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Child Porn


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Fellow-terbites - I can’t help thinking, given the content of some recent threads, that a warning might be in order.

We do all understand, do we, that it is a criminal offence, in Canada, to look at pictures that depict a person under 18 yrs of age engaged in sexual activity? Those who don’t understand this would need to look, for example, at “Child pornography laws in Canada” in wikipedia.

Even if the model is actually over 18, if she appears to be under 18 (to the judge, not to you), down you go, just for looking at the pictures.

“Engaged in sexual activity” includes “displaying genitals”.

A conviction for viewing child porn in Canada, apart from its direct consequences, requires donating a sample of your DNA to the sex offenders registry.


Nov 20, 2006
Even if the model is actually over 18, if she appears to be under 18 (to the judge, not to you), down you go, just for looking at the pictures.
Who here has not seen Fast Time at Ridgemount high. I've seen stills posted onto Terb. I guess just about everyone is a pedobear, might as well start hanging out at the local kindergarten. No not literally.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Quote Originally Posted by buttercup
Even if the model is actually over 18, if she appears to be under 18 (to the judge, not to you), down you go, just for looking at the pictures.

I'm skeptical of this. And if true, that's fucked up.
We could start a letter-writing campaign. Try to persuade MPs that Canadian child porn laws should be relaxed.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Quote Originally Posted by buttercup
Even if the model is actually over 18, if she appears to be under 18 (to the judge, not to you), down you go, just for looking at the pictures.

We could start a letter-writing campaign. Try to persuade MPs that Canadian child porn laws should be relaxed.
LOL. Nice slippery slope fallacy.

What if I'm dating a girl that is 19 but looks underage. And we decide to film ourselves having sex, taking photos and so on.

Are you telling me under the law that I'm producing child porn?


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
LOL. Nice slippery slope fallacy.
What if I'm dating a girl that is 19 but looks underage. And we decide to film ourselves having sex, taking photos and so on.
Are you telling me under the law that I'm producing child porn?
Are you telling me you're not?


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
its even worse than that. even if its a cartoon, where no children have been harmed its considered child porn.
You are absolutely correct. However, I don't see any threads with cartoon children having sex, here on terb. But I DO see many many models, in some very popular terb threads, who would pass for under 18 any day of the week.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
You are absolutely correct. However, I don't see any threads with cartoon children having sex, here on terb. But I DO see many many models, in some very popular terb threads, who would pass for under 18 any day of the week.
im glad you're not a judge then


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
It's true, simply clicking on an image or visiting a website that displays a sexual image of someone under 18 (or intended to look until 18) constitutes "accessing" child porn.

It behooves anyone who looks at porn to be really careful of "just having a look" if anything ever comes up on normal porn sites that might lead you to such a webpage. Cops can and do set up "honey pots" to attract and identify IP addresses of those who look at that kind of thing.

I'd suspect that the hard core kiddie porn types use VPNs and TOR proxies etc but the average joe stumbling across will always leave electronic footprints.

I doubt whether an inadvertent click is going to bring you to the top of the OPP's hit list but just be aware that even LOOKING at kiddie porn is a criminal offence and you risk becoming identified as a "sex offender".
Isn't that the problem with all these child porn arrests? When the cops go arresting people, they arrest hundreds, and say there are thousands to go. But apart from the people involved in 'real' child porn, is it really a big problem as they say? I have never gone to a child porn site - don't even know where to find one. But if I accidentally linked to one, am I guilty? And what makes the cops who review those things not guilty of doing the same?

I have a problem with all the arrests. How many of them are people who accidentally come across a site? Do I trust that the cops will only be arresting those who go seeking and hunting these sites out? Absolutely not. With the lack of discretion being shown, I think the cops lay all the charges and then let the courts sort it out. With the new laws being proposed, I suspect that the list will then be in the 10,000's. With a list so large, is there really a problem, or are we making it so broad that everybody now fits the description?

I just believe that as the child porn laws get looser, too many otherwise innocent people will get caught up in this web, and then careers will be destroyed. But having said all that, I am probably naive about the extent of the problem in Canada. Maybe somebody could prove me otherwise.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Holy Hypocrites Batman!!!

This link shows legal status in the world

Looks like the Pope, his Pedophile Cardinals & Bishops 'EXEMPT' themselves here!!!
Guess this helps explain why the RC Church is sooooo farking anti-abortion....FFS!!!
They have to make sure the number of altar-boys and altar-girls for their clerics to abuse, is not diminished!!!....:rolleyes:

The RC Church RANKS right alongside Africa and MANY OTHER BACKWARDS countries in this regards!!!.....:mad:


Nov 2, 2004
If any other organization in the world protected pedophiles like the catholic church did and does, it would be disbanded.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
If any other organization in the world protected pedophiles like the catholic church did and does, it would be disbanded.
And NOW these Blowhard Bishops are attacking Obama's rational abortion position!!!....:mad:
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