BUDAPEST Night Stories....

My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002
* Posted this in a Thread but decided to give it its own as some might be interested *

Having Lived In Budapest for the Last 11/2 year, still going there for work from Time to Time...I can GUARANTIE they are the Biggest HUSTLERS you will ever Meet.

Here's what goes on :

The Main Street (Vaci Utca) is filled with Gorgeous women...Always hanging around by pair of 2....They smell the Tourist, Approach, talk, then ask them if they want to go to a Bar before "The Real SEX"... so far so good

150% of the Time, they will bring you to a Bar they know, you order a Beer, and the Waiter asks you if you want to buy the beautiful ladies a Drink....Of Course, you accept ( keep in mind that when the Waiter approaches, one chick is kissing your neck and the other rubing your "Little Friend".... Feels like you are in heaven doesn't it?

Comes the Drinks, you get the Beer and they get some Beverage with a Hungarian Name that looks and Smells Like "Canada Ginger Ale".
After 30mn, the ladies encourage you for a second drink, wether you accept or refuse is up to you, but let's say you refuse...
you're horny and it's time to get to business

The Ladies ask for the Bill, they ge Dressed and Wait for you...
The Waiter along with 2 BArracudas Picture Mafia Thugspresent you with the bill, which goes as Follows :

1 Beer = HUF 2000 ($10)
2 xxxx = HUF 120 000 ($600)....

At this Point, you cannot swallow your saliva anymore...
the Bouncers kick out the Girls, and escort you to a Bankomat... YOU HAVE BEEN SCAMMED !!!!Now you think Life's a bitch and how could you have been had like a Beginner and All....

Needless to say that the Girls come back to the Bar at the end of the night to get 30% of ALL the Beverages they Generated....think of it as if you were offering money to Charity...*lol*

You on the other hand, go back to your Hotel, and cry in your room....
(we had some Clients scammed for couple Thousands coming back to our Hotel in Tears asking if they could stay free cau's they had no more money)..

Such is the Nightlife in BUDAPEST ...well...sometimes you get lucky and have the best and sheapest SEX ever... :D


Jun 2, 2003
Hey Nic,

I have spent some time in Budapest and I must say it is very fortunate that I am such a cynical bastard. I have seen this scam again and again. Thanks for sharing the warning with others though.

I would just add that this can happen in many places not just Budapest. I have heard of similar things happening even in London. At least there you might be able to spot a policeman as the thugs frog march you to the ATM. If not, I recommend wetting your pants, vomiting and falling to the ground in convulsions....



Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Funny how these practices make their way around the world. I've seen the same scam worked in Thailand - with a slight twist. The so called "gorgeous women" are actually men.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Yeah, they have similar tourists scam in Rome. In the 80's, the bar used to charge USD 400 for a bottle of sparkling wine the ladies ordered.

As for Thailand, must always check take out before bringing home, if you don't want to play " The Crying Game ". Those " dudes" look prettier than the real ladies at times.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
That's a fact Berlin - Hard(no pun intended) to believe until you see it!
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