Toronto Escorts

Canadians say Majority Of Trudeau Cabinet Ministers Are Doing A Bad Job


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
That's because Trudeau is doing a bad job., starts at the top.

Only a few Liberal cabinet ministers get positive ratings from the public.
A new poll shows the Canadian People give bad marks to the vast majority of the Trudeau Liberal cabinet, with only some exceptions.

The Angus Reid survey asked what Canadians thought about the performance of all cabinet ministers, dividing them up into three tiers based on name recognition.

Among the most well-known ministers, Chrystia Freeland (+20), Marc Garneau (+16), and Ralph Goodale (+3) get positive marks.

For all the other famous ministers, the ratings are negative.
The worst ratings are given to Ahmed Hussen (-26), Bill Morneau (-20), Bill Blair (-19), and Seamus O’Regan (-17).

For the next tier of ministers (in terms of name recognition), only Jody Wilson-Raybould (+14), Melanie Joly (+10), and Lawrence MacAulay (+4) get positive marks.

Canadians give terrible marks to Amarjeet Sohi (-36), Patty Hajdu (-22), Navdeep Bains (-20), and Carolyn Bennett (-15).

Among the lowest tier of ministers, the numbers are mostly negative, while name recognition is under 50%.
Clearly, the Trudeau Liberals are not getting good marks for their performance, with some of the most important ministries (finance, immigration, security, infrastructure) getting among the worst ratings.

The question now is whether the Opposition can convince Canadians that they can do a better job, which will be a challenge considering how the establishment media will be doing everything they can to boost the Liberals fortunes.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Worth noting, the Canadians elected him (or more accurately members of his party).

Last I saw, he also still holds a lead in polling for the next election.
Means little that they voted him in, people vote in people that they later regret. The CBC post is from 2017, I see there is some update but this is a current poll and the conservatives would win over the liberals.

The Conservatives have a 9 point lead over the Trudeau Liberals according to the latest Forum Research Poll.

Here are the key numbers:

Conservatives – 43%, Liberals – 34%, NDP – 11%, Greens – 6%, Bloc – 4%
The Conservative lead is based primarily on strong support from their large lead among men. Over half of male respondents (51%) said they would vote Conservative.

Based on those numbers, Forum projects the Conservatives would win 180 seats, while the Liberals would win 140.
Scheer has also caught up to Trudeau on the ‘best prime minister’ question.

While Trudeau usually led in that measure by a large amount, he now leads by just 1 point. 33% say Trudeau would be the best PM, while 32% pick Scheer.

Scheer also has a better net approval rating of -2 (33% approve, 35% disapprove), while Trudeau’s net approval is – 16 (38% approve, 54% disapprove).

The numbers for Jagmeet Singh are terrible. He has just 20% approval, while 41% disapprove.
Overall, these are good results for the Conservatives. However, the Forum Poll has regularly shown more positive results for the Conservatives than other polling companies, and an aggregated look at the numbers still shows a close race between the top two parties.
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