Can you really make it bigger by answering your spam?

Penis Man To Guys, Size Matters Married, with Zinc
Can you really make it bigger by answering your spam? A wife watches her husband's transformation
July 9, 2003
I have a penis. Near as I can tell, it's a perfectly acceptable penis as regards both length and girth. It is neither something you could club a person to death with nor an embarrassment. I like my penis and my penis is liked, from what I hear.

But like all things good, my penis prompts this question: Could it be better? Could it be a bigger, mightier, more productive tallywacker? And if it could--oh, if it could--what would be the appropriate mechanism to effect this change? Do we have the technology?

Well, anyone who's ever checked his or her e-mail inbox after a weekend out of the office knows the answer to the above question is a succinct "Yup." Amid the offers for cut-rate mortgages, attractive Christian singles, porn and no-sweat credit repair lurks the most frequently and vigorously made of all spam offers: the penis enlargement pill.

"Transform your rod into a monster," read the subject line. Don't mind if I do, thank you very much. Turns out the good people at Quicksilver Natural Labs have unlocked the secret to creating a member to remember--an herb and vitamin cocktail assembled from 17 herbs and minerals (including cayenne, pumpkin seed, licorice root, muira puana and 500 milligrams of "300 yohimbe," an African herb that is used as a sex tonic) and stuffed into a brownish easy-to-swallow gelatin capsule. They call their creation Pinacle (sic).

What Quicksilver Labs lacks in spelling acumen, it makes up with breathy ad copy. From the e-mail text: "You'll radiate confidence and success whenever you enter a locker room, and other men will look at you with real envy. ... As you drive your penis deep inside her she'll gasp as you dominate her. ... At the same time you are satisfying her cravings with your large, manly penis, YOU are receiving more pleasure in your sensitive nerve endings than you can imagine. Once you reach this sexual height you'll never look back. It's awesome!"

Indeed. Awesome is doubtless the right word for a product which, regardless of race, creed, job, social status or, apparently, sexuality, can make a man "radiate confidence and success" in the company of his nude and sweaty fellows. Such is the spell cast by a "large and manly" (as opposed to womanly?) penis. All this for a mere $49.95. Cheap at twice the price which, if you're willing to pay, will get you two months' worth of Pinacle. But be careful. Quicksilver Labs' missive ends with this caveat: "Remember, a penis larger than 9 inches may be too large for most women." And a handful of larger mammals. (If you're wondering if spammers know something about you--penis size, credit rating, marital status--consider this: Four female colleagues also received this e-mail. None has a penis.)

My interest in Pinacle was piqued. Being that my credit card was not maxed out, likewise my pants, and that I'm more or less willing to ingest stuff of unknown provenance, I ordered a month's worth of Pinacle and began to take pills, side effects be damned.

Reluctant to employ a ruler to gauge my progress (it's creepy enough to take these pills; charting the growth of "my wife's best friend" is beyond the pale), I waited a week before engaging in a practical experiment. It was at this time I chose to make love to my dear wife Colleen. She, not a ruler with its cruelly graduated lines parsing the penis down to sixteenths of an inch, would be the judge. The event went something like this:

For rest of article see:


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
spammers are EVIL!!!!!

yes, answering will bring more spam, sending a cancellation will produce even more

spam is EVIL!!! i hunt spammers for fun.... just look for the trail of smoking craters in cyberspace.

spammers who abuse my clients get all the energy and ferocity i can muster just because, well, dammit.



Craving DenWa's Member
Maybe you can make it bigger by eating a spam sandwich.


Govt Designated Pervert
Re: spammers are EVIL!!!!!

CyberGoth said:
yes, answering will bring more spam, sending a cancellation will produce even more

spam is EVIL!!! i hunt spammers for fun.... just look for the trail of smoking craters in cyberspace.

spammers who abuse my clients get all the energy and ferocity i can muster just because, well, dammit.


How does one go about hunting them? Sounds like fun..


May 22, 2002
Around the World
Spam is insane in the last couple years, the governments (lead by the US) need to create legislation and laws to protect us from cyber spam, then they need to start laying some charges against the spammers.

