I don't mind the proposal for Ontario Place
He should buy back the 407 after Dummy Harris sold it off for peanuts
Science Centre, don't care either way
LCBO I don't belive is for sale and that would be a dumb move considering how much money comes in. I don't mind variety stores selling a few items.
Service Ontario I find to be more efficient. I don't panic anymore having to wait forever going in.
Health Care, I believe he's trying. As long as we do not lose our OHIP coverage, does it matter if it's private or not? Long waits and hospital shortages with staff have been poor regardless of the government in power. I believe it's a work in progress.
I always call it as I see it. He tries and yes he helps his buddies but they all do. Every politician of every stripe lines their pockets and their friend's pockets. Trump is the king of conmen but they all are just most are a little less greedy.
As for what he is doing to fight Trump, he's a star and you can't take that away from him.
I think you need to look closer.
Science Centre - DoFo closed the heritage building so developers could profit from the land after the new LRT goes in. It will end up costing hundreds of millions, be a smaller attraction and lose one of two tourist attractions in the neighbourhood. Its a stupid waste of money so developers could make bank, only they forgot to check who actually owns the land and now DoFo would have to use the notwithstanding to take the land from Toronto.
LCBO - DoFo is doing the conservative thing of weakening it until he can drown it in a bathtub. He spent $200 million to break contracts so he could sell beer and alcopop in corner stores, again for his donors and people like Harper. In the next year or two DoFo will announce that the LCBO is no longer making $2 billion a year so it would be better to sell it to his donors for $100 million.
Service Ontario - New report came out today saying its costing the government $11 million more. Those were Canadian owned and operated, now they are part of corporate Staples. Again, its costing Ontario and killing Ontario owned businesses for corporate interests.
Health Care - Go back to Bill 124, that was the start of a campaign to drive out publicly funded nurses. Now more nurses are hired through agencies, which cost the government more but make the agencies bank. Same with private clinics, shorter waiting time but the government pays more than they did for publicly provided services. Paperwork and fee cuts have driven out family doctors, this is again intentional as a way to push more private walkin clinic profit.
Its all the same, look closely and we pay more for worse service while someone at the top is making way more money.