Asia Studios Massage

car enthusiasts only...


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007

How do you figure out and weave through all the lists and numbers of mechanic shops (From Canadian Tire to all the little shops around town) to determine who's not out to steal your wallet and lie till you're dry? (ie: charging you 100 bucks for an oil change...) Where are the honest, genuine, sincere mechanics that are out to make an honest, decent living treating people like decent people?


Jan 19, 2007
hey bud
good question.. im interested to know too.. everyone here in this place seems to be lying to ur face ... rippin u off till the last cent ..
They are just pathetic..
I am told somethin different by every differnet shop that i go to.
i still go to my dealer cuz my car is under warranty but wont be going to them as soon as it finishes..

Any advice on some honest mechanic shops would be appreciated..
Hey buddy, actually i might have someone that was recomended.. if u want, i will give u the details..
He is a mechanic down close to toronto and mississauga border..
PM me if u want to know


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
fizzyeyes said:
hey bud
good question.. im interested to know too.. everyone here in this place seems to be lying to ur face ... rippin u off till the last cent ..
They are just pathetic..
I am told somethin different by every differnet shop that i go to.
i still go to my dealer cuz my car is under warranty but wont be going to them as soon as it finishes..

Any advice on some honest mechanic shops would be appreciated..
Hey buddy, actually i might have someone that was recomended.. if u want, i will give u the details..
He is a mechanic down close to toronto and mississauga border..
PM me if u want to know

Somebody told me this:

You want advice? No mechanics are honest, they're all to $#@* you up the ass and take your money, be it charging extra labour and such.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Terminator2000 said:
Somebody told me this:

You want advice? No mechanics are honest, they're all to $#@* you up the ass and take your money, be it charging extra labour and such.

That is not true.

Now I have been ripped off too, most work I do myself but once in a while I need a shop--exhaust work, trans work, tires, stuff you need the right equipment to do the job neat and right.

Best to call and LISTEN to the guy talking. Its a judgment call, if you screw up and take it to the wrong place, best to cut your lost and take you car out..even if it needs to be towed away.

Even good shops go bad sometimes. Was at a GoodYear shop that WAS great, so I take the 14 year old car over for a new muffler. They come back with a $700 es...says the cat, everything needs to be replace. Told them its too much for that old car, they go.."well just charge it on your G.Y. credit card--I had to get one for a rebate months ago.

So I go calling around, place by my house change half of the exhaust-from the cat on back-for $150. Two years later its still fine.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
The best way is to find a marque specific shop that caters to the enthusiasts. There are a few Honda shops I can recommend, a Nissan one and a Mazda one.
The best is to go find an internet forum for your particular make and model, and hang around until you can figure out who and where to go.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
anon1 said:
The best way is to find a marque specific shop that caters to the enthusiasts. There are a few Honda shops I can recommend, a Nissan one and a Mazda one.
The best is to go find an internet forum for your particular make and model, and hang around until you can figure out who and where to go.
Good one.

I'll give that a try...

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Around here its a toss up but it seems the small single shops were the owner is around doing work too are the best. Once they get a name and have muti-shops they go bad.

There is honest guy's out there thou....I took my cylinder heads to be milled and check a year ago to a place over an hour was worth it, they charge me the lowest price and did great work, the bill was half of what most places would have charge.

Thats the thing, my trans shop is 45 mins away--but that too went down hill, the guy retire and sold the shop to his brother-its good but not as good as it was. You need to call lots of numbers and sometimes go past dozens of shops on the way to the one you like.

When I call places, my finger is ready to hang up...any bad feeling or BS, I hang up and call another place..I still have slip up but when they come and start saying you need this and that, I ask how much do I owe you right now and I pay it and go try again :( Its around $75-$100

If they say they MIGHT be able to do it for less, still take your car out...once they start then they say you owe them say $400 but it be another $400 to get the job done.

You need to listen and think what they tell you before giving the ok to start the need not to always say ok, they get pissed sometimes and tell you nobody can do it cheaper, etc..or they act like you are dumb or don't trust them...don't give a heck, go with your gut feeling.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Sheesh, gimme a break will ya?

