Then ...
October 8, 2004 debate with John Kerry
BUSH: Let me talk about North Korea. It is naive and dangerous to take a policy that he [Kerry] suggested the other day, which is to have bilateral relations with North Korea. Remember, he's [Kerry] the person who's accusing me of not acting multilaterally. He now wants to take the six-party talks we have -- China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Japan and the United States -- and undermine them by having bilateral talks.
Now ...
From Yahoo News today:
"MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Reuters) - U.S. and North Korean diplomats held their first face-to-face talks in five months last week amid increasing signs that Pyongyang is taking steps to advance its nuclear weapons program, the White House said on Thursday."
Let me make this abundantly clear: I am delighted that the Shrub admin is now in bilateral talks with the North Koreans.
But aaaah, it was wrong when Kerry said it during the debates, but now it's OK?
Everybody sing ... Flip-flop! Flip-flop! Flip-flop!
October 8, 2004 debate with John Kerry
BUSH: Let me talk about North Korea. It is naive and dangerous to take a policy that he [Kerry] suggested the other day, which is to have bilateral relations with North Korea. Remember, he's [Kerry] the person who's accusing me of not acting multilaterally. He now wants to take the six-party talks we have -- China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Japan and the United States -- and undermine them by having bilateral talks.
Now ...
From Yahoo News today:
"MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Reuters) - U.S. and North Korean diplomats held their first face-to-face talks in five months last week amid increasing signs that Pyongyang is taking steps to advance its nuclear weapons program, the White House said on Thursday."
Let me make this abundantly clear: I am delighted that the Shrub admin is now in bilateral talks with the North Koreans.
But aaaah, it was wrong when Kerry said it during the debates, but now it's OK?
Everybody sing ... Flip-flop! Flip-flop! Flip-flop!