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Charlie Paradise - avoid


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Found myself in Ktown with some time to kill. For some stupid reason I decide to call Paradise. They run the list, and I recognize Charlie, who I recall has got some good reviews here. Make the appt.

Arrive, she is young, fairly pretty brunette. Chit chat a bit while she finishes her smoke (the one she lit as I walked in the door - no biggy I think) We take care of business.

Get undressed, me completely, her down to undies (alarm bells going off here). She has nice skin, pretty firm B's, a round bum, and all in all a nice bod, except for a fairly obvious tummy. Immediately starts a dry HJ before I'm even hard. Combines this with a little massaging of the boys, which I like so I decide to go wiht the flow. After several minutes of this, I begin to fondle and kiss what are some nice firm B's, hoping this will indicate that I'd lik eto move to the next level. Dry HJ continues. Attempt a little peck on the lips, but am rebuffed immediately. Dick starting to go numb. I decide that a bit more direction on my part is required. I tell her "why dont we F$%^ a little" she replies OK and goes to find the raincoat. Rifling thru the purse for 5 min, opens every drawer inthe room, nothing. No raincoat.

At this point I contemplate getting pissed off and asking for my $ back, or just make the best of a bad situation. She says "sorry?" and kind of shrugs, and resumes the dry hj. Now I like HJs, in fact love them, and actually this night was in the mood for a nice HJ so I decide to try to make the best of it. As my member is starting to go numb from the up and down midshaft deathgrip/chokehold she's had him in for the last 20 min, I decide that it is time for an HJ lesson. "Do you have any lotion / lube?" she says ""nope". So in as gentle and sexy way possible, I give her hand a nice slobbery lick. This helps a bit, but the technique is still piss poor. At this point, I think the hell with it, she is now glancing at the clock every 30 sec, time to finish and get out. Somehow, thru some miracle I manage a very unsatisfying climax. She is immediately up, throws me a towel to clean up, and is dressed and smoking again in 30sec. At this point all I can do is chuckle. Was going to say somehting, but just decide to get the hell out.

Now any escort who shows up for an appointment sans condom, is IMHO either the stupidest most forgetful person on earth, OR has no intention of performing any act that would require one. From the get go, she was on a mission to try to finish me as fast as possible, and quite clearly had no intention of providing a fs encounter. Which, would have been ok wiht me if she just made some bogus excuse (period, whatever) and tried to give a nice sensual HJ. But the fact that this girl who is working in the sex biz, needs some serious HJ lessons, is just brutal. How she got good reviews in teh past, don't know. I was clean, freshly showered, I'm a mellow, kind frinedly person, I'm not ugly or overweight. WTF??I know the scene here sucks, but this is beyond belief.

A few years ago, Paradise had some gems. Now my limited experience is that the girls are either actively using iv drug users, or the odd pretty one thinks that you will bust a nut merely by catching a glimpse of a naked young boobie. I will never hobby inthis town again. Too many misses. If I want this kind of experience (a begrudgingly given HJ), I'll talk to my SO.


New member
massman, I'm sorry to hear about your bad expierience with paradise. I too believe that the majority of the girls that work for them now, an the past few years are mostly junkies, or just horrible. These are the reasons I left paradise, and have become an indie. When I started working for them about 5 years ago, it was much better, and the owners are the nicest people, but they have neglected the business the past 2-3 years, and now they do not even meet the girls before thay let them work. So half the time they have no idea what they re sending you, all they have to go on is the description that the girl gives them which are usually way off. The escorts here in Kingston ( the majority, but not all) give honest and quality girls a bad name. I hope you have better luck next time!!


New member
Aug 7, 2007
I'd also read some nice things here about Charlie, before reading your review.

You're alot nicer guy then me, because I never would have taken that BS at all.

Very sorry to read about your terrible experience.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Teh only reason I put up with this is
1. I am a nice guy by nature and
2. She seemed like a nice person at the start when we were chatting, so I felt I shuold give her the benefit of the doubt.

I know some will say I was a sucker, and should have insisted on a refund. Probably shoul dhave, but that is not my style. I accept that in this hobby, there are risks and when you TOFTT, sometimes you do just that, take one.

And Rachelle, thanks. I agree with you. My recent experience in the last couple yrs is that there are no decent escorts in ktown. YOu being the notable exception
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Fun loving fool
Sep 22, 2005
i have had a few decent experiences in Kingston over the past 2 years but I am always worried about trying someone new with either Paradise or Sweet Treat. The best was a girl a couple years ago at Sweet Treat who was a first experience I repeated with a couple times, but she is long gone now. I have had a couple good experiences with Julie at Paradise, did not seem to be a drug user at all and was alot of fun and very accomodating in the time we spent together.

Sorry to hear about your bad experiences massman
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