From a SP point of view. . .
Well, as an SP, I use a "stage name" -- ie, a fake name, in order to protect my privacy. And. . . not everyone was blessed with an attractive, pleasant, and distinctive name. . . so most SP's choose a pseudonym to work under. . .
So, if the ladies usually use an alias. . . Then I think the guys are entitled to do the same. Privacy is a big issue - do what makes you comfortable!
However, there is one problem that pops up when clients use an alias: If you see the same lady on a regular basis, and you never reveal your name -- how would you feel if she calls you "Bob" (or whatever) during those intense, genuine, special moments -- over and over again?? It's creepy, right?
My advice? For casual, one-time encounters, using a fake name is relatively harmless & no one will ever know better! Just remember which name you chose, and try to respond to it during conversations & when you two are fooling around
If you start to see someone often & regularly, and enjoy an intimate GFE type of encounter -- after the first few meetings, please 'fess up and disclose your real name. After all, if you like someone enough to repeat with her 5 times, then you ought to feel comfortable enough to disclose your first name. I guess that it would feel very weird to keep up that pretense for more than one visit -- and wouldn't you prefer to hear me whispering you real name, as I gently kiss your earlobe??