well they've cleaned it up a lot since the last time I was there. They even tore down the famous disco HELP. Closed a bunch of the Termas too.
I used to like hanging out at a place called Mab's which was at the corner of Princess Isabel and Atlantic Avenue. It was a hot corner for pros. Even if you wanted to hang out on the beach directly across from the restaurant, you will see the pro's tanning. Only thing that is, the place has a new owner now so I'm not sure what the action is like.
Not to put a downer on your trip, but watch your ass down there as a lot of bull shit scams are abundent. Also, most hotel's do not allow "guests" so find out that info from your hotel first. Don't want to bring a pro back the hotel to the embarrassment of front desk telling you she can't go up to your room
. Don't walk on the beach at night either. It's okay to walk on the side with all the lights and bars, but don't walk on the other side at night.
If anyone on the beach points to your shoe/sandal to point out some how you got bird shit on it, expect some hagglers in about 5 seconds after to come and offer to clean it off for a small price. Tell them to fuck off as it's a scam.