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Can you get arrested for asking civilian girls to pose nude?


Apr 6, 2010
There is a thread a guy who just got arrested for soliciting prostitute on the street. I am wondering if you talk to a civilian woman on the street and ask her pose nude for you. If she run screaming to the nearest police, can you get arrested? Never happened to me, but just wondering.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I'm not sure. But there was an old thread about someone walking up to girls and doing something like that and I think a bunch of people said he could get into trouble. Regardless, why are guys so fascinated with civilians and/or SWs? If you want to pay "civilians" (non-pros) to have sex with you then use CL. Don't do it on the street, it's going to get you nothing but trouble.


Apr 6, 2010
I use this line at times when talking to women on the street, but only as VERY last resort when I detect that normal dating is out of the question - she is not enough attracted, or are short of time. Never mention money until she asks if there is any compensation...
But here I was thinking of using this line against undercover cops posing as prostitute. Is it illegal to ask any women to pose as nude model???


Jan 31, 2005
Strictly speaking no, I don't think it's illegal. However if you repeatedly ask a woman questions like this it would quickly become sexual harassment, so you need to stop this line of questioning at the first no. Second if you tried to use it as some trick to get around prostitution laws I don't think that would work--the undercover could play along with your ruse until you incriminated yourself by letting on that you were after more than pictures. She could even lead you on with things like, "I'm not coming with you just for pictures honey" or "do you want to be in the pictures with me?", etc., to see what you say. You're skating on pretty dangerous ice there with serious criminal penalties that are stringently enforced, so stay away.

If you really wanted to proposition women for nude photos I think the best way would be to give them a card and make your pitch then walk away--let them call you if they're interested rather than trying to pressure them on the spot. The on the spot pressuring is more likely to get you into some kind of legal trouble.


Apr 6, 2010
She could even lead you on with things like, "I'm not coming with you just for pictures honey" or "do you want to be in the pictures with me?", etc., to see what you say.
I'd say "A true ARTIST must understand his subject before taking the pictures. Let's come talk for a minute let me get to you know better..." invite into car. Then "Please just quickly show me what I am working with" pointing to her breast, or "To really know someone, one must know her body as well as her mind. Let me see your beautiful breasts..." someonthing along that line so if she is a cop she will never show you her boobs, if she is an SP or better yet, a civilian women gone wild, she just might. After the breast test, you can escalate further until she talks money. If no money is needed all the better!

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Tasteless, tacky, but not illegal. But you might be asked to leave the property if you are on private property ie a mall.

As for zardoz's advice, why bother? It is not illegal. But asking a woman to expose herself might be.


Jan 31, 2005
I'd say "A true ARTIST must understand his subject before taking the pictures. Let's come talk for a minute let me get to you know better..." invite into car. Then "Please just quickly show me what I am working with" pointing to her breast, or "To really know someone, one must know her body as well as her mind. Let me see your beautiful breasts..." someonthing along that line so if she is a cop she will never show you her boobs, if she is an SP or better yet, a civilian women gone wild, she just might. After the breast test, you can escalate further until she talks money. If no money is needed all the better!
A jury would see through that in about 5 seconds and you'd find yourself with a quick conviction. The Crown would argue that the circumstances meant you knew very well you were dealing with a prostitute and that any reasonable person should conclude you were trying to buy sex. In all probability the judge would conclude that your antics indicate you understood very well that what you were doing was illegal and give you a harsher sentence than somebody else on a first offence.

You're forgetting that trials are decided by people who think.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
There seem to have been quite a few posts over the last several months about approaching "civilian" women for sex, nude phots shoots, etc. WTF is wrong with you guys? Watching too much "reality" porn I suspect. At best, this sort of thing is rude and offensive. If anyone just randomly approached my SO, daughter, sister, etc. with such an offer/request I would be tempted to kick the shit out of them!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Can you get arrested for asking civilian girls to pose nude?
Leaving aside the issue of is this solicitation (rather like saying leaving aside the elephant in your Living Room). Do you believe that most women thus asked would find this offensive? Therefore depending upon where you were doing the asking add disorderly conduct or a similar charge.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Enough of these flippant replies to your serious research enquiry. There is no Criminal Code—we are taliking Canada, yes?—offence of "Asking Someone to Pose Nude", nor is there a provincial or other health statute, nor a Toronto bylaw requiring you to take out a License to Ask Someone Anything before you do.

Far from it, and if "…she run [sic] screaming to the nearest police", she's in danger of being charged with disturbing the peace or some such.

So go ahead, select a babe, study her carefully over some time to make sure she's photogenic, then march up and say, "Strip and I'll shoot you. With my camera! Just a joke to put you at ease. Har Har! No, but I really mean it, see my camera. And I won't even joke about using my really long lens. Oops! Double Meaning Alert! Really, I just want to snap your double meanings. For free! Hee Hee".

Nothing in there that approaches 'communicating for the purpose' even if you did show interest in what she had undercover.

But to be on the safe side: Don't offer money. Go for it.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Enough of these flippant replies to your serious research enquiry. There is no Criminal Code—we are taliking Canada, yes?—offence of "Asking Someone to Pose Nude", nor is there a provincial or other health statute, nor a Toronto bylaw requiring you to take out a License to Ask Someone Anything before you do.

Far from it, and if "…she run [sic] screaming to the nearest police", she's in danger of being charged with disturbing the peace or some such.

So go ahead, select a babe, study her carefully over some time to make sure she's photogenic, then march up and say, "Strip and I'll shoot you. With my camera! Just a joke to put you at ease. Har Har".

Nothing in there that approaches 'communicating for the purpose' even if you did show interest in what she had undercover. Har Har.
Yeah, maybe a disturbing the peace, if you ask more than once maybe harassment... This is literally the sort of thing CL was invented for...


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Asking a civilian who might be offended is part of the thrill for some guys. The chance that someone will say yes would just be a bonus.


Apr 24, 2005
If anyone just randomly approached my SO, daughter, sister, etc. with such an offer/request I would be tempted to kick the shit out of them!
Isn't this the M.O. of Playboy and Girls Gone Wild? Also, that weirdo Spencer Tunik (check spelling).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
As someone pointed out, asking someone to pose nude for photos is not solicitation for the purposes of prostitution.

Prostitution involves sex. Posing nude for photos, even for compensation, does not, IMHO.


Apr 24, 2005
Posing nude for photos, even for compensation, does not, IMHO.
Under Canada's "moral code", it probably falls under "indecent exposure" and/or "obscene" punishable by 10 years in jail. I heard there was a Canadian female Olympian who posed nude for compensation for an arts class. She needed the money to finance her training.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Under Canada's "moral code", it probably falls under "indecent exposure" and/or "obscene" punishable by 10 years in jail. I heard there was a Canadian female Olympian who posed nude for compensation for an arts class. She needed the money to finance her training.
Do you know if she was charged or convicted? Isn't indecent exposure about public nudity as opposed to something private?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I bet there is a good chance you get a good slap in the face
In that other thread, he said he got punched by a BF for doing something like touching a woman's breast within 5 minutes of meeting, but that only happened because he didn't know it was coming. :eek:

It's a turn on for him.

That's why I call him the James Caan character in the movie, 'The Gambler'.
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