Climate Change


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
Climate change, before that it was called Global warming. Are any of you old enough to remember the "acid Rain" scare of the 1970's and 80's////basically it was saying ontario forests and many lakes in muskoka are dead lakes because of this........then we didnt hear anything...I googled what happened

Remember the big “acid rain” scare during the 1970s and 1980s attributing damage to lakes and forests to emissions from Midwestern utilities? If so, did you ever hear the results of a more than half-billion-dollar, 10-year-long national Acid Precipitation Assessment Program study that was initiated in 1980 to research the matter?

Probably not.

As it turned out, those widespread fears proved to be largely unfounded, since only one species of tree at a high elevation suffered any notable effect, and acidity in lakes was traced to natural causes. The investigating scientists reported that they had “turned up no smoking gun; that the problem is far more complicated than it been thought; that other factors combine to harm trees; and that sorting out the cause-and-effect was difficult and in some cases impossible.”
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Climate change, before that it was called Global warming. Are any of you old enough to remember the "acid Rain" scare of the 1970's and 80's////basically it was saying ontario forests and many lakes in muskoka are dead lakes because of this........then we didnt hear anything...I googled what happened

Remember the big “acid rain” scare during the 1970s and 1980s attributing damage to lakes and forests to emissions from Midwestern utilities? If so, did you ever hear the results of a more than half-billion-dollar, 10-year-long national Acid Precipitation Assessment Program study that was initiated in 1980 to research the matter?

Probably not.

As it turned out, those widespread fears proved to be largely unfounded, since only one species of tree at a high elevation suffered any notable effect, and acidity in lakes was traced to natural causes. The investigating scientists reported that they had “turned up no smoking gun; that the problem is far more complicated than it been thought; that other factors combine to harm trees; and that sorting out the cause-and-effect was difficult and in some cases impossible.”
Don't forget that "hole in the Ozone" fiasco that was supposed to fry us all by now.


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
I posted that because I wonder about all the climate change talk.......I look at Canada the 2nd largest country in the world with a small population. The state of California has our population. Yet we are being taxed for a country that is not producing anywhere near the carbon gases as countries like China and India ...Its all talk in the 1970's they were saying the earth has less then 50 years at this pace of pollution . It seems every generation starts sounding the alarm bells and the world keeps going......In some ways its getting better. I think Lake Ontario is way better then it was in the 60's and 70's....This is all Political


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
One doesn't have to believe in climate change to see
perpetual economic (population) growth to be a threat
to the ecosystem.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I noticed you couldn't be bothered to include a citation which is really easy to do if you googled something.
I can find no mention of your claims on the wiki article which BTW is heavily citationed
What I did find is this
"Overall, the program's cap and trade program has been successful in achieving its goals. Since the 1990s, SO2 emissions have dropped 40%, and according to the Pacific Research Institute, acid rain levels have dropped 65% since 1976.[43][44] Conventional regulation was used in the European Union, which saw a decrease of over 70% in SO2 emissions during the same time period"

There was a problem, they did something, it worked.

Oh and a governmental source for the Wiki is not reliable no matter how many external articles it refers to unless it agrees with me.
You claimed they found there was no issue, doesn't seem so.

Considering the loads of pure bullshit and misleading bullshit that gets randomly posted to the internet I am sure it wouldn't be difficult to find some rando to back up anything. Vaccines will kill you [seriously] the earth is flat, Justin Beiber isn't history's greatest monster.

Even if what you said was true, you are claiming they thought there might be a problem, they looked into it, found there wasn't one and stopped with the worry. Sounds to me like that would be how science should work. They haven't done that with global warming... maybe because they still find it's a problem. I mean fuck what do you expect from the science community.

Also China and India do pollute more but not on a per capita basis [yet] If you have followed any discussion on the topic you would understand that difference.

As for the Ozone hole. For fucks sakes anyone beyond a certain age knows what happened there.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2013
I noticed you couldn't be bothered to include a citation which is really easy to do if you googled something.
I can find no mention of your claims on the wiki article which BTW is heavily citationed
What I did find is this
"Overall, the program's cap and trade program has been successful in achieving its goals. Since the 1990s, SO2 emissions have dropped 40%, and according to the Pacific Research Institute, acid rain levels have dropped 65% since 1976.[43][44] Conventional regulation was used in the European Union, which saw a decrease of over 70% in SO2 emissions during the same time period"

There was a problem, they did something, it worked.

Oh and a governmental source for the Wiki is not reliable no matter how many external articles it refers to unless it agrees with me.
You claimed they found there was no issue, doesn't seem so.

Considering the loads of pure bullshit and misleading bullshit that gets randomly posted to the internet I am sure it wouldn't be difficult to find some rando to back up anything. Vaccines will kill you [seriously] the earth is flat, Justin Beiber isn't history's greatest monster.

Even if what you said was true, you are claiming they thought there might be a problem, they looked into it, found there wasn't one and stopped with the worry. Sounds to me like that would be how science should work. They haven't done that with global warming... maybe because they still find it's a problem. I mean fuck what do you expect from the science community.

Also China and India do pollute more but not on a per capita basis [yet] If you have followed any discussion on the topic you would understand that difference.

As for the Ozone hole. For fucks sakes anyone beyond a certain age knows what happened there.



Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I posted that because I wonder about all the climate change talk.......I look at Canada the 2nd largest country in the world with a small population. The state of California has our population. Yet we are being taxed for a country that is not producing anywhere near the carbon gases as countries like China and India ...Its all talk in the 1970's they were saying the earth has less then 50 years at this pace of pollution . It seems every generation starts sounding the alarm bells and the world keeps going......In some ways its getting better. I think Lake Ontario is way better then it was in the 60's and 70's....This is all Political
While I'm not not a climate change denier and agree we must continue to make improvements in order to slow global warming, I'm not keen on simply raising the price on carbon which ultimately makes everything more expensive here in Canada. What that does is put more stress on lower income people. I certainly make more than enough that I can absorb higher prices but it's really not fair to those who can't. Especially when Canada accounts for something like1.5% of global GHG emissions.

Then Trudeau gives the example that forest fires are caused by global warming and that we should expect more and more of this. He said that people will have to live with the “new reality” climate change has brought in.

“To make sure that we learn how to protect people, how to protect livelihoods, and how we adjust to what is, unfortunately, a new reality of more extreme weather events across the province, across the country, and around the world,” Trudeau said.

The massive wildfire in Northern Alberta that torched 2730 square kms earlier this year was caused by arson according to the RCMP. But don't let facts get in the way of Trudeau's virtue signaling.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
One doesn't have to believe in climate change to see
perpetual economic (population) growth to be a threat
to the ecosystem.
Now this is true.

And it's countries like China and India which are leading the way.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
While I'm not not a climate change denier and agree we must continue to make improvements in order to slow global warming, I'm not keen on simply raising the price on carbon which ultimately makes everything more expensive here in Canada. What that does is put more stress on lower income people. I certainly make more than enough that I can absorb higher prices but it's really not fair to those who can't. Especially when Canada accounts for something like1.5% of global GHG emissions.

Then Trudeau gives the example that forest fires are caused by global warming and that we should expect more and more of this. He said that people will have to live with the “new reality” climate change has brought in.

“To make sure that we learn how to protect people, how to protect livelihoods, and how we adjust to what is, unfortunately, a new reality of more extreme weather events across the province, across the country, and around the world,” Trudeau said.

The massive wildfire in Northern Alberta that torched 2730 square kms earlier this year was caused by arson according to the RCMP. But don't let facts get in the way of Trudeau's virtue signaling.
Lets be clear about something GB27- nobody denies climate change. Its an inappropriate word that is exploited by alarmists to invoke ugly Holocaust references to those of us that disagree with the anthropogenic argument for climate change.
Subscribing Canada to the Paris Accords and to carbon taxes is nothing more than symbolic. Much like the HOV lanes on our highways. They do NOTHING to contribute to lowering global warming or reducing pollution. And do everything to funnel more money out of our bank accounts.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, plenty of lakes were heavily impacted by acid rain. Made for some clear water that looks pretty but not good for fishing. Yes, many are recovering. Yes, that is because of government regulations that reduced the amount of airborne sulphates and nitrates from industrial processes.

Does it confuse people that government and societal intervention can mitigate problems?
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Active member
Aug 21, 2001
According to Gore Florida should be underwater or frozen . Can't recall all the climate scares over my lifetime .

They can't decide if we are freezing or heating up . Better to be neutral . I will just change like it did before any humans roamed the world .


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I vaguely remember the fossil fuel scare. We were running out of fossil fuel and there were long lineups at gas stations. It was all President Carter's fault. Now there is talk that the oil under the sand of Arabia will stay under the sand forever. The House of Saud have already made their exit plan.

Overpopulation. Back in the old days wars, starvation and disease kept the population in check so we don't overtax the environment.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
According to Gore Florida should be underwater or frozen . Can't recall all the climate scares over my lifetime .

They can't decide if we are freezing or heating up . Better to be neutral . I will just change like it did before any humans roamed the world .
You should talk to Florida because they've redone their construction bylaws to require buildings be elevated.

And sorry but the majority of scientists now and in the 60's were predicting warming.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2001
You should talk to Florida because they've redone their construction bylaws to require buildings be elevated.

And sorry but the majority of scientists now and in the 60's were predicting warming.
This is one of the longest running scams . Ever since I can recall . We are doomed from one climate crisis or another . Major news papers over many decades have published end of world stories . They also quoted "majority of scientists ".

The earth is over 4 billion years old . We have have been on earth about 6 million . We are but a grain of sand on the beach in earths history . The climate has changed drastically so many times without one human on earth .

You can't get the major polluters on board to cut pollution . So you tax the ones that do .

Most countries carbon taxes go to general revenues not climate initiatives .

We can't solve the homeless crisis in many countries . But we are going to control the temperature on the planet through a tax .


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
One doesn't have to believe in climate change to see
perpetual economic (population) growth to be a threat
to the ecosystem.
A potential threat, but the population is far higher now than in the 70s, the great lakes are cleaner, all sorts of ecological problems are getting better.

Never ever underestimate technology when it comes to the human race.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This is one of the longest running scams . Ever since I can recall ....
Sorry but the only 'scam' is the media hyping every fringe story to make money. That is the only reason that media in the 70's even reported on that fringe theory of a new ice age.

Must be sad looking at the world and believing everyone is out to get you.

p.s. In case you missed it, governments spend a load of money on homelessness and preventing it. Why shouldn't they do the same about climate?
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... the great lakes are cleaner, ...
Don't point out to the ranters here that we have been quite successful at acting on previous climate issues. Acid rain is severely reduced and water pollution is significantly reduced (despite business interests complaining it was too expensive) and the hole sin the ozone layer are moving in the right direction.

Carbon capture and non-fossil fuel alternatives are starting to reach maturity (feasibility and profitability) and the corporate mindset is changing. Maybe we will be able to do enough in time.
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