Cdn Porn Star Goes to Jail


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
The Globe and Mail reports today that Katheryn Gannon aka Maralyn Star will enter a US prison to start serving a 3 month sentence for insider trading . Aside from the obvious sigh of relief that the world is now protected from yet another dastardly criminal financial mastermind , this story made me wonder about the local situation .

I'm sure that stock brokers and their clients are frequent users of the Sp's in Toronto . From what I have seen on this board and by talking to a few of the ladies here and Montreal there is a good percentage who have their financial act together . I'm wondering whether any clients routinely give stock tips and whether you have any understanding as to the rules dealing with insider trading ?

Secondly , given the stock market's performence over the last two years how did you get even with the advisor
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