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Canadian Idol Partially Retarded Couple


Feb 13, 2004
So after my American Idol Post Partum depression I realized last night that Cdn Idol had started Monday. ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. So I may have already missed the eventual idol.

I can tell you one thing though. That partially retarded couple (guy with big sideburns from BC and space cadet girlfriend from Quebec) will definitley not win. And if they do then something is definitely wrong.

Actually last night no one jumped out at me except for the annoying paesan from (Its gotta be) woodbridge. Actually he sang Volare quite well, but I sense an attitude the likes of which Constantine could only dream of. Should be an interesting season.


Oct 18, 2004
He is your stereotypical wop from Woodbridge,all style & NO substance,I'm sure he drove down to the audition in his souped-up Honda with his Maple Leaf carflag blowing in the breeze. :p

He wont make the top 10.


New member
Nov 19, 2004
It would be really hard to handicap this bunch from the three audition shows...lots of the "gold" cards were only shown as being given to the lucky winners...we never heard them sing...

Lets all make our predictions when they narrow it down to the top 30...that will be a real test of our "talent recognition skills"

wouldn't I be a sad f**k if I started taking notes and started an office pool....just askin'


Feb 13, 2004
Jamaica-luvr said:
wouldn't I be a sad f**k if I started taking notes and started an office pool....just askin'
No fucking way would you be a sad f**k. People just don't realize how cool we are cause we like Idol! :cool:

Joey Jeremiah

Dec 8, 2004
Degrassi St.
Dave Moffatt should be the next Canadian Idol. Nothing would be more glorious than having a member of the Moffatts achieve even greater success as a solo artist.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Anyone notice how there are hardly any black females in this years competition? I think after they saw Toya get screwed in the first Canadian Idol, they've realized there isn't any point in getting their hopes up.

PS Zack Werner is an asshole


Nov 22, 2001
Looks like there may be some decent talent in this crop but still too early to tell.

Anyone see the one named Bobbi Smith? Looks nothing at all like the one we know and love, but I got a (silent) chuckle from seeing that name.


Feb 13, 2004
I think I spotted the next Canadian Idol

So after reviewing last weeks episodes and more specifically the second night's episode with the duets and solos, I have many observations as the personalities start to emerge.

First and most importantly, as I'm watching a great cross section of the country's young talent, it does my heart proud to live here. Actually above the talent is the hot young poon that inhabits the great white north. In my not so humble opinion our girls put the yankee girls to shame. I can;t remember any particular names, but the from quebec to BC there is a tonne of hottness in the top 90. There's this one blonde girl (Shad?) who fucked up her song is kind of perfect. Reminds me of one of those girls from one of the first bachelor episodes. And the raven haired smoky voiced french girl is the devil in blue jeans. Now if we could just get these Toronto girls to loosen up. Or maybe we can import some girls from Saskatoon and Yorkton

Anyway I think the talent is a lot better than American Idol...again this year. Last year Teresa S. and more importantly Jakob, best idol finalist ever. Kalen was a sham. Any way this year there is a tonne of talent that got my attention quickly. The italian Woodbridge version of Constantine is annoying but he can sing. The 16 year old from Sudbury Darryl Brunt is going top 12 for sure. And I just want to assure every one that I am not a fag but that guy from Edmonton, Stephane Aubin is so hot I'd bang him. Actually he's got a great voice as well and recovered so well from the messed up lyrics. Lots of other dudes as well that were great.

Lastly I am going to go out on a limb and say that SUZI RAWN from BC the Avril Lavigne lookalike is the next Canadian Idol. I know its too early too call. The girl is raw, and may be inconsistant and screw up. But she's got the skillz to pay the billz. She took Whitney Houston's "I have nothing" and tore it a new asshole. That is one tough song to pull off like she did. I think I can see some Jakob in her as well. I think the only thing that could derail her is the imminent drug scandal.



Feb 13, 2004
I really enjoyed viewing Ashley Leitao tonight. As well as Daryl Brunt. And that Jen Beaupre is crazy good. However she looks like a bird and those funny facial expressions might be too weird for the voters. Bye

And poor crazy Cher Mandael. This freak has to go.
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2004
No Problem, I'll just amuse myself here for a while then.

I totally agree with tonights judgement regarding Ashley Leitao and Darryl Brunt. And even in the order they were chosen. I hope that Jen Beaupre was at least 4th. This kind of has to restore your faith in Idol voting. That is if you agreed with the judging. Sure they didn;t match their performances of last night, but thats understandable. BTW is Ashley Leitao out of this world gorgeous. They say she's portuguese but I just don't get it. Looks Native Indian or Asian mix, perhaps Hawaiian. Whatever she is, she's so perfect Disney could actually cast her as a live character in an animated film. Pocahontas for sure. (Just came to the realization that for the past 15 years I have a Pocahontas fetish Oh well at least I have a topic for my next thread)

Anyway I think both of tonights finalist will go top 6-8 for sure. BUT and that's a very big BUT they will both be steam-rolled by the crazy little singing machine from BC, Suzi "I sniff glue for fun" Rawn. Note: I have no idea if Suzi Rawn currently or ever has sniffed glue or is crazy in any way shape or form. Fortunately the CDN public will not allow a Scott Savol or an Anthony Fedorov through to the top 10 or 12. Also the talent pool imo opinion is so much deeper than that of AI.


Feb 13, 2004
Aw come on! Jimmy Coldplay!

Why not look on the positive side of things and enjoy him for what he is....Hold on! isn't he 16 already. SHouldn't his voice have changed by now? Anyway if you saw him sing, did you not think he was great.

Lastly please don;t tell me you think Ashley is ugly.


Feb 13, 2004
Canadian Idol Judges are Morons...All of them

Ok so after the last two nights of Idol I actually don't think I know who went through. And really it doesn't matter. I would really like it if the judges refrained from making any further comments.

First off the Moffat boy WAS good. I couldn't believe they panned him but hey thats their perogative. And I guess the canadian public can be influenced. That was one tough Wonder song he performed and though he missed a couple of notes, he did a spledid job.

The blonde youngin who sang "bring it on home to me" was also great and she got the same bs from the judges. She started out rough but definitely brought that lovin home. Actually I think she is totally cute and now that I feel like a old perv...

Woodbridge Constantine was not that good but I guess the paesans are pooling forces.

You know I thought these judges knew what they were talking about but nay!


Feb 13, 2004
Yup just as I expected, the two eventual finalists are easliy through to the top 10. Darryl Brunt and the eventual winner, Suzi Rawn. These two are easliy the best and have the best potential for stardom. That's all
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