Seduction Spa

Bring you're mistress, it's a LOVE FEST!


Oct 29, 2010
Toronto, ON

A sexual soiree for hedonistic people and their lovers!

May Long Weekend. Sunday, May 18th, 2014
Hotel Suite in Downtown Toronto

Weather you want to try something new, spice up that relationship, or if you just want to have a rockin' good time around pretty naked people, come one come all!

Like the last party, It will be in an intimate, private setting. It will be open bar and there will be snacks! Dim lighting will set the mood and sexy music will set the tone! It is my aim to create a sexy, good looking crowd with great sexual energy!

I am only taking advanced bookings. Space is limited. Location will only be released to those attending.

Please RSVP to me at, 416-624-6469.

Privacy is paramount so waivers and confidentiality agreements will need to be signed by all.

Gents must be accompanied by at least 1 lady.​

Single ladies always welcome.

$30/single ladies

I look forward to seeing you there!

xoxo, Jada


Oct 29, 2010
Toronto, ON

The event I’m holding this coming Sunday is called Love Fest. It is a very private swinging party for hedonistic people and their lovers!

When I say private, I mean the location is under wraps. I only release this information to those attending. Which in turn means that these parties are advanced booking only, no walk ins. Another valuable feature is that all persons MUST sign a Waiver and Confidentiality Agreement. I’ve had local celebrity at my party before and it is imperative that they feel safe and non threatened by media or leeks. Third, there are to be no cell phones for audio or video recording or photographs. I understand that everyone walks with a cell phone these days. It must be kept in your pocket. Don’t even take it out to text, send an email or call anyone. If I see it, I will confiscate it for the night, and if I feel there was a threat to the privacy of others, I will go thru your camera to ensure nothing was taken, and then have you escorted out immediately. (Yes, I have security on hand!)

I hope this relieves any concerns you may have regarding privacy. :)

As for the other people attending, I generally attract a fit, good-looking crowd to my events. The age group has a wide range, however the majority of people are from their late 20’s to late 40’s.

So the nature of the party is as follows: You arrive as a couple (or as a single lady), mix and mingle, have a drink/drinks and get comfortable. It is open bar. Yay! (Once you are on location, you do not need to have any money on you. I suggest leaving your cash or wallet in your car.) Dim lighting will set the mood and sexy music will set the tone. You may change out of your clothes at any point and walk around in a towel. As for places to play-anywhere and everywhere is your playground! The bed, the sofa, the table, the desk, the floor, the bathroom…anywhere! if you see something going on that you like, go ahead and watch them! If you want to join, ask first. Remember: Play safe and always protect yourself.

I have a one bedroom suite that adjoins to another one bedroom suite in a hotel in downtown Toronto. This is the most I can tell you about the location until you are booked in.

To pre book, you can send a payment in via Paypal to Then shoot me an email or give me a call and I will confirm I have received your payment. From there I will send you the rest of the details on location, and anything else you may need to know.

$30/single ladies

I look forward to hearing from you all!

xoxo, Jada


Oct 29, 2010
Toronto, ON
Here are more details on LOVE FEST:

This is a hedonistic style party. Couples and single ladies will come and mix and mingle and play with one another. And yes escorts are definitely on the invite list. Who plays with who is all up to you. You can swap partners, join couples, have 5somes… what ever you want, just ask. No means no…but at a party like this, most people are pretty open minded to playing with people they’ve just met!

As for pricing, the ticket is $120. (Advanced booking only.) That includes entry, open bar and snacks. Getting to play with the different people is all part of what the party is about, and doesn’t require monetary negotiating. It may however require some charm…lol! But like I said earlier, everyone is pretty open minded to begin with!

Bring your wife, your girlfriend, your mistress, or that cute little girl in on this board you've been dying to meet…any female that is open to being in a cool, safe, non-judgemental environment where sexual freedom reigns, and ladies rule! There will be a good dose of sexual energy and once it starts, it usually causes a chain reaction and its non-stop the entire night! :)

Hope this answers any questions that may be floating in your head. Feel free to contact me about any other questions/concerns you may have!

xoxo, Jada
Toronto Escorts