La Villa Spa

Cell phone rant


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
I hate cell phones! Everywhere I go, they are ringing, in restaurants, coffee shops, on the TTC, in malls....I could go on and on. Even during the last couple of movies I went to see, phones went off and people close to me were yakking! It was extremely difficult to concentrate on hearing the dialogue of the movie I was watching. I've had to honk at drivers in front of me who were talking on their phones and didn't notice that the light had changed from red to green. I see so many people who have their phones glued to their ear while they are walking, not concentrating on anything other than their conversations. What an ugly's like looking at grafitti spraypainted everywhere. I'm sure most terbites probably carry phones with them all of the time, since they make above average incomes and maybe it's a status thing....but I, for one, will never, ever own a cellphone. I got along fine before they came along and I can get along now without one. Heck, I've never made a single call on a cell phone (meaning I've never asked a friend to let me use their phone to make a call) and I swear I never, ever will!! The thought that I'm going to have to hear cell phones ringing where ever I go for the rest of my life is a very disturbing one, but what can I do about it? Nothing!
Aug 1, 2002
Probably the telephone if you use your cell phone a lot during the day. The basic fee's for monthly useage on a cell aren't cheap.



The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Originally most people got cell phones to be called in case of emergencies, car breaking down in the middle of nowhere etc.. But the problem is that now-a-days alot of the calls are just shooting the shit, people run up $200/month on their bill, and they don't even have a business. And now there's text messaging, and video phone too...


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Not being overly tech savy, I've just started to realize how much I can integrate my cell phone into everything else. It interfaces with my computer, takes sends and recieves pictures, acts as a mobile messenger device, etc.... And I'm just scraping the surface too. Down the road I won't even need a landline phone for home.

(but I would turn it to silent in a theatre though)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, it hasn't happened to me but if I was ever at a movie or live performance and a cell phone went off near me I would strongly ask the idiot to turn it off and if he didn't, I'd call the manager and they would be ejected.

I know what you mean about the constant ringing etc. I used to travel a lot and that was how the office kept in touch with me. Even now I SO hate to hear my phone ring. They are a great way to keep in touch but are way overused.

It was advertised a few years ago (don't know if it still is applicable) but Canadians were the highest consumers of cellphone air time per capita. We are also the highest users of interact as well. Makes one wonder.......

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
tboy said:

It was advertised a few years ago (don't know if it still is applicable) but Canadians were the highest consumers of cellphone air time per capita. .......
It was my understanding Finland was the highest users.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
there should be a twelve step program for cel phone addicts.
My biggest problem is sometimes not knowing if mr. handsfree is talking to me or overthe phone -- and occasionally I answer.


Aug 26, 2001
WhaWhaWha said:
My biggest problem is sometimes not knowing if mr. handsfree is talking to me or overthe phone -- and occasionally I answer.
No shit!! LOL.

Ross Eyerie

New member
Jan 15, 2004
Not to defend the pinheads talking in the cinema, restaurant or while driving, I'm against all of that, but cell phones are part of the landscape, so you better get used to it. We're gonna be able to do a helluva lot with them than just talk on 'em ( we already do ) so they're gonna be here to stay for a long time.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
The best is when you're in a public washroom and the you hear the guy next to you talking on the phone... whenever that happens, I make sure to flush the toilet immediately. There's no way that the person on the other end won't hear it! :D *LOL*


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I'm surprised no one has mentioned cell phones in SCs yet. I guess because it has been brought up in the SC forum a couple of times already. I have never had it happen to me but have seen it happen to others. A dancer answers her cell while dancing for someone. Takes a lot of nerve I think. It did happen to me one time that my phone rang while I was in VIP. I had placed my phone on the little table beside where we were sitting and just about ½ way through the second song she was dancing for me my phone goes off. I picked it up just to look at the screen to see who it was. The dancer was perturbed that I did even that. She says to me “You are not going to answer that are you?� Later I thought what it's OK for them to answer but not the customer. Cell phones don’t really bother me all that much though in other situations. Except I think if the call is getting a little personal that maybe the person talking in a public place should walk away, go outside or somewhere more private or not talk so loud.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
There's been a few times that I've been with an SP at my place when her phone started ringing. Fortunately, it's usually happened during the first few minutes of the appt. during our initial conversation. They usually apologize and turn the phone off. Once I was in an FKK club in Germany and right in the middle of things her phone rings and she answers it! Well, you can imagine how I lost concentration and my money for that session went directly down the drain.


Feb 26, 2004
I wish they hadn't become so popular. I bought one for emergencies a few years ago on a pay-as-you go plan. You had to activate a prepaid card periodically or the service would expire. Once you activated a card, it was only good for 90 days or so, then it would expire. So I'd wind up paying maybe $20 for a one-minute call I didn't even need to make a couple of times a year. I gave up the service and prefer to hope I don't have an emergency.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
meee said:
There's been a few times that I've been with an SP at my place when her phone started ringing. Fortunately, it's usually happened during the first few minutes of the appt. during our initial conversation...
Happened to me a week and a half ago. She gets a phone call, tries to let whoever it is go, only to continue talking to him for another minute or two... A bit annoying, especially when she's talking on my time.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Everytime there's a leap in technology the technophobes start in about how bad it will be and how they'll never use it. The same thing happened when computers replaced the typewriter.

Cells are here to stay. Better learn to adapt.

That being said, however, I do agree that a lot of people lack cell phone etiquette, but then again, they're probably the same people who lack any etiquette at all so it's not necessarily the cell.
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