary.

oagre said:
If asymptomatic people transmit wouldn't the infection rate be close to 100%??
The HIV infection rate isn't 100% And that's because even though it's *possible* to pass it on when there are no sores, it doesn't happen nearly as often or as easily.

oagre said:
A couple of very popular Russian sp's a few years ago had cold sores and worked through the open sore period. If even non-touching the infected area would spread the sore, wouldn't we ALL be virus-infected now? Most of the guys on the outcall board probbaly ended up seeing those girls or seeing girls who had been with guys who had been with those girls,
Read everything in the link that Miss Brazil posted. Including the one result that showed 50% of regular women (non-SP/hobbyers, which means way less condom use) who have had more than 10 partners have had Herpes vs 5% who have had only 1 partner in their life.

And I'll repeat what one other very insightful person said earlier in this discussion.

If the possibility of getting an STD (especially the less lethal ones like herpes) bothers you, this hobby isn't for you.

Of course as the above study shows - if the possibility of getting herpes bothers you - don't have sex with any good looking popular women who may have slept with more than 5 or 10 men in their lives :D

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
edgeck said:
Read everything in the link that Miss Brazil posted. Including the one result that showed 50% of regular women (non-SP/hobbyers, which means way less condom use) who have had more than 10 partners have had Herpes vs 5% who have had only 1 partner in their life.
It should also be pointed out that herpes can be spread even while using condoms, even if that condom does not break.


New member
Jun 17, 2006
BBBJ are high risk for some sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis and herpes. These are both for the person performing and receiving.

As far as I'm concerned, any SP advertising BBBJ is off my list. I have no interest in contracting anything. Here's the part I have to laugh at - guys seem to want both DFK and BBBJ. Think about that. Not only could you get syphilis from the SP, but you could get the same fluids that infected her from the last guy's BBBJ, in your mouth.

I love BBBJ just as much as the next guy, but I'm more likely to limit the activity to someone I've seen for a long time, and who I know does not regularly practice the activity and definately does not advertise the service.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
HappyHobbyist said:
BBBJ are high risk for some sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis and herpes. These are both for the person performing and receiving.
Don't forget chlamydia and trich. Ladies should really think about the risk they take with BBBJ, especially about the precum from an infected male as she devours the guy. And maybe they have, they're willing to take the risk for the money.

But as the risk takers have said on here before, those who can't take the risk, cover up, including the ladies.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Viral shedding often occurs prior to symptoms. For example, with the common cold, a person is usually contagious for 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms.

On the other hand, 2-4 days after the onset of symptoms, colds usually cease being contagious. So you know how someone usually looks and sounds the worst about a week into a cold? Actually, there's a good chance they're not even contagious then, so go ahead and give them some much needed TLC.

You know what they say:

When you kiss your little honey
and your nose is kinda runny
and you think it's very funny
but it'snot


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