2015 Playboy Playmate of the Year Dani Mathers posted this pic a few days ago on Snapchat body shaming this unsuspecting woman at an LA Fitness. LAPD is now conducting a criminal investigation for taking the pic. She has been suspended from her regular radio show gig the "Heidi and Frank" show on KLOS 95.5 and has been banned from all L.A. Fitness facilities.
Now everyone pretty much has a high quality camera on their cellphone, therefore, privacy is non-existent. Anyone can take a picture or video at anytime without your consent or you even knowing. Also, not everybody can be a Playboy model. This poor woman probably will not go back the gym and her confidence shot. She's not the ugly one Dani, you are!
Now everyone pretty much has a high quality camera on their cellphone, therefore, privacy is non-existent. Anyone can take a picture or video at anytime without your consent or you even knowing. Also, not everybody can be a Playboy model. This poor woman probably will not go back the gym and her confidence shot. She's not the ugly one Dani, you are!