Every mechanic is out to screw you?

If that truly were the case a) they'd be out of business and b) there'd be a hell of a lot more investigations into wrongdoing.

There are a ton of shops out there that will do only what's necessary, only charge you for any parts they actually replace, and do the job quickly and efficiently.

But then again, I guess even a paranoid schizophrenic is right some of the time.....

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I have a really good mechanic, I totally trust him, and he always makes the right diagnosis to fix it the first time. It took a while for me to find him, but it was worth it. My suggestions.
- If you can, educate yourself enough about cars so that you can understand what they are saying is wrong, and what the options are.
- Look for a place where the owner is actively involved, not a dealer or chain.
- If you ever take your car to Canadian Tire, you deserve all the misery you get. They have every part in stock, so they do not attempt to figure anything out. They just replace parts until it works.
- Go to a place where they have many long-term customers, people who have been going for many years. One good way to find such a place is to ask people you know where they go.
- Look for a place that fits what you drive, either by brand (as suggested above), or a performance orientation, or off-road, or trucks, or whatever you are into.


Agreed that all mechanics are not crooks (I used to be one ...... mechanic that is, not crook) best is to ask people you trust and/or know a bit about cars.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
This is just anecdotal, but a family member who used to have a driving job for a couple of years, and had very frequent problems and changed mechanics just as frequently--once told me there is no honest mechanic in the city. I guess sort of like a B&S--many guys don't want the hassle of a scene or trouble of continuing looking for the (urgent) service they require at the moment, so they take what is being offered at the moment. Can't remember the exact scenario/details as it was over 10 years ago, but the last sour relationship I had with a mechanic was getting a call that my entire gas tank and line setup was on the floor of their shop and it would take $1000 (in the area of) to fix it and put it all back together. This after just telling them to look into it. Also, it almost seems that the job is done shittier or half-assed if you are "one of their own" or from their own community "back home". Maybe there should be a TMRB? lol


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
slurp said:
best is to ask people you trust and/or know a bit about cars.
Best advise here so far. Talk to anyone and everyone and see if you can get a good recommendation. I've been using the same shop for almost 15 years and never felt like I was being lied to or ripped off.

I would stay away from places like Sears and especially Canadian Tire. CT's are all franchised but they are really pushed to meet quota's on stuff like batteries, mufflers etc every month. I have a family member who worked in a CT parts dept for years and he NEVER took his car to CT.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
wpgguy said:
Best advise here so far. Talk to anyone and everyone and see if you can get a good recommendation. I've been using the same shop for almost 15 years and never felt like I was being lied to or ripped off.

I would stay away from places like Sears and especially Canadian Tire. CT's are all franchised but they are really pushed to meet quota's on stuff like batteries, mufflers etc every month. I have a family member who worked in a CT parts dept for years and he NEVER took his car to CT.
That is 100% bullshit. No ifs ands or buts.

Once again: if all CTC stores were crooks and didn't know what they were doing, do you seriously think they'd be able to stay in business?

You guys are too much, really.

Just like sp's: there are good ones, there are bad ones, but to say they are ALL bad because a couple of bad experiences, just shows how lame you really are.

The problem with a mechanic is that there are those that upgrade their training on all the new technology that comes out and those that don't. Some are good diagnosticians, some are not. Sometimes (due to the complexity of newer vehicles) that it is difficult and sometimes impossible to find out exactly what the problem is.

As stated, the number one problem with mechanics is people don't know shit about how their car operates and the second they get handed a bill for a grand, they scream rip off yet they have no knowledge base to make that determination.

Just like contractors, the way to tell a good mechanic from a poor one? If he's busy. If he can take your car right away, then he's probably not a good one. If he says come back in 3 or 4 days? That means he's booked up and people keep going to him.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
tboy said:
Once again: if all CTC stores were crooks and didn't know what they were doing, do you seriously think they'd be able to stay in business?

