She has a nice amateur voice, but lacks the operatic voice training.
She has a nice amateur voice, but lacks the operatic voice training.
Compared to another amateur, sure. I posted she has a nice voice and she has a great bubly personality to go with it. But If you watched some of the auditions, you would have noticed that Measha was very guarded in her praise of her, almost to the extend of damning with faint praise.Measha Brueggergosman said she was a superior singer compared to the other opera singer who was lacking in aspirations
You talking to me without your lips moving?Would have been better!
I was considering it But all that work and stress for no pay?!!!!!!!???We should get a group of us together and make a act for next year? Im IN!
Compared to another amateur, sure. I posted she has a nice voice and she has a great bubly personality to go with it. But If you watched some of the auditions, you would have noticed that Measha was very guarded in her praise of her, almost to the extend of damning with faint praise.
I believe so.Can you really tell the refined details (if there are any) that separates her from a Opera star ?