Bush Caught Lying About September 11th


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Carcharias said:
A lie?

Well, as much as I think Bush's lies have cost the American people and American prestige around the world, I don't think he's lying here. I think he just got confused, which, alas, is not a difficult thing to do to him.

911 was a self - inflected wound. it was authorized and aided by the Bush Administration as a false flag operation similar to that of "operation Northwoods".

He fabricated the threat of Saddam Hussein. He did and still is fabricating the threat of terrorism. Terrorism is a tool that existed even before 911, and its not anymore dangerous than 911 as far as those in the middle east are involved. It is a big danger if terrorism is adopted by the US government as a tool to instill the fear in the minds of the voters and the public to intimidate the people into going along with their neo-Nazi agenda.

Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi who infiltrated the Americans when Hitler appeared to have been defeated. Hitler in his last speech said this " We were not defeated because of guns and bullets, we were defeated because of British propaganda, and we will not be making that mistake again".

does this sound like a guy that is defeated to you? He must have ordered his Nazi agents to infiltrate his enemy and live among them and then take positions of power as time progresses to reinstate the Nazi nightmare , and to reinstate the dictatorship. Now a Nazi-member's grandson is in the oval office, and is breaking the law. Bush said that he will enforce laws even if they are not laws passed by the congress. That is the definition of Dictatorships.

Wake up , stop sleeping. See what is happening to the free world. where are the alert and vigilant citizenry that President Eisenhower told us about in his famous speech about the military industrial complex taking over and threatening democracy at home?


Apr 7, 2005
MarkJfr said:
911 was a self - inflected wound. it was authorized and aided by the Bush Administration as a false flag operation similar to that of "operation Northwoods".

He fabricated the threat of Saddam Hussein. He did and still is fabricating the threat of terrorism. Terrorism is a tool that existed even before 911, and its not anymore dangerous than 911 as far as those in the middle east are involved. It is a big danger if terrorism is adopted by the US government as a tool to instill the fear in the minds of the voters and the public to intimidate the people into going along with their neo-Nazi agenda.

Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi who infiltrated the Americans when Hitler appeared to have been defeated. Hitler in his last speech said this " We were not defeated because of guns and bullets, we were defeated because of British propaganda, and we will not be making that mistake again".

does this sound like a guy that is defeated to you? He must have ordered his Nazi agents to infiltrate the enemy and live among them and then take positions of power as time progresses to reinstate the Nazi nightmare , and to reinstate the dictatorship. Now a Nazi-member's grandson is in the oval office, and is breaking the law. Bush said that he will enforce laws even if they are not laws passed by the congress. That is the definition of Dictatorships.

Wake up , stop sleeping. See what is happening to the free world. where are the alert and vigilant citizenry that President Eisenhower warned us about in his famous speech about the military industrial complex taking over and threatening democracy at home?
Are you a schizophrenic? Is that your problem? Ritalin might help. Or perhaps some sort of valium-like derivative. I am not trying to insult you. I am very conserned about your well being and the well being of those you come into contact with on a daily basis. There is obviously something wrong with your mind. I think "paranoid" is the word I am looking for in this situation. Please seek help immediately. For nothing else that the good of your family. No need to thank me you are more than welcome for this advice :)


New member
Mar 4, 2006
dj1470 said:
Are you a schizophrenic? Is that your problem? Ritalin might help. Or perhaps some sort of valium-like derivative. I am not trying to insult you. I am very conserned about your well being and the well being of those you come into contact with on a daily basis. There is obviously something wrong with your mind. I think "paranoid" is the word I am looking for in this situation. Please seek help immediately. For nothing else that the good of your family. No need to thank me you are more than welcome for this advice :)

Nope, I am perfectly Healthy, according to my last medical checkup which was 2 weeks ago.

Anyways, I did my research. I know its hard to beleive it but what I am saying is the truth, Go to the library and read it. I beg you to verify what I said for yourself. I am not kidding you or trying to sound silly. THIS IS THE REALITY. and you are brain-washed, you dont know what is happening to the free world. See Alex Jones Documentary, TerrorStorm and his other videos on youtube. The neo-fascists nazis are counting on the public not to beleive the truth, until its too late. I wish you open your eyes and see the documents. and do your research!



Apr 7, 2005
MarkJfr said:
Nope, I am perfectly Healthy, according to my last medical checkup which was 2 weeks ago.

Anyways, I did my research. I know its hard to beleive it but what I am saying is the truth, Go to the library and read it. I beg you to verify what I said for yourself. I am not kidding you or trying to sound silly. THIS IS THE REALITY. and you are brain-washed, you dont know what is happening to the free world. See Alex Jones Documentary, TerrorStorm and his other videos on youtube. The neo-fascists nazis are counting on the public not to beleive the truth, until its too late. I wish you open your eyes and see the documents. and do your research!
These two statements are classic paranoia. Please seek help immediately.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
dj1470 said:
These two statements are classic paranoia. Please seek help immediately.
I have read documents to support what I have said. Okay?

Read this by Rumsfeld "The Project for the new american Centurey: Rebuilding America's Defenses" in 2000. "

This quotes (appears in Chapter V, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force"), which discusses the perceived need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts” (page 50). The full quote is as follows: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor." the new Pearl Harbor = 911 WTC + Pentagon which they did. They wrote this before 911, and they carried it out.

Secondly see this

President Bush The Dictator

Do your reasearch, and understand the New world order that is comming to reality before its too late. I researched this, I used my brain and reached conclusions based on the documents. Others in USA have reached the same conclusion. See Alex Jones in Google.

We cant all be paranoid. Time to research and see things as they are


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Bush can barely sring a sentence together without some writing it for him.

Does it really surprise anyone that he's been caught mis-speaking?

He's not in charge of the US foreign policy. He's simply the puppet that others got elected to complete personal/coporate agendas.

Thats not hyberbole...just reality. I'm sure the same thing existis in other countries. It's not the leader that counts..its who stands in the shadows.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
MarkJfr said:
I have read documents to support what I have said. Okay?
'Cause if it's in print it must be true.

Wow ....how do some people function in simple everyday life.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
To rally the people when all is bleak and other countries are falling around you is no easy task.

We shall not see the likes of a Winston Churchill again.
Mar 19, 2006
Carcharias said:
Conspiracy theories have an advantage over facts, because no matter how much evidence one has to bunk the theory, there are always some "secret government documents" that are alluded to.

Just last week, NASA announced plans to dig up some of the original archival footage of the moon landings, in part to dispel some of the conspiracy theorists' assertions that the whole thing took place on a sound stage in New Mexico. Of course, the NASA spokesman made mention of the fact that the "true believers" won't be convinced anyway.
With today's technology, I can't understand why it's so hard for some people to believe we landed the moon.
Mar 19, 2006
MarkJfr said:
911 was a self - inflected wound. it was authorized and aided by the Bush Administration as a false flag operation similar to that of "operation Northwoods".

He fabricated the threat of Saddam Hussein. He did and still is fabricating the threat of terrorism. Terrorism is a tool that existed even before 911, and its not anymore dangerous than 911 as far as those in the middle east are involved. It is a big danger if terrorism is adopted by the US government as a tool to instill the fear in the minds of the voters and the public to intimidate the people into going along with their neo-Nazi agenda.

Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi who infiltrated the Americans when Hitler appeared to have been defeated. Hitler in his last speech said this " We were not defeated because of guns and bullets, we were defeated because of British propaganda, and we will not be making that mistake again".

does this sound like a guy that is defeated to you? He must have ordered his Nazi agents to infiltrate his enemy and live among them and then take positions of power as time progresses to reinstate the Nazi nightmare , and to reinstate the dictatorship. Now a Nazi-member's grandson is in the oval office, and is breaking the law. Bush said that he will enforce laws even if they are not laws passed by the congress. That is the definition of Dictatorships.

Wake up , stop sleeping. See what is happening to the free world. where are the alert and vigilant citizenry that President Eisenhower told us about in his famous speech about the military industrial complex taking over and threatening democracy at home?
I get what you're saying, the Nazis caused 9/11 :cool:

The conspiracy theorists are giving bush and his administration way too much credit.

They couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
I thought it was the ZOG that caused 9-11 and now I'm being told that the Zionists were in league with the Nazi's to cause it?

It sure be hard to keep the bad guys straight.

Mar 19, 2006
lenharper said:
I thought it was the ZOG that caused 9-11 and now I'm being told that the Zionists were in league with the Nazi's to cause it?

It sure be hard to keep the bad guys straight.

Terror makes strange bedfellows


New member
Mar 13, 2003
Most of these quacks are crazy. They always say the masses are brainwashed. Yet they cite documents to no end. How do they know the documents are real. How do they know Mr. Y is a trained expert? They dont. You can go on and on in circles. How do they know when they wake up if its a dream or reality?


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Mark, on another subject, could you please dig up some reliable information on Elvis Presley's current whereabouts?

I was hoping to bring him in as a guest speaker at out next year's ZOG blowout "Protocols 2007" convention -- bring your own tallis, landsmen!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DATYdude said:
Mark, on another subject, could you please dig up some reliable information on Elvis Presley's current whereabouts?

I was hoping to bring him in as a guest speaker at out next year's ZOG blowout "Protocols 2007" convention -- bring your own tallis, landsmen!

Elvis is a master at hiding in plain sight. He travels the world going to Elvis impersonator conventions and blends in. Next time I see him, I'll tell himyou were asking. He and Buddy Holly are thinking of getting onto the Casino circuit so they just might be able to fit your meeting in.:)
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