There are places you can get real and helpful information regarding spam (like ). I've been told that clicking the 'unsubscribe' is a bad option, it verifies your email address which increases the value o f your email address to sell to others (because its confirmed).


Nov 26, 2002
I went through the 20 or so spam I received daily and clicked the little "remove" tab, typed in my email address to be removed from future emailings....right ?!?!
Now I get 80 or so a day, mostly in triplicate.....
my advice is a spam filter and just hit DELETE


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
Re: Re: spammers are EVIL!!!!!

Mikehorn said:

How does one go about hunting them? Sounds like fun..
Trade Secrets my friend.

Dear Echelon, spammers are terrorists. please bomb them.

have a nice day.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
I see that we are of differing positions on the subject of spam sir and I hold the right to disagree as a basic human right. Without debate there can be no progress.

Please just be completely aware that any spammer who attacks or abuses the assets of my clients should expect my company and its allies to come after them and shut them down by whatever means deemed appropriate. if you wish to spam, please pay for and use your own infrastructure to do so as a point of ethics.

An it harm none. Do what thou Wilt.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok can dress it up however you like...what you do is shitty...kind of like a large scale street hustler...most of the shit in the spam is exactly that...shit. Maybe if you were selling a legit and worthwhile product it wouldn't be so fucking irritating.


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
And people wonder why bandwidth costs so much. Here you have 100 million emails going out a day...from one single company.

The only way to beat spam is to educate people to not respond to it. As long as people are stupid enough to buy Penis Enlarging Pills from spammers, they'll keep doing it.

And we'll keep bitching about them.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
leaving open relays is just plain dumb.

pro1 said:
hi cybergoth, are you referring to the open relay servers which spammers scan for?

also, i'm not sure how a spammer can 'attack and abuse' your clients, this isnt a game to us we dont mess around like that, it is all business
there have been instances of corporate mail servers being deliberately rooted in order to make full use of the smtp servers and bandwidth. that sort of thing gets our attention when the client finds this and pays us to help them deal with the problem.

i take my work extremely seriously

with due respect. many many cases exist of spammers forging domain emails from respectable companies such as Sears or IBM, or whomever and this too is somewhat rude. They tend to get cranky when someone uses there name to spam kiddie porn which I have seen first hand.

sometimes these things do have quantifieable tangible impacts on the real world. imagine what happens if a spammer roots a hospital network, uses it to send a billion pieces of spam, and causes all sorts of fallout problems with that? the integrity of the hospital system must be maintained for some very compelling reasons with real world impacts in a failure state.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
Well play politely and try not to get my attention.

and I agree with sloppy admin being a bad thing. especially if its a badly maintained mail system on 10gigabit pipe or something. a gazzillion emails shoved out of there would definately inspire anger on the part of the owners who pay for that machine, ethernet cabling, routers, ISP connections, bandwidth, people to run it all. etc.

and sometimes they have no sense of humour.

I make a great deal more money because of microsoft's rotten security architectures.

hey, lemme buy you a beer one nite at a terb party and watch beautiful women. :)


May 22, 2002
Around the World
The problem with spam emails as opposed to the traditional spam mail you get in your mailslot at home (which cost the advertiser/spammer money and the home owner nothing0, it costs you money to download the emails which you never asked for, its unsolicited and it does cost, not just in bandwidth but also in your time, time to download time to delete.

Yes the current legislation is us-based, but that doesn't mean you'll be free to do it in Canada and Canada will follow the US's lead and implement the same strategies here. There are companies working on solutions to remove spam from the isp side, so it never gets to the unwilling participant, they already filter some out.

Canada is working on a telemarketer's removal list, spam email will go the same way, when someone wants removed, asks to be removed, its their legal right to be removed.

Yes for every fix that is put in to avoid spam, spammers will find another way around it, although I look forward to the first lawsuit or charges against a spammer, if you base their sentencing off how much people hate spam it should be nice and long, perhaps life without parole?
Originally posted by Goober McFly
She: (smoking) Oh Goober, are you going to do anything or are you just going to show me films all evening?
We see Goober, with small projector.
Goober: Just one more, dear.
She: Oh.
[size=-2]Cut to film clip. Deer. More specifically, a beautiful 16-point stag.
She: Oh, so that's what a horny bastard looks like![/size]
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