

Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
I may be going to Rio (Brazil) for 10 days in April. Has anyone been there and how are the girls????
I've been going through some of the pics of girls on this website and I'm not impressed at all:

Some of these women scare the crap out of me quite frankly.
Are these pics of fair perspective of what Rio women look like or do these guys just have bad taste??


a muddy reclining Buddha
Be sure to check out the Brazilian Space Program. They built a rocket out of wood of all things and it accidentally caught fire and burnt up! Wow how could that have happened?

Brazil's Space Program Dealt Serious Blow

All Things Considered, August 28, 2003 · An explosion at the seaside Alcantara Launch Center in northeastern Brazil killed 21 civilian engineers and technicians and destroyed two research satellites. The tragedy was a serious setback for Brazil's young space program.


a muddy reclining Buddha


Damn, was afraid that would happen.

Here's the direct link.

And don't tell me these women don't look good with their noses up an ass sniffing a fart!!


Glad to help. But you see, there are good looking women there!


I wasn't trying to be useful. I was trying to be me. And my ex tells me I'm useless so that post was in complete keeping with her views on me.


Escohort said:
If YYC tells a joke but noone is around to hear it, is it still funny??
Their not even funny when people are around. I'm going and you can have your thread back. Good luck.


a muddy reclining Buddha
yychobbyist said:
Glad to help. But you see, there are good looking women there!
Yeah like your FART FACE FREAKS!

Oh thats a gal yah want to bring home to meet yah Mama!!!


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
If you do go, make sure you double or even triple bag it!

You don't want to bring something unwanted home with you.

Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001
Escohort said:
I may be going to Rio (Brazil) for 10 days in April. Has anyone been there and how are the girls????
I've been going through some of the pics of girls on this website and I'm not impressed at all:

Some of these women scare the crap out of me quite frankly.
Are these pics of fair perspective of what Rio women look like or do these guys just have bad taste??

Sorry I'm slow in responding to this but I've been travelling for 2 weeks.

I spent 5 days in Rio in December and can say that it is my favourite place to hobby.

There are many options available, the boites, strip clubs (aka American Bars), Termas, sidewalk cafes in Copacabana or outcall agencies.

I would recommend reading the following website for a good briefing on Rio.

I found it quite useful. The only thing which is a bit out of date is the list of hotels which allow guests. The Debret no longer allows them. It is actually quite common not to allow female friends in hotel rooms because of the staggering number of them (the freinds) around. Not to worry though there are a number of "motels" which rent rooms for a few hours at a time. You can also rent a furnished apartment with few restrictions.

Another good website is

What to do?


A Termas literally translates as a Sauna or bath house. Actually they are bars where you go into a change room take off all of your clothes (have a bath if you want) and put on a terry cloth robe and slippers. You are given a locker key on an elastic band and all charges at the bar will be put on your locker number bill which you settle on the way out. The bar is full of bikini-clad women and they are available to go into a back room for unlimited pleasure. Depending on the club and the time of day there will be 15 to 50 or more girls and some of them will be the prettiest women you have ever met. All of the women get regular medical checkups.

The Termas are found all around the central and southern parts of the city and the websites I gave list a few. Do a google search. The best one is probably Centaurus. You just won't believe what is in there. I have rarely been to a strip joint in TO that offers something close to the same selection available here. Beers are reasonably priced and the whole experience should cost you less than $CDN 150 to 200. L’uomo is also good.

Boites and Strip clubs:

I have not bothered to go to any of these yet. But, they are either bars or strip clubs where the women are available for take out to a nearby "motel". Some are available to take home after work or meet on their days off.

I don't know about pricing but some of the women are very pretty as I have met them at Help Disco (see below). The clubs are mostly in the Leme district, an area which is at the northeast end of Copacabana beach.


Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001


Towards the southwestern end of Copacabana beach is a very large disco called Help. Along the block on which Help is located are several sidewalk cafes. Meia Pataca is a small one which has SPs in it all afternoon. Most of them aren't great but there are some gems. Some good ones will also be on the beach in front of Meia Pataca.

In the evening the action moves down to Help and to the very, very large patio/cafe in front of it called Terrazo Atlantico (sp?). This place has about 200 tables and is just beside the entrance to Help. Help doesn’t really get going till past 11:00 pm and there is a cheap admission up until 12:00 pm. Help has a website with a pictures page showing some of the patrons. Some of the women look average in these photos but I have seen much better in front of the bar. Most of the ladies will be of mixed race referred to as Mulattas if they are darker, or Morenas if they are lighter, but there will also be European-looking blondes and brunettes.

Most of the ladies going to Help will be SP’s and will show up a little early to hang out at the cafe. They hope that maybe someone will pick them up early and pay their way into the club or take them home right away. There will be between 150 and 400 women there depending on the night. Quality will vary greatly but the best will be very pretty. I wouldn’t settle for anything early. Wait until at least 10:30 or 11:00 pm when it gets busy.

Prices vary widely depending on the length of the date and how pretty the girl is but the range might be $CDN 50 to $CDN 300. For $CDN 275 I met a very pretty woman, about 26, who came back to my hotel for the night and stayed for breakfast. It was a 12-hour date with sex all night and in the morning. (I find Brazilian woman are quite wild.) If you want a guide for the city all-day to all-week dates are available at very reasonable prices as long as you pay for the meals and other incidentals (taxis, admissions etc.).


With all the choices available elsewhere I’ve never bothered but there are a lot of them. Check out the following list site:

For general info also check out:


Ipanema is a somewhat upscale, mostly residential neighbourhood and beach near Copacabana. It is beautiful and is where Centaurus is located but, there is not much action there as far as I’ve been able to tell so just do a daytime trip if you want. I've heard that you can meet some pretty wild local amateurs at the bars here but good Portuguese is an absolute requirement so I've never tried it.


Read some of the websites above. Rio is dangerous but, not as dangerous as people make out. My rules
- don’t look wealthy
- don’t wear a lot of (any?) jewelry
- take only as much cash with you as you need that day/trip plus one credit card. Leave the rest in your hotel room safe.
- Leave your passport in the safe and carry a photocopy of the ID page.
- At night take taxis wherever you go or travel in groups, even for trips of only four or five blocks. The only exeption is if you are walking along a well-travelled street like Avenida Atlantica which will be crawling with cops to protect tourists.


Get a phrase book. Not that many people here speak English. Only a few SPs speak it as well, but you only need a few phrases to close the deal. For cabbies, don't try speaking with them just write the address on a piece of paper. If you know some Spanish or French, Portuguese can be read fairly well but the pronunciations are a bit difficult.
Toronto Escorts