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Boys Club: Private Catholic school privilege and a culture of cover up | Four Corners


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Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I am bored on a Sunday Morning!

The Australian Version of St Michael College School

Catholic all-boys schools are not the best breeding ground for men—but it’s not easy letting go of years of raunchy homecomings and other school boy stuff. What can we do? By GIAN LAO


"Private schools are businesses folks. Even Catholic schools. They can talk about religion all they want but at the end of the day the top priority is money. So long as the school performs well academically, the school keeps their accreditation. So if kids do badly, grades get inflated. I remember one student in my senior year who was supposed to fail economics but his grade got inflated. There is an open secret in the Catholic schools that they inflate grades to keep their accreditation. The notion that they are somehow better than the public schools is bogus. They are just as flawed."

The Toxic Sexism of Catholic All-Boys Schools
St. Michael's College School made headlines after some of its football players were accused of brutally attacking another student. Where do so-called good boys get such bad ideas?

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