At this time last year a lot of people were watching CNN mainly because of the events of January the 6th. The ratings were high then because CNN was one of the networks that I actually told the truth about what happened that day. If you listened to the Fox network and other right wing media not a whole lot of attention was paid to it. In fact some of them insisted that the people who broke into the capital that day were just tourists going on a tour of the capital building.
I guess some people just wanted the truth so that’s why they tuned in to CNN.
Oh. is that what we're calling it. Truth?
CNN grossly coloured those events to suit their agenda, just like Fox news did.
It was a bunch of people protesting.
A group of those who attended got violent and started rioting. Not unlike the weeks of rioting that happened during Black lives matter protests earlier that summer.
Some rioters decided to destroy property. in this case the congress building. Not unlike the weeks of fires and looting that happened in the black lives matter protests earlier that summer.
It was no more an insurrection, than the riots of the summer against the Law enforcement agencies of the country were an insurrection.
If a group of people wanted to participate in an insurrection, they wouldn't stop to pose for selfies in empty offices, and steal little trinkets from those offices until security came to put an end to it.
Which is what the bulk of those who entered the congress building were doing.
But we'll just keep parotting this insurrection BS that CNN started.