Burning question: Difference between Torontonians and Quebecois ?


Nov 18, 2004
What are the main differences between Torontonians and Quebecois with respect to :

1. sex

2. culture

3. standard of life

4. social values

Why the Torontonians and Quebecois love sex so much and yet there is no population growth in Canada ?

Instead there is population decline ?

You guys couldn't make babies as efficient as elsewhere in the world ?


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
maryland said:
What are the main differences between Torontonians and Quebecois with respect to :

1. sex

2. culture

3. standard of life

4. social values
I'm not sure if comparing a city and a province is really a great idea. The differences between Toronto and a small town in Ontario are likely to be just as great as one between Toronto and Montreal (in some ways, prehaps not in others)

maryland said:
Why the Torontonians and Quebecois love sex so much and yet there is no population growth in Canada ?

Instead there is population decline ?

You guys couldn't make babies as efficient as elsewhere in the world ?
Don't all developed western countries have declining populatons?


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
First off, lets compare Toronto to Montreal. Rural Quebec and rural Ontario are radically different from the big cities that lead each province so we wont complicate things.

First off 1) sex. Quebec as a whole and Montreal women are more open about sex, and more horny on the surface. As far as the sex trade goes, I would imagine in either city you will find good and bad, but for women as a whole, Quebecois and Montrealers in particular dress sexier, then Toronto women. Also have a less uptight attitude.
Remember, This is on a whole. The women on this board I would not lump into this since...well they are on this board!!! They are open about sex..lol

2)Culture is hard to define. French Culture in Quebec is something that has to be experienced. I take it by culture you mean mores and attitudes? The culture in Montreal is more laid back than Toronto. Toronto is a "power" city and people are in a hurry to get where they are going to make money. Montreal is a city where people are in a hurry because they like driving fast!!

All in all, an American might find Toronto easier to understand but notice more of a multi-cultural face on the city ( most racially mixed up city likely in the world...and I mean this in a good way ) but that same American might fall in love with Montreal. Both fun towns, but you have to learn where the attractions are...

3)Standard of Life is higher in Toronto. More home ownership, more opportunity, no bilingual straight jacket to deal with. Montreal has some minor head offices and Quebec based multi-nats, but Toronto is like 5 or 6 times more important to the Canadian economy. Sort of like Comparing New York to say Philadelphia. Both are big important cities, but New York is where the business world of the US looks to. Same with Toronto...it is our New York

4)Social values. Good question. First off, As I said above, Montrealers, despite being overwhelmingly a Catholic society are more like Europeans in their values. They are more libreal, more laid back on social issues, and for the most part have the attitude that the best things in life are in Quebec and they don't care what the rest of the world thinks. Torontonians on the other hand?? Well, once upon a time you couldn't drink on Sunday's, you couldn't have fun on Sundays of any real substance and up till about 6 years ago, there was still one precinct of the city that you couldn't get a drink in a restaurant in. That said, 40 years after the blue laws were eliminated, Toronto is pretty damned much like any other big city now. That is good and bad I suppose. Toronto has many different takes on Social values since you have so many ethnic communities. I do know that Toronto is much more open and laid back on social issues then just about any major American city save maybe San Franscisco. People in Toronto accept just about anything now. That said, Torontonians have their limits and if someone get's their mug in the paper for crossing a line, this city still isn't afraid to ostracize someone. I would say this is a good thing still.....
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