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China viewed better than US?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
THIS is the result of the outrageous and arrogant policies of the Shrub admin. I weep for the USA.,1280,-5094510,00.html

Poll: China Image Scores Better Than U.S.
Thursday June 23, 2005 9:31 PM
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States' popularity in many countries - including longtime allies in Europe - is lagging behind even communist China.

The image of the U.S. slipped sharply in 2003, after the invasion of Iraq, and two years later has shown few signs of rebounding either in Western Europe or the Muslim world, an international poll found.

``The U.S. image has improved slightly, but is still broadly negative,'' said Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. ``It's amazing when you see the European public rating the United States so poorly, especially in comparison with China.''

In Britain, which prides itself on its ``special relationship'' with Washington, almost two-thirds of Britons, 65 percent, saw China favorably, compared with 55 percent who held a positive view of the United States. In France, 58 percent had an upbeat view of China, compared with 43 percent who felt that way about the U.S. The results were nearly the same in Spain and the Netherlands, the Pew polling found.

The United States' favorability rating was lowest among three Muslim nations that are also U.S. allies - Turkey, Pakistan and Jordan - where only about one-fifth of those polled viewed the U.S. in a positive light. Only Indonesia and Poland viewed the U.S. more positively than China.

``Clearly, with or without this poll we know we have a public diplomacy challenge, and that challenge is not lessening by the day,'' said State Department spokesman Adam Ereli.

He said the United States is trying to combat that image problem, citing the frequent travels of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who was ending a six-day swing through the Middle East and Europe on Thursday.

The poll found suspicion and wariness of the United States in many countries where people question the war in Iraq and are growing leery of the U.S.-led war on terror.

``The Iraq war has left an enduring impression on the minds of people around the world in ways that make them very suspicious of U.S. intentions and makes the effort to win hearts and minds far more difficult,'' said Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Support for the U.S.-led war on terror has dipped in European countries like Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Spain, while it remains low in the Muslim countries surveyed, such as Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey.

``The position of the United States as the one surviving superpower is to be assertive in responding in a world of terrorism. But in the rest of the world, there is a great wariness about that,'' said John Danforth, a former Republican senator from Missouri and a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

The poll found a positive reaction in European countries to President Bush's campaign for more democracy in countries around the world. People in Muslim countries were wary of the U.S. campaign, but supportive of the idea of democracy in their own countries.

Madeleine Albright, secretary of state under President Clinton, said the poll results are troubling because leaders of democracies allied to the U.S. have to rally the public in their countries when supporting U.S. policies.

The polls were taken in various countries from late April to the end of May with samples of about 1,000 in most countries, with more interviews in India and China and slightly fewer than 1,000 in the European countries. The margin of sampling error ranged from 2 percentage points to 4 percentage points, depending on the sample size.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:
THIS is the result of the outrageous and arrogant policies of the Shrub admin.
Or the result of the primitivist turn in politics that seems to be epidemic in Europe and has been in the Muslim world for a long time.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
...and Canada, Mexico, South America, Australia and Africa?

Change in politics?

Come on, it's a change in perception and it's a change that is easily validated.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
blitz said:
Change in politics?

Come on, it's a change in perception and it's a change that is easily validated.
The perception is part of the politics.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Peeping Tom said:
One must wonder just how far the Democrats have fallen, as it appears they don't conduct publlic opinion research (and awareness of many other things).
It kinda sucks when those opinion polls don’t hail to the Chimp the way you would like them to.

Only 15 other countries besides the US were polled, so what do they know?

Peeping Tom? Volunteer.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
Or the result of the primitivist turn in politics that seems to be epidemic in Europe and has been in the Muslim world for a long time.
TOVisitor said:
The image of the U.S. slipped sharply in 2003, after the invasion of Iraq, and two years later has shown few signs of rebounding either in Western Europe or the Muslim world, an international poll found.
Ah yes, trunc, how convenient that the “primitivist turn” happens to coincide with an illegal and unjust war.

Just wondering ... do you spend all night thinking of this drivel or does it just spring, Athena-like, from your head?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Gee, it's funny how that report failed to mention how the Japanese and South Koreans (or any country with any history with China) feel. :rolleyes:

I love skewed polls like that.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Don said:
Gee, it's funny how that report failed to mention how the Japanese and South Koreans (or any country with any history with China) feel. :rolleyes:

I love skewed polls like that.
Gee, thanks Don, for that classic "shoot the messenger" defense. Well-done!


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
TOVisitor said:
Gee, thanks Don, for that classic "shoot the messenger" defense. Well-done!
Oh, gimme a break! You know as well as I do that the report is a bit bogus. I found it laughable from the start and horribly shortsighted. Just because you like the tone of the report you're gonna let the faulty reporting slide? How can you not take the opinions of countries that actually know something about China?

I'm sure you never talked about skewed, shortsighted reporting from Fox News.

I just love the hypocracy!


New member
Jul 14, 2003
We'll let the readers decide how "fair and balanced" the Pew Center is.

The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. We are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), we are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts and are one of six projects that make up the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

The Center's purpose is to serve as a forum for ideas on the media and public policy through public opinion research. In this role it serves as an important information resource for political leaders, journalists, scholars, and public interest organizations. All of our current survey results are made available free of charge.

