Chat programs to consider

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but the reason for "no new registrations" on chat is due to certain admin features not working properly, this was causing chat to be turmoil rather than the fun that was intended.

Last I heard Fred was looking at upgrades for the current program(I assume no luck) and also he was looking into entirely new programs but so far hasent found anything suitable.

if any one knows of any good chat programs, post a link so Fred can check them out.

Keep in mind, consideration of course has to be given to cost,and proper admin features are a neccesity
Im not making any promises here but lets see where it goes


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
Goober, I don't agree..

I think people ARE concerned..

I also think that because they are not sure of what requirements and expectations the Admin people at Terb would like that they refrain from putting anything forward.

Your Technical spec's are never defined for the chat user. People would chat on other boards or MIRC but cannot tell whether they are right for Terb.

I think the Terb admin should post their requirements/expectation here so that those terbites with Technical backgrounds can help with this after getting that "starting point"!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Good point ceo.

Here's an example:

What we want is good admin features, the ability to track and lock out trouble makers (the bane of ERChat so far!) and a sophisticated registration system so the someone must review the account before being allowed in...

And boobies. Lots of boobies.


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
And ?

Was this "officially" submitted to Terb Admin and evaluated ?

If so, was it rejected and why ?

If not, why not ?

And, Goober, sounds like you are able to come up with more..

Sorry, but I am an assertive guy ...


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
We want to get a list of a couple of options. Then we'll get a bunch of SP's together at the monthly TERB Admin meeting and mud wrestle to pick one.

It's a complex process.
Is it THAT difficult to just find a suitable chat program?????
I dont understand what the problem is, there are tons of chat programs out there, surely there must be one that works for everyone, no??


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
Seems to be as slow as Ottawa..

I would think that given the time when this was first brought to Fred's attention and the various solutions that were kicked around, we would have something going by now.

Wrong, this is slower than Ottawa's famous "study to death" solutions. Unless, this issue has zero priority or its solution is so expensive that it cannot move forward. One would think that at least a time table should be given.
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