Royal Spa

Burlesque, Anyone?


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
I've seen one sorta bona fide burlesque and one slightly racy belly dance show and thought it was ho-hum. I think with all forms of entertainment diversions on offer nowadays it's shifted to become a female, I dunno, bonding, expression, confidence, fun, clothing, jewelry and hair thing. Which, actually is kinda interesting, the gender-cultural shift from male tittilation fantasy to female entertainment. My somewhat ignorant guess is that males there would be SO's. Comments?


Little Miss Bossy
Nov 30, 2004
aww, i wish i could go! i love those ladies...but i have to work...sigh. have an amazing time!!!

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
antaeus said:
My somewhat ignorant guess is that males there would be SO's. Comments?

Actually, these girls really know how to shake their thang'. Their shows are hot, sexy and best of all, fun. Until you've seen Anastasia do her 'kitty cat lapping milk' show, you don't really know what striptease is.

As for the clients, they're a mix - couples, single men, single women, drag queens, straights, gays, old, young. I guess that's why I enjoy it more than strip clubs. It's about women really feeling sexy.



Looking, looking...
Mar 28, 2004
Couldn't go last night but might go check it out on the 17th or New Year's Eve.
I just wanted to respond to support it. I've only seen one "burlesque" show live but L O V E loved it.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
A review on Skin Tight Outta Sight Rebel Burlesque::

I've seen STOS a few times before, and they're always fun. You can't go there expecting this to be a striptease as you're used to seeing it in strip clubs. Burlesque is about the art of revealing a bit at a time, rather than full frontal nudity. Great time and effort goes into choreography, costumes and plot lines, with an emphasis in some sets on humor, in others on an homage to retro performers, and in others on full on seductiveness.

The troupe consists of a few members, each with their own look and style. From Coco's boootylicious hip shimmying to Anastasia's simmering Betty Page type sexuality, they all bring their own personality to the stage.

As DamondDean mentioned, the MC is a strapping tall lip synching drag queen with a penchant for letting it all hang out, and a wicked way of picking people out of the crowd to harass. I missed seeing Mesmero, the magician who usually does their crowd warm ups, but I imagine he'll be at their future shows.

Burlesque has a wide and really diverse group of followers. It would be a perfect date idea for the guys out there who are looking for something fun to do with their wife or girlfriend. It's incredibly women friendly, as well as being sexy and fun. You don't have to worry about your date feeling uncomfortable, as she might in a typical strip club. You could also attend as a solo guy - there are always lots of them there, and you can troll for cute Queen West alterna-art chicks, of which there are usually plenty.

Just don't attend expecting it to be a 'typical' strip club show. The performers aren't model perfect - they're real women - curves, fat and imperfections included. There's no silicone, no faux pouting looks, no floor shows with pink. What you will see, though, are women who are really into their own sexuality, and who have no inhibitions about showing themselves off on stage. It's fun, it's funny, and I never miss a chance to take in a show.

They're performing again on the 17th and the 31st, but there are also a few other Burlesque troupes in the city, and Toronto is becoming a stop on the international burlesque circuit, as well, with talent coming in from as far away as Tokyo and Europe.

Check it out - you just might enjoy it! We'll be the screaming table of rowdy women up front near the stage.

I'm dying to see a live burlesque of my guy friends came over just raving about it and how sexy it was.

I love the idea of seeing sexy REAL women into what they are doing - YUM!!!


Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
We should do a ladies night out for the show on the 17th. I think it's at the Cadillac Lounge, though, which is tiny... atmospheric, but tiny. It's the place with the shiny pink caddy sticking out from above the door, on Queen just west of the Gladstone. The Glad is a better venue, imho.

Speaking of which, the Gladstone is starting to look pretty good.

The women's washrooms are vastly improved - I no longer feel the need to scrub myself with bleach after using them. The upstairs has art installations, but they close early, so arrive before 9 pm to see them. The right side still has scary karaoke, so if you're traumatized by drunken rednecks singing loudly to Elvis, you might want to avoid it. Over all, the Gladstone is skeezily atmospheric still, without the overly scrubbed shininess and pretentiousness of the Drake.



Active member
Sep 3, 2004
One outstanding review!

"Check it out - you just might enjoy it! We'll be the screaming table of rowdy women up front near the stage."
I wonder....if a....gentleman, nicely dressed and washed behind his ears, spotted this table of they ummmm.....mebbe.....accept a hello, a round of libations?

17th eh? I wonder if there's any xmas goodies too. I know une femme trop belle et plus grande....

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
antaeus said:

would they ummmm.....mebbe.....accept a hello, a round of libations?
Oh, hell - if you arrive after our second round of double vodka and cranberry, you'll be lucky if we don't strip you naked and insist on your giving us lap dances.

If you were there, Paige was the one screaming at the stripping Preacher to show us his tits, and I was the one yelling at Jesus that I wanted him to immaculately conceive with me...

We're not the shy-est group of girls out there, so please let us know if you want to come out to the next one with us! We promise not to molest you.

[size=-2]Caveat: this promise shall not be considered to legally binding, once the alcohol and pheremones kick in...[/size]

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