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BYU finds CURE for AIDS ?- Interesting if True

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?
Compound could be long-sought breakthrough
By Bob Mims
The Salt Lake Tribune

Researchers, including a BYU scientist, believe they have found a new compound that could finally kill the HIV/AIDS virus, not just slow it down as current treatments do.
And, unlike the expensive, drug cocktails 25 years of research have produced for those with the deadly virus, the compound invented by Paul D. Savage of Brigham Young University appears to hunt down and kill HIV.
Although so far limited to early test tube studies, CSA-54, one of a family of compounds called Ceragenins (or CSAs), mimics the disease-fighting characteristics of anti-microbial and anti-viral agents produced naturally by a healthy human immune system.
Under a study sponsored by Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Savage and his colleagues developed and synthesized the compound for Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine. In his Nashville, Tenn., laboratories, Derya Unutmaz, an associate professor of Microbiology and Immunology, tested several CSAs for their ability to kill HIV.
While issuing a cautious caveat about his early results, Unutmaz acknowledged Monday that CSAs could be the breakthrough HIV/AIDS researchers have sought for so long.
"We received these agents [from BYU] in early October and our initial results began to culminate by November 2005. We have since reproduced all our results many times," he said. "We have some preliminary but very exciting results [but] we would like to formally show this before making any claims that would cause unwanted hype."

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This could be amazing news if it's true.

This is the FIRST time I can ever remember reading something like this, unless it was in the Star Midnight Globe and we only print it if someone said it, so it's true.

Seriously though, a breakthrough on not treating AIDS, but curing it?

Why does the conspiracy theorist in me figure that the big drug companies would never allow such a thing to happen though?


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
james t kirk said:
Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?

Researchers, including a BYU scientist, believe they have found a new compound that could finally kill the HIV/AIDS virus.......Although so far limited to early test tube studies,
Sorry to burst the bubble and I hate to rain on everyone's "we're sexually liberated again like
we were in the 70's".
But test tube studies (in vitro), and in the body (in vivo) are 2 completely different things.

My guess it'll work in the tube but not in your tube

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Esco! said:
Sorry to burst the bubble and I hate to rain on everyone's "we're sexually liberated again like
we were in the 70's".
But test tube studies (in vitro), and in the body (in vivo) are 2 completely different things.

My guess it'll work in the tube but not in your tube

But you have never heard this kind of news before, and it could be a start in the right direction.

And I don't think we'd go back to unprotected sex again like it was 1972 all over again. JMHO.


New member
Dec 3, 2005
james t kirk said:
Why does the conspiracy theorist in me figure that the big drug companies would never allow such a thing to happen though?

I agree too! drug companies would lose a LOT of money with that "cure" instead of the many drug coctails they make just to "treat" the disease.

If that "cure" is real they will buy the patent and destroy it.


New member
Apr 21, 2005
Utah...the state where they announce scientific breakthroughs in the media, instead of in peer-reviewed journals (cough...cold fusion...cough...)

As somebody else pointed out - killing HIV is easy. Killing HIV without harming the human host - not such a simple task...


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Not gonna happen.
Too much money being made by the drug companies and their associates. Just like cancer.

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
Drug Companies; Let's Do Our Own

Some of the comments on drug companies come from people who could use some mind-altering drugs themselves. One, as I recall from some years ago acrimony on this board, is (was) a rabid (more drugs needed) anti-American type.

Next time you get the flu or a throat infection or cancer or anesthesia or you name it, try the Christian Scientist approach. Do not contribute to those big, bad, American drug companies. Stick up for your principles. Escchew drugs!

These rants remind me of the canard that the US auto companies actually have engines that get 150 MPG or some such number but, being in cahoots with the oil companies (I wonder how that works), the oil companies pay big bucks to keep those engines off the market.

Why not get a bunch of similar thinking, fellow Canadians together and start your own drug company? Then, when you discover some great cure, give it away to the peoples of the world. Do not charge for it at all. That will surely show Pfizer or Merck and the rest. If you're too busy for that, why not have the National Health do it? It surely could, couldn't it?

Or are you stuck with a reality you don't like?



Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Master Muse said:
These rants remind me of the canard that the US auto companies actually have engines that get 150 MPG or some such number but, being in cahoots with the oil companies (I wonder how that works), the oil companies pay big bucks to keep those engines off the market.
No, it was the american government. They have them locked up in the same warehouse where they faked the moon landings.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Master Muse said:
Some of the comments on drug companies come from people who could use some mind-altering drugs themselves. One, as I recall from some years ago acrimony on this board, is (was) a rabid (more drugs needed) anti-American type.

Next time you get the flu or a throat infection or cancer or anesthesia or you name it, try the Christian Scientist approach. Do not contribute to those big, bad, American drug companies. Stick up for your principles. Escchew drugs!

These rants remind me of the canard that the US auto companies actually have engines that get 150 MPG or some such number but, being in cahoots with the oil companies (I wonder how that works), the oil companies pay big bucks to keep those engines off the market.

Why not get a bunch of similar thinking, fellow Canadians together and start your own drug company? Then, when you discover some great cure, give it away to the peoples of the world. Do not charge for it at all. That will surely show Pfizer or Merck and the rest. If you're too busy for that, why not have the National Health do it? It surely could, couldn't it?

Or are you stuck with a reality you don't like?

You need to get over yourself and your obvious inferiority complex.

BTW, I have the flu right now, what cure is out there that you are aware of that my doctors are not?

Last time I checked, there was no cure for the common cold, nor the flu.
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