The One Spa


Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Is this still operational for non-paying members? It doesn't look like there's been a new post since May and I can't get access to the message boards, even when using the "agree" as the password. What gives?


Someone should email this idiot....Delta nine, what he's doing wrong. At one point his board was more active than terb.........and then he made it so that every post has to be read by him befor allowing it on the board..........a day sometimes weeks before you see your post up. when it was immediate posting like its here on terb.....he did well. and then he turned it into a membership thingy.............what a dumbass.

Canbest.........give it up...............too little too late.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
That place is dead...

I too was active on CANBEST before it dried up.

I actually liked the format that divided posts into separate areas for each agency or SC because it made searching for information or researching a particular agency or club very easy.

Unfortunately, it seems that some of the participants got out-of-hand with flames and abusive posts and they had to implement a process of pre-screening posts before they went live. It worked for a while because it seemed that Delta9 was quick to approve posts but, as he began to get behind, things got really annoying. As Troops pointed out, this eventually killed the activity and participation on that board.

I think that one of the reasons that TERB is more successful is that all posters must register, even if they choose not to contribute financially. This, at least, guarantees that a member has registered an e-mail address and can also be traced by IP. The other advantage of TERB is that there are several mods who maintain a semblance of order and the responsibility is not focused on a single point-of-failure. Some members can sometimes get temporarily out-of-hand but the mods can edit the really offensive content when required and, in extreme cases, ban a participant who does not follow the guidelines of the forum. The IP component also limits blatant attempts to abuse the board for personal reasons by using multiple aliases .

I think that these factors are what help keep TERB alive and fresh and, in comparison, did CANBEST in. Perhaps the name should be changed to CANAVERAGE.



New member
Jan 31, 2003
Delta 9

isn't he the owner of Canbest ?


Ah, now that I just read Troop's post.... all is clear.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts