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Calculating Mileage on A Service Provider


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Calculating mileage, taking a poke at it, meant in good fun…

Average penis is 6 inches in length
Number of strokes to ejaculation = 50

6 inches time 50 strokes = 300 inches or 25 feet

Average clients per week 6

25 feet per client times 6 clients = 150 feet per week

Average number of weeks working per year = 35

150 feet times 35 weeks = 5250 feet or about 1 Mile per year

Mileage chart:

1 mile just breaking the motor in
2 miles motor is starting to run smoother
3 miles motor is broken in and reliable and is ready for longer trips
4 miles motor can really be road tested hard and red lined
5 + miles motor is broken in, is very reliable and dependable
10+ miles yikes a cadillac north star engine
25 + motor just does not know when to quit


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Good job cryptoman99....I can't wait for the sequel....DATY, SEX TOY and DIGITS mileage.
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