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Bush, Blair, Sharon "The Real War Criminals" to face War Crimes Tribunal

May 3, 2004
Monday 30 January 2006, 18:31 Makka Time, 15:31 GMT

Ziad Khasawna: The trial is not legally binding
International activists and lawyers involved in the defence of Saddam Hussein say they will hold a mock trial of George Bush, the US president, and the British and Israeli prime ministers for alleged war crimes committed in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.

The prosecution will be headed by Ramsey Clark, the former US attorney-general, who sits on Saddam's defence team, according to one of the organisers.

The two-day event, set to open on Friday in the Egyptian capital, will be sponsored by the Cairo-based Federation of Arab Lawyers.

It will bring together international lawyers and human rights activists including Ahmed Ben Bella, the former Algerian president, and ex-Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad.

Ziad Khasawna, the federation's assistant secretary-general and once Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer, said Nelson Mandela, the former South African leader and anti-apartheid icon, had accepted an invitation to be the chief judge if his health allows him to travel.

Ben Bella and Mohamad are also part of a committee to ensure Saddam's trial is fair.

Real witnesses

The witnesses include Hans Blix, the former UN chief weapons inspector who monitored Iraq's weapons programme under Saddam, and Giuliana Sgrena, the Italian journalist who was kidnapped in Iraq in February 2005 and released a month later.

Charges against Bush, Tony Blair, the British prime minister, and Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, include "crimes committed against civilians in Palestine and Iraq," Khasawna said. He said details would be unveiled at the event

Nelson Mandela might attend the
trial if his health permits

The trial is not legally binding, but it will be an "exhibition of popular opposition to the policies of those three leaders in the region and the extent of harm and damage they inflicted on civilians and countries by wars they waged and the oppression practiced in jails run by their forces," Khasawna said. asked Khasawna whether this incident could provoke Bush and Blair to respond in court?

"I do not think they can do anything but listen to what people are saying. Otherwise, they should prove they did not bomb Falluja with white phosphorous, or did not invade Iraq and destroy its infrastructure and more," he said.

Public curiosity

Khasawna said a similar trial took place in Turkey some months ago.

"There will be extensive media coverage, and we hope it will reach a wide audience"

Ziad Khasawna,
assistant secretary-general,
Federation of Arab Lawyers

He expects the incident will attract attention internationally.

"There will be extensive media coverage," he said.

Khasawna said he does not know if Saddam Hussein and or his defence knows about the project.

Saddam's lawyers and other international activists have long spoken of plans to convene the mock trial, saying the publicity will help expose their view that Saddam is innocent of war crimes and that Bush and Blair are aggressors because they invaded Iraq on the false pretext that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction. No such weapons were found.

Aljazeera + Agencies

This is great news! The biggest terrorist and tyrant in the world, the hated "butcher of Washington", George Dubya Bush aka The Shrub, Doofus et al, and his vile baked-bean-toothed lackey Tony "The Child Murderer" Blair, and his corpulent Zionist henchmen, Ariel "The Jewish Pig" Sharon, the slaughterer of millions of Muslims will finally be tried for their War Crimes and terrorism.


Saddam Hussein and his fellow brave cronies are INNOCENT. They have done nothing bu help Iraq. OBL, Hymen, AQ, RIFT, Taliban and all other opprressed Muslims who have been smeared by the Bush lies of being terrorists and mass murderers and are INNOCENT of everything.
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Nov 25, 2005
Once the guilty verdicts are handed down, I think they should try to arrest Bush, Blair and Sharon. Now that would get them some press.
May 3, 2004
arclighter said:
Once the guilty verdicts are handed down, I think they should try to arrest Bush, Blair and Sharon. Now that would get them some press.
Cindy Sheehan, Harry Belafonte and Michael Moore are "THE KEY SURPRISE WITNESSES" that will nail the coffin shut on these three biggest terrorist, mass murderers and liberal life-ruiners that the bleeding-hearts have ever seen.


Nov 25, 2005
The Mugger said:
I wonder how an arrest warrent would be recieved and executed at the Whitehouse?
John Kerry will negotiate the exucution of the arrest warrant while on vacation in North Korea or Syria.
May 3, 2004
The Mugger said:
I wonder how an arrest warrent would be recieved and executed at the Whitehouse?
I don't see how The Shrub can not in all good conscience submit to an "Arrest Warrant" signed by Ramsey Clark, endorsed by Barbara Streisand and Mullah Omar, and delivered by Bart and Homer Simpson.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
I don't see how The Shrub can not in all good conscience submit to an "Arrest Warrant" signed by Ramsey Clark, endorsed by Barbara Streisand and Mullah Omar, and delivered by Bart and Homer Simpson.
The plan is that Cindy Sheehan is going to nag Bush until he submits to arrest just to get away from her.


they could never convict becuz bush blair and sharon are Partners in Peace....LOL!!!!!

(is the biggest partner in peace the guy who causes the slaughter of the most people???)
May 3, 2004
feminista said:
they could never convict becuz bush blair and sharon are Partners in Peace....LOL!!!!!

(is the biggest partner in peace the guy who causes the slaughter of the most people???)
Gnarly post as usual feminista dudette! A conviction in the windmills of the apologista's mind is as good as it is gonna get.

Peace out and rock the free world in Barriesylvania!
May 3, 2004
arclighter said:
Mistah pwezident.....
.....why didgia mywda my thone?

Btw arc, did you see those pics of Sindee grieving away in sunny South America whilst knob-gobbling Chavez and Belafonte?
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