Toronto Escorts

Brie in Kingston


New member
Nov 21, 2011
Hey Gents, despite the other reviews that stated her as unreliable, I was too tempted by the pics on her backpage ad and took a chance. She was very friendly during the booking process but when I showed up for my time there was no responses. She texted me an hour later to say that she was overbooked. When I told her it was fine I just wish she told be earlier and not wasted my time she responded with "Well ppl blow me off too so deal with it. It's the name of the game". In her defense I did have to initially push back our appointment however if you are looking for a provider that will respect your time, based on that response I don't think she is the one.


Mar 25, 2007
Seriously? She deliberately overbooks, stands you up, wastes your time, and her only response is `so deal with it`?? Pass.....


New member
Nov 21, 2011
Seriously? She deliberately overbooks, stands you up, wastes your time, and her only response is `so deal with it`?? Pass.....
To be fair I had to push our meeting back 30 minutes and she initially said she couldn't do that time (and suggested a later time) when I said I was only available at that time she said she could make it work. So her justification was that maybe I shouldn't have been so pushy. But other then that you summed it up perfectly (I think United Airlines uses the same booking model).
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