Cheech & Chong


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
Anyone go last night...Casino Rama, I have never gone to see them before...they were just like they use to be..pissed my self laughing :D


Aug 6, 2006
the show they perform in the movie Cheech and Chong in Amsterdam is hilarious, they're very very funny.

Did they do the dog part?

Up in smoke, that's where I wanna be... :)


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets

diehard said:
the show they perform in the movie Cheech and Chong in Amsterdam is hilarious, they're very very funny.

Did they do the dog part?

Up in smoke, that's where I wanna be... :)
Ya they did do the dog part, Chong said we were a sick audiance..LOL


New member
Mar 18, 2009
That was good, man what was it?

Half Maui Maui, half Labrador.


Well, my dog ate my stash and after I followed him around, I got it back!

(I know it is not exactly quoted, but I'm going from memory - great movie!)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Also, the famous lyrics:

"First time I saw her
Standing on a hill
Flapping her t*&s at Buffalo Bill

Gonna tie my pecker to a tree
to a tree
Gonna tie my pecker to a tree!"


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
moresex4me said:
Also, the famous lyrics:

"First time I saw her
Standing on a hill
Flapping her t*&s at Buffalo Bill

Gonna tie my pecker to a tree
to a tree
Gonna tie my pecker to a tree!"
"Second time I seen her
sittin' on a log
Tryin' to get in on with an old bull frog

Gonna tie my pecker to a tree
to a tree
Gonna tie my pecker to a tree!"
OK... so in a related story... I get a call from my son's VP at school. He tells me that "apparently" my son got busted with a couple other kids that were smoking dope, but no one observed him doing it. The VP told me that the teacher that busted him "KNOWS" he wasn't partaking, but because he was there with the other kids... he was given a mandatory 1 day suspension. The other kids got 15 days! (BTW, He's not quite 16.)

Is this clearly a case of "but I didn't inhale"? Or should I be MORE concerned?! :confused:
thick1 said:
I think you should be concerned, the next time around, he'll probably be doing it.
I hear you, and I AM concerned... BUT... I tried weed/ hash/ oil etc. when I was 18... but I already smoked cigarettes, so it wasn't THAT much of a stretch. He on the other hand is totally against smoking ANYTHING. Although I quit when he was born, my wife started up again, and smoking anything totally disgusts him. :confused:

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend

I have mixed feelings about this. I smoked drugs for years, and for quite a long time was chronic. (I won't get into my other substance abuse problems right now).

I almost think that smoking a bit of pot is a right of passage so to speak, a sign of teenage rebellion. The question is, where is the limit. I would not mind if my kids (when they get of age) smoked the odd joint at a party or something like that, but would certainly be concerned if it were becoming a habit, or if they were using during school hours. In the grand scheme of things, I would rather my kid smoke a bit of pot than get pissed drunk where they might potentially black out, or lose a greater amount of judgment.

I really hope you have the type of relationship where you can have an open and frank conversation about this type of thing, no matter how hard it is to do for either party. I think a good long conversation needs to be had.

But, just my opinion.
Yes... I do have that type of relationship with all my kids. We talk about all sorts of things including "sex" to a degree, depending on their ages,, boys with my daughters and girls with my son, but... as much as I like to think I am a "cool" dad, my wife is by far a cooler mom. She had that conversation with "mini-me" earlier today so I am hoping she made a bigger impact than I EVER could!
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