Ashley Madison

CFRB changes


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
I had been a regular listener to CFRB 1010 over the years, but in the past year or so have 'discovered' AM 640. I now find the discussion, entertainment and content far superior and intelligent on 640 than on 1010, from Oakley to Stafford to Adler and then Downs. I am bit fed up with the whiny nature of 1010 and their commentators. Always a sob storey on that station. I am also tired of hearing about the families of certain particular hosts. 640 also has a number of guests that, whether you like them or not, do provide stimulating discussion. Also, I am a guy, so that might explain certain things.

I just looked at the website today, and noticed that the Motts, Michael Coren (again) and Jacqui Delaney are gone. So, who's left? Last week Sunday, Ted Woloshyn wrote an article on why he left CFRB. It wasn't his decision, but management's. I guess things there must be really getting bad.


Mar 31, 2009
I used to listen to CFRB years ago when they played easy listening music but then they switched to talk shows (yap, yap, yap). So I switched to 680 NEWS.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
rubmeister100 said:
I used to have some respect for Coren as an arguer. But he has let his insufferable ego overtake that skill and bullies his way through anything.
I used to listen to Coren on 1010 and then later I listened to 640 when it became the "Man" radio show (can't remember the name, but it didn't last more than a couple years).

I can't believe anyone takes Coren seriously. The fucking guy got caught red handed setting up fake callers to his show. He got fired and they took him back after a couple years.

That fuck has absolutely ZERO credibility.


Apr 24, 2005
vsailor said:
Great to see that moron Coren go ( sounded like a whiny little girl who beat up on anyone that didn't agree with his ultra conservative views)
Coren could be Malarek's twin brother. He did a show once on Romainian strippers. Basically, he said that he has never been to ab SC because he is personally such a babe magnet that naked women throw themselves at him.

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Keebler Elf said:
The fucking guy got caught red handed setting up fake callers to his show
What was he trying to accomplish with that??

Doesnt CFRB have enough people calling in as it is?!


New member
Mar 21, 2009
l used to love CFRB!!!

Back in the days of Wally Couter, Jack Dennett, Bill Stevenson, Betty Kennedy, Gorden Sinclar and even Ted Worlyson(sorry spelling) loved them all, plus so many personalites l have forgotten to mention!! l guess there like the leaf's have had there glory days and will never recaputure them!! heck, l go to bed at 8 pm to wake up and listen to coast to coast!! but there was a day when cfrb was the best!!


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Archie2212 said:
Back in the days of Wally Couter, Jack Dennett, Bill Stevenson, Betty Kennedy, Gorden Sinclar and even Ted Worlyson(sorry spelling) loved them all, plus so many personalites l have forgotten to mention!! l guess there like the leaf's have had there glory days and will never recaputure them!! heck, l go to bed at 8 pm to wake up and listen to coast to coast!! but there was a day when cfrb was the best!!
I stopped listening to that station many years ago when the likes of the guys above left, it was never the same. I now listen to 680 for news and 94.7 FM for easy listening, smooth jazz to calm me down from all the idiot drivers out there. :D

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Sammy the Bull said:
What was he trying to accomplish with that??

Doesnt CFRB have enough people calling in as it is?!
I dunno if it was lack of callers but I suspect it was more along the lines of contentious callers who would argue about his topic with him.

The other thing I didn't like about him was how everything always centred around religion and homosexuality. Some latent feelings there, ya think? ;)


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
vsailor said:
Great to see that moron Coren go ( sounded like a whiny little girl who beat up on anyone that didn't agree with his ultra conservative views) and they should dump that other f*cking idiot Ryan Doyle...John Moore is the only bright spot along with that Tariq guy.
Ryan Doyle is an idiot too. But I believe he has some senior position at the station so he will be around, even though he is also full of himself.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
Jacquie Delaney is pretty hot in a Milfish kinda way......heard she got a boob reduction a few years back, I'm really against making tits smaller


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I listen to NewsTalk 1010 as it's now called from time to time. They have a relatively good/wide range of hosts throughout the day. The Rush, which airs from 2:00 - 6:00 PM M-F with Jay Michaels and Ryan Doyle won some sort of award recently. But not it seems Ryan Doyle is gone and the show is now listed as The Rush with Jay Michaels. Anyone know what happened to Ryan? He'd been there for 20 years or so.
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