La Villa Spa


Let's give these Jackoffs something else to whine and snivel about,eh...??


The next time we touch...
I can hardly wait...
Filled with great passion...
I anticipate...

Your eyes on mine body...
That you know all too well...
Makes me so very wet...
Mine heated pussy does swell...

Imagining your hardness...
Deeply within...
Words elude me to describe...
I can't even begin...

How can I tell...?
About the one I love so well...?
He does make me melt...
Makes me hotter than Hell...

His touch I do crave...
More than I can contain...
Turning him on is natural...
Arouse him again 'n' again...

Standing before him...
Proud 'n' confident as can be...
We'll see how much...
He can take of being teased...

Batting mine beautiful eyes...
At him watching me...
It's so much fun to flirt with...
Him and tease him endlessly...

Bending over just a bit...
To show a little ass...
His eyes glaze over me...
He rises just as fast...

Rubbing up against him...
Like a pussy on the prowl...
Grip a fistful of his bag...
Nip his neck,make him howl...

He gives me such a teasing...
Smile of great mischief...
Grabs mine tits with both hands...
Shows me I'm his Bitch...

In a flash he throws me...
Sprawled across the bed...
Just as fast he pounces...
Demands I give him head...

I play a little bit...
Pretending hard to get...
He laughs at me and pins...
Mine hands to the bed...

I turn mine head to ignore...
What I know he wants...
He knows I am no bore...
Yet,he teases and he taunts...

Playfully he bites mine ear...
I know he wants to play...
Raising mine hips to his erection...
We'll play this game mine way...

He laughs and says,"Honey...
I thought you liked to play...
You think you are in control...
Not with me and not today"...

"I'll teach your ass a lesson...
For being such a tease...
I'll bend your will and...
Break you in with ease"...

Watch and see,Doc - we'll see whom flaps off first,no...?? *Winks*


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Beautiful Witch said:

However - poetry is not really a thing to be compared... is it...??

All poetry and art is unique...

I have not seen Ref's poems,where are they...??
Poetry, like art is constantly compared. Its dissected and studied to find the meaning and significance for the reader as well as interpreting what the writer wants to communicate. Like art, poetry is personal and can mean different things to different people. These words have a significance for you and that’s great.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
it could become lyrics easily. I can see someone like Skinny Puppy or Gary Numan doing something creative with it.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
I'm just messing with you, BW...I've been sick all week and I'm feeling ornery and mean today...took it out on you - sorry...

your poem doesn't sucketh...I just don't like it that much...but that's the way poetry goes, I suppose...



Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
"How could I tell this exquisite ghost was a devil, wrapped in the guise of my friend?" [more poetic things in a similar vein]

-- Attrition [gothband, projekt records, 1992]

lovely music. this band would probably be the sort of sound you might go for. perhaps, maybe... Lycia [another gothband]

Marilyn Manson could do it justice. he did a great cover of Tainted Love not too long ago.

what was the original question again??


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
CyberGoth said:
it could become lyrics easily. I can see someone like Skinny Puppy or Gary Numan doing something creative with it.
Yeesh -- talk about style extremes!

Or has Gary grown 'nads while Skinny mellowed?
That's ok,DenWa - I have too much respect for you,from your posts that I have read,to take real offense to your comment... and I was going to tell you that,however - now's a good time,isn't it...??

Believe it or not DenWa - I have respect for you - although we've never chatted,still,you seem to think above the intellect of most men and I can relate to that and to your cranky mood,I'm getting over a mean cold too...

CyberGoth - the query was "Think so...???" And thanks for leeting me know this,maybe they would contact me...?? I sure as hell would not be able to contact them - not with ease,anyways...!


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
sorry dude. i only listen to there music, i dont actually know skinny puppy and gary numan, but it would be neat one day to party with them. I like musicians, theyre fun.
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