brazilian girls


New member
Sep 26, 2002
Returning the favour of the Venezuelan web sites try these.
Noticed Air Canada just started a seat sale of $459 to Sao Paulo
and with the Brazilian real falling like a stone $35 to $40 Canadian
could find you in heaven. Best time to go -weekend after Carnival they have a Parade of Champions (lasts 8 hours) cheaper than Carnival and less crowded.

Warning very high crime wear no valuables and have wallet not where pick pockets can grab it. 3 times my watch was grabbed but strong strap kept it on--in one night at carnival. 4500 murders a year in Rio

try Help disco, largest in South America about 300-400 working girls and just nice girls who smile and don't push themselves at you.


Elmer Honda

Mar 4, 2002
Hi Welltravelled,

Noticed Air Canada just started a seat sale of $459 to Sao Paulo
and with the Brazilian real falling like a stone $35 to $40 Canadian

Is that 1 Canadian dollar equivalent to 35-40 Brazilian dollars? 1 Canadian dollar=35-40 Brazilian dollars?
I haven't travelled much, is Sao Paulo in Braizil? or Venezuela? The reason I asked is because somewhere in your thread you mentioned Venezuela.


Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
Sao Paulo is in Brazil, not in Venezuela but it it is Venezuela's neighbour. Capital of Venezuela is Caracas, Spanish is the national language and their currency is the Bolivar or "B's" as they call it. Brazil's currency is the "Real". It's home to the Amazonas and the Amazon basin. Captial city is Brasilia and official language is Portuguese. Brasil is about 4 times larger than Venezuela. Oh and Copacabana is in Brasil (Brazil).


May 31, 2002
Hi Well travelled,

I'm having trouble finding that fare for under $500. Where did you see this and if you can forward the link that would be great.

I've been told that every man has to visit Rio at least once in his life time. The women are stunning and they love to have sex with no attitude whatsoever and no rush. All this for $50 - $100 for a couple of hours or more.

I am planning a trip in January,2003. Anyone interested in joining me you can PM me for more details.


New member
Sep 26, 2002
brazilian girls continued

Answering some questions. Sao Paulo is largest city in Brazil about 200 miles from Rio and has an estimated population of 22million versus 7 million in Rio. Getting to Rio from Sao Paulo is a short flight.

The Brazilian Real is worth about 40 cents Canadian. Girls advertise for 80 reals to 100 in the papers or $32 to $40. One of those web sites I gave had numbers twice this high. You can also get a 24 hour date for $100 U.S. likely from any of the girls at Help disco. There are special Love Hotels throughout Brazil where these agency girls work out of.
On the air price maybe I was dreaming of $450 as I could only find $875 on air canada web site but will keep looking.

Another way is to get there cheaply is purchase on a site called
which auctions flights and Rio hotels but I think you have to get to a U.S. city to start the trip.

I mentioned Venezuela as some other chap had put up a great Caracas website in this forum and gave me the idea to put up the Brazilian ones.

Do not book a hotel through a Canadian travel agent as one can negotiate prices 70% lower on arrival in Rio except maybe during Carnival.
Tourism in Rio is really suffering these days as a lot of Brazilian tourists were from Argentina and uruguay and these countries are in economic chaos so availabilty is no problem.
You may note small busts and bums are favoured down there so some of you guys may be disappointed.

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