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Celeron, AMD or Pentium


Active member
Mar 27, 2003
I am thinking of getting a new computer.
However I am puzzled whether I should get a Celeron, AMD or Pentium.
I believe that Pentiums a little over rated, on the other hand I hear AMDs have a tendency of heating up.
Any suggestions?


New member
Dec 9, 2004
Whatever you do, don't go with a Celeron. I heard an analogy a long time ago which sums it up best: A Celeron processor is what you would be, if you opened up your skull and took out half your brain.


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
If cost is no issue, get Pentium, they don't run as hot and thus you can use a CPU fan that doesn't spin as fast so your computer will be quieter. The retail fan that comes with Pentiums are pretty quiet.

I have only used AMD's for the past while as they're much cheaper.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
The sweets spot in price / performance is the P4 Northwood 3.0C. Prescott lags, so why bother unless you do something benefitting big time from a 1 MB L2. As for AMD64, mereley a marketing gimmick for 99% of users.

Crap, when I had 4 AMD's I could hear them when I stepped out of the damn elevator ...

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
Go with the Pentium 4. Celeron was Intel's attempt to appeal to the budget market. For the difference in price, stay with the Pentium 4.

Mack Bolan

Active member
Sep 24, 2001
Some where in Cyber Space
Most software packadges don't take advantage of the 64 bit art.
So you're wasting money buy a 64 bit processor. Even if you get a 64 bit version of Windows. What software uses 64 bits.

The best way to buy a system is think of what you want to do with it. If you want a "gaming" systems or an internet cruser?

AMD is a bit cheaper, but you can make up the difference in a expensive video card, 1024 meg of memory, 160GB drive and so on. Let the software and purpose of the computer determine the CPU/memory/video setup. Remember that the hardware is being updated all the time. I no longer buy "bleeding edge" PCs, I try to buy just below the best. Most bang for the buck and I know that you rarely use all of the CPU power all the time.

Check out HUB magizne with all the ads for prices, Tom hardware (online) for tech info. I can post web address for various infomation site and local stores in toronto that have good prices and services. I don't work for a PC store or anything I use Mainframes IBM390/OZ for number crunching and a Dell desktop for everything else.



Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
Egad! 160 GB hard drive? What for? To store all mankind's knowledge? Spend your computer money on anything but storage.

Mack Bolan

Active member
Sep 24, 2001
Some where in Cyber Space
Storage is CHEAP!
My first computer came with 4meg of memory and for $400 I purchased the second 4meg memory card.

If you store music and DVD movies, you'll find that 160GB HD will last a few months. I have alot of music and movie and I have 200GB of storage on my home unit and I'm at 75% of cap. Why buy a smaller drive when for only a few dollars you can get a big drive and store all of your DVD,CD and games. You can under Canadian Law, rip you Muic CD and DVD to you computer for personal use and backup. You can make backup copies of any purchased software , DVD Movies. I've have about 10 of my games on my hard drive via Alcohol 120%. I hate seaching for the CD's and loading them just to read them for a second.
Just be happy that we're still not spending $100 for 10 1.44 diskettes.
If you turn you PC into a Home entertainment system. If you have a All-in-wonder type of card, than you can turn on the PVR function of you computer.
I can hardly wait for the 1TB drives for home systems....well maybe my next system.




New member
Jan 26, 2004

I've used all three (parents have a Celeron, daughter has a Pentium and I have an AMD), and would say that I prefer AMD. There are, of course, many other factors to consider such as amount of RAM, quality of video card, quality of motherboard, etc., but based on 4 solid years without ANY difficulty, I would lean toward the AMD. I know that in the recent past, AMD has come close to resolving the heat issue. All it takes is a heatsink on the chip (not expensive) and an extra case fan (about $15-$20), to make heat a non-issue. I don't see any reason choose Pentium over AMD, and many reasons to choose AMD over Pentium. Celeron is, as was stated in an earlier post, Intel's budget chip and performance is markedly less than either the P4 or any AMD Athlon chip.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
The main reason to reject AMD is in their continued refusal to manufacture in house chipsets for their product. I used their cpu's, at a time when their product held the edge, and never stopped cursing the issues with third party chipsets. Performance issues aside, that was what did it for me - one new rig with an Intel chipset and within weeks the AMD's were history.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
tonnyandreti said:
I am thinking of getting a new computer.
However I am puzzled whether I should get a Celeron, AMD or Pentium.
I believe that Pentiums a little over rated, on the other hand I hear AMDs have a tendency of heating up.
Any suggestions?

Your question has perfect timing. I'm about to start up a ebay auction for this amazing bundle.

You may be interested, it would come with the following:

All brand new, sealed from Intel and Microsoft direct.

Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 550 supporting Hyper Threading Technology

Intel® Desktop Board D915PBL

Windows XP Professional Full Version with Service Pack 2 (OEM)

Retail value is over $850.

The bidding will start at $1. If its okay with the mods, I'll post the link to the auction here.

Have a great evening.




New member
Jul 7, 2003
macs are kicking ass...I mean windows...

Winston said:
Get a G5 processor. Fully 64 bit computing!
For the Wall Street Journal, Tim Hanrahan and Jason Fry write, “In Monday’s column, we predicted that the combination of the iPod’s popularity and the increasing worry over viruses, security holes and spyware in Windows PCs will lead to the second coming of Apple Computer as a home-computing power. To say that struck a chord would be putting it mildly. Boy, did we ever get mail — including a significant number of people who said that the iPod, Windows security concerns or a combination of the two had made them switch to a Mac or plan to do so.�



Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
A few of you have PM'ed me asking if there's a reserve for my ebay auction.

There will be none whatsoever.


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