Cdn "Cops" - To Serve And Protect


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
i'm sure most if not everyone has heard of or watched the show "Cops".
Wonder how many ppl have seen the Cdn version of it or are there any regular viewers?
I find the cdn version "to serve and protect", sooooo far different from "cops". soooooo boring.

Within last 2 weeks i saw 2 segments of it.
The first week was an officer giving a lady a ticket for jaywalking. JAYWALKING!! Big excitement in that compared to watching high speed chases or drug busts etc you see on "cops".
Last night, while flipping the channel, i come across another episode. What had happened was a shopping cart came rolling down a street and hit a public bus, and broke 1 of the windows in the door.
The cops talks to the driver and he says he saw some ppl outside in a nearby house and they mite be the culprit, but turns out they just heard a noise and came out to see what it was.
The officer was standing on the sidewalk, explaining all of this, they talked to the ppl and turns out they werent the suspects, and that was the end of that segment.

Are they doing it on purpose as to trying to show that there arent many "big" crimes in cananda vs. u.s?

idk, maybe some find that interesting, but i think is sooo boring. I can look out my window and see things more interesting than watching someone get a ticket for jaywalking.

my monday rant


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
Canada's Version of Cops

Yeah i know what you mean about this show. I've seen it a couple times and it is always little tickets for nothing like regular speeding tickets and stuff like that.

But then again this show only follows the RCMP in small little Places in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan.

Its not like they are following Toronto's Finest or the Vancouver police while they are doing their nightly patrols where I'm sure there is more action than rural New Brunswick.

But Our version of Cops doesn't compare to the American at all.

I remember a while back when Cop's actually filmed with Metro police and they went to a shooting and a stabbing and that was one of the only times the American Cops show was here.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
I fffffffin luv this show and Cops in the US too. Ulitmate reality comedy show. True there are differences; Cdn Cops doesn't show high speed chase or breaking down doors, US cops revel in it. Cdn Cops is almost exclusively shot in Vancouver/Burnaby or Edmonton.

Highlights US Cops:
Copcar cruising LosAngeles alleys with cop monotone "alot of the gays use these alleys after last call. Cut to searchlight sweeping across two guys lying on top of each other in alley. Minutes of Mexican homo #1 denying everything. Cop "How do you explain your back and hair covered in leaves?". Eventually Mexican homo#1 the denier owns up "I am from Canada". Hilarious.

Highlights Cdn Cops:
Old drunk guy Vancouver East Hastings rasping out "Here's a number you older fellows might recognize: a little Sergio Mendes and Brazil sumthin sumthin" and he starts murdering The Look of Love and dancing too.

Best show on tv.


New member
Jul 16, 2005
Interesting. I thought Cops was pretty good at showing cops outside the US. I remember when they did shows on Russian cops, British cops, Thai cops, etc. I know they did one in Canada too.

I would also recommend the show American Justice on A&E. Even though it's called "American Justice" and it's not as fast-paced as cops, they seem to do quite a few cases in Canada. They covered the Allison Parrot case, as well as a murder in Edmonton.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I agree that Cops is more exciting then To Serve & Protect. Although most of the time I think on To Serve & Protect they are just 'being nice' for the show In other words they know they are on camera. In a lot of those cases where they let them go with a warning... if they were not on camera they would have arrested the perp.

Having said... they (Serve & Protect) have never done a show in Toronto I don't think. I wonder how TO cops responding to a shooting for example or even an out of control domestic situation would compare to US version.

Also it may be exciting on TV... but not to exciting to be living it. In the past year or so there have been over 1/2 dozen shootings with-in five blocks of my house. That's too much even for me, a guy who came up from the streets. When you wake up in the middle of the night and hear a cop shouting from only 1/2 block away "Driver! Get out of the car; Driver Do It NOW! ... etc" the whole thing is just not too exciting or fun anymore.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
TheNiteHwk said:
I agree that Cops is more exciting then To Serve & Protect. Although most of the time I think on To Serve & Protect they are just 'being nice' for the show In other words they know they are on camera. In a lot of those cases where they let them go with a warning... if they were not on camera they would have arrested the perp.

Having said... they (Serve & Protect) have never done a show in Toronto I don't think. I wonder how TO cops responding to a shooting for example or even an out of control domestic situation would compare to US version.

Also it may be exciting on TV... but not to exciting to be living it. In the past year or so there have been over 1/2 dozen shootings with-in five blocks of my house. That's too much even for me, a guy who came up from the streets. When you wake up in the middle of the night and hear a cop shouting from only 1/2 block away "Driver! Get out of the car; Driver Do It NOW! ... etc" the whole thing is just not too exciting or fun anymore.
NH. didn't you used to be a driver?:D


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL yeah, in BC they mostly show drunk natives and the odd hooker in is extremely tame compared to the US version but I think that has to do with our privacy laws. Either that or we're just plain BORING up here .....

COPS did do a show in Toronto and it was more exciting than To serve....the Russian one was freaking scary. How they could arrest anyone without probable cause and keep them locked up without any charges, hope of bail or even a visit in front of a judge. I remember one shot where they had 10 prisoners in a cell meant for 2 and one had been there for 2 years without even knowing what he had been charged with.....


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
great bear said:
NH. didn't you used to be a driver?:D


Good one.

Yah. Now that you mention that and in relation to this topic I think they should do a Quebec version. Except it would all be in French and most of us would not understand. Then again that's what subtitles are for. Reason I suggest that is because being pulled over in Ontario (Ottawa) is like night and day in comparison to being pulled over in Quebec (Hull or Montreal). At least in my experience it was. Like comparing US cops to Canadian cops. With hard nose US types being the Quebecer cops. I use to blame their attitude all the time on the fact that I had Ontario plates and do not speak French. But some have told me they are all like that over there. Quebec... Sortie De Quebec they call themselves. Quebec version of OPP. I never have been let go with a warning from those guys. Always fined and ticketed to the limit and their whole attitude is very harsh. OPP on the other hand always are very polite even calling me Mr. and sir etc... And give reduced speeding ticket or when they found out I drive for a living let me go altogether with a simple warning.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Deep South, north of 45

Western Canada was a curious choice for the filming. From what I hear in the Prairies, these are provinces where a clean-cut college dude can rape and beat up an underage street girl and get away with a few weekends of community service at the Bingo hall.

With that type of justice system, the only role for police is to drum up municipal & provincial fine revenues, unless of course they have to run some trespasser off an oil company's property.
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Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
i watch the show every so often. The ones I find more interesting is when they pull over "johns" picking up street prostitutes, and the eps where they showed what police training is all about. There are also eps where they go into grow-op houses and show how it was all set-up.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
They can't televise any episode with a bust in it, because the evidence never makes it to the lockup. I've heard several cops bragging about confiscated booze never making it back to the police station, and most pour out the open bottles or cans at the scene. And drugs, now that is an eye opener.

They have better things to do, like eat doughnuts. You couldn't televise that either.

Just waiting for an Ontario episode with Cam Woolley as the host, the narrator, the arresting officer, and undercover cop, and the guy chasing the suspect down, NOT!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts