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Brampton Massage Parlours


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
Is it true that Massage Parlour by laws are lax in Brampton as compared to Toronto.
I have heard that the MPs in Brampton do allow some of the restricted activities that border with what is considered illegal in TO. That includes possible sexual acts leading to FS.
Can some one share their findings if proper to discuss here, or send me a PM.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Yes. The Peel Adult Entertainment licensing bylaw is more liberal than Toronto's Bodyrub licensing bylaw. They're online. The differences have to do with what they can wear, or not, and the types of rubs they can advertise.

But don't anyone imagine either could ever license criminal acts like operating a bawdyhouse (a place where sex is bought and sold). As for permitting "…possible sexual acts leading to FS.", don't be silly. A nod and a wink fall under that category, and you can be sure that if any such act actually resulted in FS, it's not permitted by th law. 'Leading to' is a very rubbery phrase, and judges ultimately deal with such things. Anyone who wants to be told for sure 'this many fingers pressing this hard and moving in this direction will be legal as long as it doesn't go beyond this point' is living in a child's dream. It's all negociable, although sometimes there may be a Crown on the other side.

Given the huge enforcement task of checking what happens in private rooms and how easy it is to stretch other licenses or no license at all, the bylaw differences make little practical difference to sensible patrons.
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