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Toronto Escorts

CFL to get shit on again


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Rumor has it that former Lion WR Charles Rogers is planning to ressurect his messed up football career in the CFL. Though talented this guy is a cancer -specifically, an injury prone, lazy, substance abuser who couldn't do anything for three season with the woeful Lions.

I really hope nobody picks this guy up. I love football but hate watching the CFL be the dumping ground for all these retards and degenerates.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Well in that case -how about PacMan, Ray Carruth and let's dig up Mark Chmurra....and most of the


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Bungels errrrr Bengals new training method

healer677 said:
Well in that case -how about PacMan, Ray Carruth and let's dig up Mark Chmurra....and most of the

I hear the Bengals have a new training method in place this year. Instead of 40 yard time trials they have cops chasing the players. Any player who outruns the cop gets a passing grade.:p


Charles Rogers' agent said there were three CFL teams interested in signing him. The agent didn't do his homework because only one team (Montreal) can sign him right now as they hold his rights.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
healer677 said:
Rumor has it that former Lion WR Charles Rogers is planning to ressurect his messed up football career in the CFL. Though talented this guy is a cancer -specifically, an injury prone, lazy, substance abuser who couldn't do anything for three season with the woeful Lions.

I really hope nobody picks this guy up. I love football but hate watching the CFL be the dumping ground for all these retards and degenerates.
Your making too much of this, Ricky Williams likes to smoke a bit of weed, that's it, that signing was blown way out of porportion.

As for this guy, sounds like he made a few bad choices but nothing outrageous. The CFL is the only alternative now that the World League is no more.

The CFL is essentially a minor league and second chance league and as long as the player isn't a career criminal or a complete gangsta thug, I don't have a problem with them signing these guys, don't put the moral standard too high.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Where do you draw the line for the definition of a career criminal or a gansta thug?

The way I see it is there has to be some sort of standard. Even in my job -you have to go to school, get lisenced, maintain a level of proficiency, not get convicted of a crime to keep my job. Even a lowly-humbling job like mine has a standard. Shouldn't pro athletes -who are paid a lot of money -have some standards set by their employer (or the league)?


New member
Feb 12, 2007
It's stupid to compare regular jobs to pro athletes jobs, I don't know why people do it, people don't pay to see me work. Leagues do have standards but they're not as strict as regular jobs, nor should they be. It's the entertainment business and I don't have to like someone or agree with their conduct to be entertained.
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