You guys are too much, really.
Are you fucking kidding me, tboy? I have never met a mechanic who does only what's necessary, which is why the industry stays afloat. The best of the worst survive, and the best would never survive an honesty test. Every mechanic and every corporate operation is in business to screw you and hope you don't know the difference. Dealerships screw you high and low, Canadian Tires do the same, and so does every small time mechanic. PM me the exception and the business will flow to that guy and this won't be another masturbation/argument thread.

Sometimes you are so naive it's just precious.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Are you fucking kidding me, tboy? I have never met a mechanic who does only what's necessary, which is why the industry stays afloat. The best of the worst survive, and the best would never survive an honesty test. Every mechanic and every corporate operation is in business to screw you and hope you don't know the difference. Dealerships screw you high and low, Canadian Tires do the same, and so does every small time mechanic. PM me the exception and the business will flow to that guy and this won't be another masturbation/argument thread.

Sometimes you are so naive it's just precious.
And sometimes you don't know wtf you're talking about.

I've been in the auto repair biz in one way or another for over 20 yrs and while yes, there are a holes out there, there are millions of honest, hardworking and decent mechanics. As for "only doing what's necessary", if you pay for anything that wasn't necessary? You're a bigger dummy than I previously imagined. One has to be pretty fricken dumb to pay for something they didn't request or order. Heck, what's your address? I'm going to send a couple of new kitchens your way! heck, I could retire on your ticket!

As for "upselling" additional work, you tell me ONE retail/repair industry that DOESN'T do that? I mean hell, when you go buy a tank of gas they are trying to sell you candy bars, drinks, coffee, oil, etc etc etc Have you ever bought an electronic gadget in the last 20 yrs? How about the "extended warranty"? So I guess you call BB and Futureshop crooks too? Naw, didn't think so....

As for pm'ing you the exception(s), I don't have to, they already have more business than they can handle.

As sheik so eloquently pointed out, you have to know wtf you're talking about and never give carte blanche to anyone in any business.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Fortunately, I've been laying under cars since I was 8 years old. Done Frame Off Restorations, rebuilt several engines, fixed many a friend's car (gotta be careful there). No, I am not a mechanic. Never even took an auto couse in High School. I just know which end of the wrench is which and not to use it for a hammer. I figure it it was put together, it can be taken apart.

That said, there are certain things I can't do myself - rebuild an automatic transmission (though I know how to drop one and working on your back, it's boarderline not worth it), computer problems, electrical diagnosis, etc. You need the right computers and software to diagnose many problems.

I would agree that if you educate yourself at the very least you can learn to recognize bullshit when you hear it.

Not all mechanics are rip off artists I can assure you. In fact, I'd say that none of them are getting rich. (Unlike some guys out there.)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You're right james, I'd say there are more "crooked" lawyers than crooked many take on cases promising the client a big windfall knowing that they don't have a hope in hell?

(like that one that sued McDonalds because some teen got fat eating Big Mac meals 7 days a week).

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
If you want a good honest mechanic head to a small town. They thrive on repeat business. If they are caught cheating someone, in a small town word spreads fast.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
great bear said:
If you want a good honest mechanic head to a small town. They thrive on repeat business. If they are caught cheating someone, in a small town word spreads fast.
(lol and all the townspeople run them out of town in a hurry)......


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
tboy said:
That is 100% bullshit. No ifs ands or buts.

Nope, I stand behind that statement 100%, I have heard that more than once and from people who work there that this goes on daily.

Read the last paragraph Auto mechanic fraud.htm

EDIT, Shit, I can't get this link to work. Google sears auto fraud it should be the first story that comes up. Basically states that Sears was found to have monthly quota's on repairs and parts and caught doing so twice in 10 years.

Sears was fined $200,000 in 1992 and was caught again in 2002.

In 2003 Sears and Canadian Tire where found to be the biggest crooks in the business in Canada as well.

Bottom line, Canadian Tire and Sears have the worst record with auto repairs and should be avoided at all costs.

I never said ALL mechanics where crooks, actually I recommend the shop I use all the time, I've used them for 15 years and trust them completely.
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