The research program includes five principal areas of investigation:

* The People & The Press - explores public attitudes about the credibility, social value and salience of the news media.
* The People, The Press & Politics - features a typology which divides the American electorate into distinct voting groups and identifies the basic values and attitudes that animate political behavior.
* The News Interest Index - measures on a regular basis how closely the public follows the major news stories and links this to views about politics and policy issues.
* America's Place in the World - a series of in-depth surveys and analyses of the public and opinion leaders on international policy in the post-Cold War era.
* Media Use - major surveys that measure the public's use of, and attitudes toward, the Internet and traditional news outlets.

Independent pollster Andrew Kohut, founder of Princeton Survey Research Associates and former President of the Gallup Organization, is president of the Pew Research Center and serves as director of both the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Global Attitudes Project. Our sponsor, The Pew Charitable Trusts, is a Philadelphia-based public charity that serves the public interest by providing information, advancing policy solutions and supporting civic life.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Don said:
Oh, gimme a break! You know as well as I do that the report is a bit bogus. I found it laughable from the start and horribly shortsighted. Just because you like the tone of the report you're gonna let the faulty reporting slide? How can you not take the opinions of countries that actually know something about China?

I'm sure you never talked about skewed, shortsighted reporting from Fox News.

I just love the hypocracy!
Let me posit for a moment that the countries you mention would have liked China less. Probably so.

What do you have to say about the 15 that like China more, with the fall in US popularity happening since the Iraq invasion?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
TOVisitor said:
Let me posit for a moment that the countries you mention would have liked China less. Probably so.

What do you have to say about the 15 that like China more, with the fall in US popularity happening since the Iraq invasion?
Easy. The Iraq war was/is a disaster along w/Dubya's foreign policy. Thus the USA's popularity dropped like a rock. Also China is the next big thing and emerging market that everyone and their brother wasn't focus on so they overlook things like human rights abuses and hard rhetoric against Taiwan so they can profit off China's growth. Most European countries don't really have much of a negative history (or really know much about China period) with China so whatever negative feelings were never that strong. However the eurpoeans are very familiar with the US and have always felt threatened by it, especially since there is no USSR to keep it in check anymore. Hence the EU to compete with the US economically and more. So it is not surprising that the euro's have more negative feelings towards the USA then China.

On the flip side it is no surprise that fellow asian countries feel more threatened by China simply because of geography (and history). I don't need to speak of the Chinese-Japanese tension right now since it is all over the news. South Korea is wary of China's influence and support over North Korea. Taiwan... no need to say anything. Hong Kongers are wary of Beijing "electing" their new leader. India was polled but their response was more even simply because they have history of war with China along with other disputes (geography, competing for being the next big thing economically), No surprise Russa was the only euro country not so enthusiastic about China simply because they know a little more about them because of geography.

It's not really that hard to understand. My issue is not with the report saying that the US popularity is in the gutter. That is obvious to anyone and not worth even arguing over. If that was it then I'd nod my head in agreement. What I shake my head about is how the report is trying to show how the US has sunk so low that "red" China is seen more favorably by selectively showing results in certain areas (and none in Asia except Indonesia). It's like coming out with a report that says "countries see Zimbabwe more favorably than Japan" and then showing poll results only in Korea, China, Philippines, Vietnam or just in east asia.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
TOVisitor said:
We'll let the readers decide how "fair and balanced" the Pew Center is.

The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. We are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), we are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts and are one of six projects that make up the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

The Center's purpose is to serve as a forum for ideas on the media and public policy through public opinion research. In this role it serves as an important information resource for political leaders, journalists, scholars, and public interest organizations. All of our current survey results are made available free of charge.

The research program includes five principal areas of investigation:

* The People & The Press - explores public attitudes about the credibility, social value and salience of the news media.
* The People, The Press & Politics - features a typology which divides the American electorate into distinct voting groups and identifies the basic values and attitudes that animate political behavior.
* The News Interest Index - measures on a regular basis how closely the public follows the major news stories and links this to views about politics and policy issues.
* America's Place in the World - a series of in-depth surveys and analyses of the public and opinion leaders on international policy in the post-Cold War era.
* Media Use - major surveys that measure the public's use of, and attitudes toward, the Internet and traditional news outlets.

Independent pollster Andrew Kohut, founder of Princeton Survey Research Associates and former President of the Gallup Organization, is president of the Pew Research Center and serves as director of both the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Global Attitudes Project. Our sponsor, The Pew Charitable Trusts, is a Philadelphia-based public charity that serves the public interest by providing information, advancing policy solutions and supporting civic life.
Doesn't sound very balanced to me. There is no such thing as "balanced" news. Everyone has some point of view. Everyone.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It's official, Germany is disarmed - the French only like us when the hun are on the doorstep. LOL

Brutal dicatorships with bankrupt financial markets and abusive human rights are, after all, under-rated.

Mar 17, 2005
No need to travel to Europe...

TOVisitor said:
Support for the U.S.-led war on terror has dipped in European countries like Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Spain, while it remains low in the Muslim countries surveyed, such as Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey.
I think that I need to get out more. I spend too much time on TERB. Last I heard Quebec was trying to separate from Canada. Little did I realize that Canada has broken ties with North America and become part of Europe. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm happy to be further from Bush, but most of all, I'm going to love hopping on a train and seeing Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.

Terrible journalistic editing.
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