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Cock Cocktail


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Some alternative med-types I read about recommended the following COCKTAIL (pun intended) to help remedy the problem of keeping it up:

3000mg fish oil
3000mg borage oil
1500mg l-arginine

Any of you real MD-types have any comment on the health benefits/risks of this kind of herbal therapy?


New member
Jan 31, 2005
keepitup said:
Some alternative med-types I read about recommended the following COCKTAIL (pun intended) to help remedy the problem of keeping it up:

3000mg fish oil
3000mg borage oil
1500mg l-arginine

Any of you real MD-types have any comment on the health benefits/risks of this kind of herbal therapy?
it works.....the L Arginine is the key ingredient. I have used it for a few years now for excercise tolerance/recovery and when I was reading up on it one of the uses was as a non-medical Viagra type of thing.

It doesnt work for everyone, but when I am taking 2000mg or more in a day I sometimes have a hardon for a few hours, usually in the evening.

Borage and Fish oil are general keep-well components that promote "good cholesterol" production, so I guess that is where those 2 come in.

Try it!


New member
Jan 31, 2005
bigapple said:
I've been looking for L Arginine. Anyone know who stocks it and if there are any brands to recommend.
I get it at any of the "Hoopers Vitamin Stores", or at "Nutrition House" is sometimes behind the counter and you have to ask for it
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