Canadian Troops in Afghanistan?

Our Canadian troops in Afghanistan?

  • Bring them home.

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • Extend the deployment.

    Votes: 19 27.5%

  • Total voters


Active member
Dec 9, 2003
The plan is that Canada will withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan next year.

Do you support this idea, or do you think we should continue to fight the insurgents?

Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
Canada has done the job very well, we have sacrified so many young Canadian Lives in a lawless country like Afghanistan! Our Troops should honourably return home by middle of 2011 when our committment ends! Why we should fight battles for others? its their own responsibility to look after their affairs. Where is the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) ? they should send their troops to fight in Afghanistan they belong to same beliefs, they know their culture, and background and they can fight their own in a Country like Afghanistan!
High time we feel our troops should come back home, and perform their normal duties, enough is enough now!


New member
Sep 28, 2005
First of all I have nothing but respect for men and women who decide to join the Canadian armed services. My comments have nothing to do with our troops serving anywhere in the world. But Afghanistan is a lost cause, there has not been and will not be an outcome that in anyway resembles "success". Dating back to the 1700's The Russians, The British, The Indians and The Chinese have all fought for it or over it and none of them were "victorious". I'm reading a book now entitled "Tournament of Shadows", and there are narrative passages in it that that you would swear are describing the situation there today. To answer the question "...bring them home!"

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm very politically incorrect in what I am about to say.....

Bring them home because frankly, the Afghans are not worth dying over.

We're in there for whatever reason - but thinking that we are going to do some good is naive. The Afghans have no intention of changing their ways anytime soon. They WANT to live in the Stone Age and nothing we do will ever change that. At the end of the day, they will still be corrupt, they will still stone women to death for not wearing a burka, they will still not educate little girls, they will still all get high on opium, and they will still be islamo-fascists.

Let them kill each other. It's all they know, it's all they understand, it's all they ever want.

They are not worth the blood of even 1 of our fine young soldiers.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
I'm very politically incorrect in what I am about to say.....

Bring them home because frankly, the Afghans are not worth dying over.

We're in there for whatever reason - but thinking that we are going to do some good is naive. The Afghans have no intention of changing their ways anytime soon. They WANT to live in the Stone Age and nothing we do will ever change that. At the end of the day, they will still be corrupt, they will still stone women to death for not wearing a burka, they will still not educate little girls, they will still all get high on opium, and they will still be islamo-fascists.

Let them kill each other. It's all they know, it's all they understand, it's all they ever want.

They are not worth the blood of even 1 of our fine young soldiers.
I dont think I have EVER agreed with you Kirk.... but this time I am in complete agreement. Not worth ONE single Canadian life if they dont want to at least try to help themselves.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I'm very politically incorrect in what I am about to say.....

Bring them home because frankly, the Afghans are not worth dying over.

We're in there for whatever reason - but thinking that we are going to do some good is naive. The Afghans have no intention of changing their ways anytime soon. They WANT to live in the Stone Age and nothing we do will ever change that. At the end of the day, they will still be corrupt, they will still stone women to death for not wearing a burka, they will still not educate little girls, they will still all get high on opium, and they will still be islamo-fascists.

Let them kill each other. It's all they know, it's all they understand, it's all they ever want.

They are not worth the blood of even 1 of our fine young soldiers.
You are correct. However we are not there to save the Afghan people. We are there to bolster NATO and our relationship with our American friends. If NATO and the US were not in Afghanistan, we would not be there either. So the real question it worth it to maintain our voice in NATO and vis a vis the US?


Apr 7, 2005
You forgot a 3rd option:



Active member
Oct 9, 2002
I'd like to see them come home as much as everyone else, but I'm really worried about what will happen if NATO doesn't finish the job.
There's no doubt in my mind that the country will revert to the terrorist safe haven it once was.


Apr 24, 2005
I voted bring them home. There is only downside in staying there. Plus, I am sick of hearing the looney liberals preach from their ivory towers about how Canadians are a bunch of war criminals and they murdered a badly wounded and suffering insurgent.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
They should actually come home when the job is done. Not at a fixed time frame!

ITS A WAR!!! Not a hockey game.....

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'd like to see them come home as much as everyone else, but I'm really worried about what will happen if NATO doesn't finish the job.
There's no doubt in my mind that the country will revert to the terrorist safe haven it once was.
You are correct.

Which is why Nato should just bomb the shit out of them if and when it does happen.

Let the terrorists sort out the pieces.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
No, it is not a war when your country won't allow you to do your job and tie both your hands behind your back.
If the soldiers were not constrained by the politicians they would just kill everyone and let god sort it out. The fact is, we cannot afford to do the job. For the west to complete the job it will probably cost about 2-5 trilllion. Canada's share of that would be about 100-500B. So no we just cannot do it. How would all the people who voted "yes" feel about paying 2x taxes for the next 3 years to cover the cost of the war.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
You are correct. However we are not there to save the Afghan people. We are there to bolster NATO and our relationship with our American friends. If NATO and the US were not in Afghanistan, we would not be there either. So the real question it worth it to maintain our voice in NATO and vis a vis the US?
i vote to bring them home........maybe if the rest of NATO would do their share then i might reconsider but most of NATO is doing diddly
canada has done more than it's share and quite frankly our troops have done a magnificent job with very little help


Active member
Dec 9, 2003
You are correct.

Which is why Nato should just bomb the shit out of them if and when it does happen.

Let the terrorists sort out the pieces.
JTK, I hardly ever agree with you, and yet there is part of me that wants someone to drop a big fucking nulear bomb on the easter edge of the Mediterranean Sea and let the fallout wipe out the whole middle east. Hopefully it would carry eastwards and clean out pakistan too.

But, that is not realistic... nor is your option... so in light of what is reality, I voted to bring them home...


Feb 8, 2005
Something people overlook since the media doesn't bother reporting on the good things that the Canadian troops are doing over there because it isn't "sensational": 1. we are the only country serving over there working to eradicate polio 2. the Dalha dam project to give farmers not only irrigation but also the communities hydro and 3. training the afghan police force to take care of itself.

Our contributions aren't always the "bang bang shoot up the bad guys" - Canadians are very well known for working to rebuild infastructure so that the people over there can have a better quality of life than under the warlords and taliban's regime. God bless our men and women in uniform.
Toronto Escorts